When it’s time to make the closing argument to the jury, Jack Smith should turn things over to Jeff Tiedrich to make the closing argument for the prosecution’s case. And here it is, already written!

No bleeps or other edits allowed.

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😂😂🇺🇲🇺🇲⚖️⚖️. Jeff Tiedrich would SLAY in closing arguments. Do it on PPV, donating to folks on Maui.

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Taylor Swift will be jealous of all the attention Jeff is getting!

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Fuck, let's get Taylor to write a song about it!

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I vote for this idea! I would tune in to watch & listen!

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any trumper on the jury would listen to jeff and vote to convict!!!!!

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Oh I wish that were true.

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I'd pay real money to see that.

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Oh yeah. I would pay big bucks to see that! Do we still have Pay-Per-View??

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Yes. Nothing else need be said. Thank you, man. For all you do. Helps us get through these weird, weird, exhausting times.

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The whole fiasco really drives home the point that there are different “laws” for the rich/celebrities/media fodder. The orange trumpanzee is the star of the US gossip rag - the country is one big National Inquirer-every minute/day/week and now years. Please jail that fucker.

xoxo Canada

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"The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread." - Anatole France

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Reality TV, which I thought was the most stupid waste of time as "entertainment " 25+ years ago is now real Reality for millions in this country. Politics, too that became the casino congress and hate your fellow citizens. How sad. But more how infuriating that these morons can't tell shit from shinola.

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He divulged Israeli intelligence to Russians in the Oval Office early in his term. This is not a one-off. Why did Jared get $2b from the Saudis? what did the treasonous orange bastard trade for that? Who else did he share the stolen documents with - from Mar-a-Lardo to the golf club/cemetery in NJ? What did he take with him every time he left the country? What was shared at the two hour tete-a-tete with his bff Putin of which no transcript exists? We are kidding ourselves if we believe he did not profit from, in one way or another, the documents he retained for years. Why else did he take them?

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There was a translator in that meeting. I often wonder if she’s still around. She surrendered her

notes, then disappeared?

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I have wondered if Putin had the translator 'disappeared' to keep any of the conversation from becoming public. It would be his MO as a KGB operative.

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She was a Russian interpreter and I understood no English language version was made available. In fact, I believe the indication was the notes were deatroyed. I've long wondered why a meeting in the Oval with 2 of Putin's top aides, a clearly warm and jovial exchange, was able to be kept secret from Americans and why

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...and does anyone know why Ivana was buried at his NJ golf club? And why there were so many pall bearers for such a small person? Surely the many, many US intelligence agencies know some things. Why is Trump being allowed to claim "witch hunt" for everything? Is he the bait in some sort of international trap? Someone please explain it.

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tax purposes. There is a tax break for having a cemetery on the property. That was pretty well documented at the time.

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That is so...transactional. (Yeah, I know he is like that and seems incapable of empathy. It's still gross.)

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The other thing about Ivanna is that she was reportedly cremated. So..the casket and all the pall bearers???

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exactly and the republicans AND the democrats are just ignoring all of this and allowing DUMP to run for president and remain free.. I DO NOT GET IT

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Will he use them for blackmail if he gets more desperate?

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The only surprising thing about

the secrets he divulged is that he

did it for free.. as far as we know. He had a moment of weakness where his ego got the better of his greed. Bet he’s kicking himself in the ass for that right about now.

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I was starting have a little faith in our justice system, but this final straw has really shaken it. That bloated traitorous gasbag should be locked up NOW and held incommunicado till trial, after which he’ll rot in jail, if justice is ever served

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The years of endless hand slaps should come to a screetching halt. The tangerine turd continues to push all boundaries of the legal system without any consequences that are mandated when out on bail. The only way to shut him up isn't a gag order which never works but to put his felonious diaper covered ass in the place he fears the most.

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He wouldn't last 15 seconds.

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Oh come on it takes longer than that to bleed out!

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Or East Palo Alto!

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Probably is one of many besides the big house.

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Donito Assolini

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I'm still waiting for karma to come down on this fucked up, piece of melted shit who can't keep his gods damned mouth shut about anything. Like INSTANT KARMA!!! Now. Immediately.

What the hell are the people on charge of this shit waiting for?


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Maybe because what 130 odd conspirators are is in the Congress and Senate. We are one election away from "project 2025" because a good percentage of this country doesn't want democracy and stopped respecting long ago. What happens when one party cannot win a majority but still wants power? Or worse, have it and will do anything to keep and increase it.

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Once those in this country who “doesn’t want democracy “ realize that their constitutional rights and freedoms are gone it will be too late to turn back the clock. They will have no one to blame but themselves. “ Project 2025” is real and preparation is under way as we speak. Wake up people— the threat from within is real!

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Agreed. Then again there are those that think everything is solved with only the 2nd amendment. They will learn too late that you are right. But wake up...someone would have to wake them. Not sure they can figure it out for themselves.

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Trumps minions do not, for the most part, want to be woken up. It would be considered a black stain to be woke up?! That’s why all of the independent voters and blue voters cannot be apathetic this coming election. People need to get out and vote blue! Our democracy depends on it.

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And just think , all this would never have happened if Hillary was President. If Comey hadn’t pulled the email bullshit and if he had brought up Trump’s possible Russia collusion on that fateful night ...

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Rudy G is the one that convinced Comey to do it. That drunken mother fucker

has done so much damage to our country. And his total ruined life does not come

anywhere near enough to be called justice.

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Yup.. He went on FOX before the election saying “we have a few surprises left”.. Giuliani has always been a shit with selective leaks of information.. some true some not and fall where they may… Comey was weak, should have said no ..or played fair by offering up Russian collusion on Trump’s side to even the score. How fucking stupid do you have to be to not see what would be created?!! The world as we know it has changed because of this action . From taxes, to debt, to bigotry, to Saudi Arabia, to stolen lives, stolen monies, stolen documents.. the list of crippling actions is never fucking ending and continues as I write this .. Even the attack on Israel with Russian monies to Hamas and to Iran .. Ain’t it great ?

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...because he was "trying to be faaaaiiiiir"

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The last people who divulged secrets like this were the Rosenbergs. Julius & questionably, Ethel. They were executed because of our Espionage Act. They did not rape, kill cops, call out racist slurs, they did not remove the rights of others, they did not speak for book banning. And then there’s Snowden, Winner etc who all carefully exposed international crime and were treated as treasonous criminal. I am no longer interested in prison for trump & the rest of the traitorous lunatics in the republican party. The death penalty should be the only acceptable punishment.

The US will destroy your life if you dare tell the embarrassing truth. But take down democracy and foment violence over and over again, and we have to give it deep thought and massive delays in vetting ANY punishment.

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Every single day I ask myself 300 times or more: how is this possible in the UnTIED STATES of AMERICA that this traitorous, malignant, human cancer on our society walks freely inciting violence? How do we say we are a nation of rules and laws with this example and including the colluding with capitalists among members of our EXtreme Court? What in the fuckity fuck is going on here? All of these heathens should be locked in a stockade in the public square.

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Since learning that tfg shared nuclear submarine secrets with some rando at his tacky roach-infested golf motel, it isn’t much of a stretch to think that he shared the same info with his puppet master vladdy 🤷‍♀️

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Cannon has to go.

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Unbelievable that “the cult” will still find excuses for him! Big time gag order needed. Take away every means of contacting anyone else. Oh! Is that prison? What a shame! 🤪

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I find the deference Donny is receiving from the DOJ quite nauseating. He occupied the White House, but he was no president. He doesn't deserve it. He should pay for his treachery, post haste.

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Lock him up, burn the original key, then sell NFTs of the key to his cultists and use the money as reparations for all the people hurt by that iridescent idiot's indiscretions.

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This is THE BIG FLAW in our government. We’ve had situations in the past which for one reason or another were “forgiven” if (so called) important people were involved.

Rachel Maddow did an 8-part podcast series about events in the 1940’s. In the final episode we learn that 24 congressmen went on trial for sedition (working with the Germans) The trial became a months long 3-ring circus (a la Gym Jordan multiplied by 24). After months of getting nowhere the judge died of a heart attack & the DOJ/FBI gave up.

Great series.


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I heard it. And no doubt our current AG knows it as well. We came close to trying Nixon and had we it would be different today.

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At least we are not alone in our knowledge and yet, the way back?

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