If DeFascist and his supporters and apologists cannot embrace truth, facts, evidence, and science -they have no business governing. I imagine it stems from an accurate fear that a well-educated and well-informed voter won’t vote for a bunch of a*holes.

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DeFascist. Well put. 👍

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I like the term “DeFascist”! I hope you don’t mind my using it in the place of DeSatan.

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Gitmo piss boy

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I've always called him DeathSantis, he's a creepy sort who enjoyed prisoners being tortured at Gitmo...a brutal, masochist to his core.

DeathSantis and Karen as the President and First Lady would be a nightmare...Karen wearing those elbow length gloves won't spare them from the filth they've created.

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Jul 24, 2023·edited Jul 24, 2023

Instead of Karen, I call her Serena DeSantis...And just perhaps the gloves were worn on a day that she had unexplainable bruises. That would not shock me.

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Me either. He strikes me as a man that abuses his spouse and children.

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Excellent description. He’s one of the reasons I departed Florida 5 years ago. I saw the handwriting on the wall.

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With his hateful mindset it's concerning the level of support he's garnered. Karen's money to push his political rising will hopefully run out sooner verses later, together they are a nightmare.

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I fully agree. He will keep on being the ‘Trumpublican’ his ‘sheep’ want him to be. And he will totally destroy Florida befriend he leaves office.

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Love DeFascist (the name, not the um, person) -- totally purloining this one.

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It’s true. Republican politicians fear a well educated populace. They’ve been dismantling public education for years and insuring that private schools and universities are too expensive for most.

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The gaslighting of Americans has to end. DeSantis and others like him are afraid of "wokeness" because it means the younger generations might become less bigoted, and white males will no longer be seen as the superior beings. By teaching such nonsense to schoolchildren, they are indoctrinating them to continue the racism and bigotry.

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Man. If these particular white males are the best "superior beings" we can crank out, we deserve to be truly fucked.

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Wokeness exposes them, which is why they fear it.

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MAGA are a bunch of freaking groomers.

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That’s the point. It all starts with education. But it’s really called indoctrination.

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oh gee, i thought that's what we are doing? kidding.

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I’ve actually wanted to tweet at Defascist asking him when he’ll require teaching that Jews learned useful skills while in the camps that they could use later in life if they survived being gassed. This is fucked up in every way.

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Don't forget the opportunities for weight loss. Auschwitz-Birkenau was practically a spa.

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And if they can learn about the horrors of slavery, how about some actual truth about our country was stolen from the indigenous peoples, using guns, germs, and steel? Manifest destiny, my ass. Genocide was more like it.

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what we really need to understand is that the north may have won the battles that ended the civil war, but the south never really accepted that it lost. lost slavery yes, but nothing else, and for 150 years the ideology of the south and white entitlement has continued it's insidious growth in the american psyche. why would we have named all those forts and military bases after confederates and allowed all those southern 'hero's' to have statues built in their honor? they may not have won, but they didn't lose either.

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When I was still working as a nurse in hospitals in the south, there were many older patients who refused to be cared for by a Black nurse or nurse’s aid. This was only 8 years ago and it disgusted me.

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Around that same time, my son married a woman from Japan. My stepmom told me that she could never accept her because of WWII. This shit makes me tired.

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I usually ask people who I suspect of being racists, “If you were being washed away in a flash flood and a rescue boat comes to your aid with EMTs that happen to be POC, do you tell them you’ll wait for the next boat that hopefully will be operated by an all white crew?” Do you ask them who they voted for in the last election? If you answer that skin color/ Democrat would be unacceptable, expect to drown. See how stupid racism is?

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It was a culture shock living in Tennessee and South Carolina. Very pretty, and I encourage everyone to travel, but I was happy when I got home to Chicago.

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Jul 23, 2023·edited Jul 23, 2023

I plan to never venture south of the Mason-Dixon Line again. There are wackos everywhere, but the greatest concentration of verifiable full-blown wackaloons seems to be down there. Maybe it's the heat....

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Beale Street was great - Memphis was fun - but yes, even 8 years ago I saw pickup trucks flying the confederate flag, before trump. I don’t plan on going south again either.

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Linda- I will not set foot in TX or FL plus the rest of the South.

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I said the same 9 years ago. Haven't been there since.

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and among those states, avoid Texas, always worth the drive-around.

West of San Antonio you're good :-)

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My son lives in NC. He’s told me for years about the snide remarks at work, being passed over for promotions because he has a Polish last name which he’s very proud of, and he’s a yankee.

I go to visit my son and his family, but since Trump, I’m not comfortable there. I’m always glad to be back home in PA these last 8 years.

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I get it. I remember one shift I received a call from a nurse: “Keeyum, Ah need ta give ya report on my patient being transferred to the Ah See Yew”. I mistakenly replied, “It’s the ICU, I can barely understand your accent.” “No, Keeyum, y’all have that dayum yankee accent.”

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I remember one time I met one of my son’s coworker “Are yew David’s mama? All the way from Pittsburgh?” Pittsburgh’s like all of a 6 hour road-trip to Winston-Salem.

He was being polite, but sounded weird to my northern ears. The other thing is they all say “Hey” instead of “Hi” or “Hello”. It grates on my nerves and I don’t know why.

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Id discharge their ass on the streets if I ran that hospital... suddenly the doubters believe in science and medicine when they get sick but it dont cur racism.

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The January 6th insurrection was a Confederate attack on the Union.

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And some very very stupid grandchildren of immigrants from eastern states. No brains

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We won the war but lost the peace. The plantation owners made sure that the lives of former slaves were about as bad as when they were slaves. Share cropping, Jim Crow, poll taxes, the KKK...

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They were too easy on the South during reconstruction. We need to be careful not to repeat that mistake.

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Absolutely. We should have stamped out the plantation oligarchy but we didn’t. Now, 130+ years later, we’re still paying the price. The “south” acts like they would still like to secede, but we, the blue states, subsidize them. I think we should come up with a way to prevent our hard-earned dollars going into the pockets of the oligarchs instead of the citizens of those states.

I live in Illinois, which means that my tax dollars go outside my state. We only see 60 cents return on the dollar where many red states get much more than they ever pay in taxes. We need to work on a much more equitable way of allocating our tax dollars. For example, Florida doesn’t have a state tax, but they are hit by hurricanes and expect the rest of us to bail them out. This is one of the things that should change.

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But they didn't lose slavery. The 13th amendment allows involuntary servitude (i.e. slavery) for anyone convicted of a crime, which set up a whole economic system of convict labor that is alive and well today. And it's fed by law enforcement across the country -- NOT just in the South -- that preferentially targets black men, convicting them more often, giving them harsher sentences.

Some of the more notorious examples are in the South, like the 95 bodies of convict laborers found buried in Sugar Land, TX a few years ago, who had been leased out to Imperial Sugar. But given that the practice has spread across the US -- the profiling of minorities, the practice of leasing out convict labor -- it's not just in the South any more. You might be justified in thinking that it was more of a draw.

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One can never rest, fighting against these forces of evil. You never get to wipe your hands clean and say, wow, glad we eliminated all the evil in the world. It’s a never ending battle. I’m thankful for voices like Jeff’s that put this into stark reality. Keep on fighting.

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I think Americans on both sides of the political divide need to stop pushing their respective ideologies and touch base with material reality. Slavery was horrid, cruel and psychotic. That's how we should teach it. It happened. It was wrong. No excuses.

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Of all the anodyne bullshit the right wing uses to mask white people fuckery, the slavery was not so bad trope is the worst.

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fk’n jeff possibly your best work and that’s saying something

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Thank you for including that Germany teaches about the holocaust. They have an established program to educate all their citizens in an effort to prevent that horrible part of their history from ever happening again. This fact isn’t mentioned enough in our media.

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Germany may teach about the holocaust, as well they should, but we don't have a national policy. States can apparently teach as little or as much as they wish, with as little or as much regard for the truth as they wish. And this is why we continue to churn out ignorant, stupid citizens. And this is why we have ignorant evil people in many positions in our state and federal goverment. Look and see how we place against other student populations from multiple countries in tests for general knowledge. We are WAAAY down there. I think we are well on our way to becoming the "shit hole" country our former "leader" accused other countries of being. I'm not seeing a big epiphany coming that will save us from shitholery. Hope I am wrong.

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...and we will completely deserve it if we do nothing to change.

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"Stop the bullshit?" But Jeff, that's our main export man. Don't you care about the economy?? :p

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Here in Portugal - and in Spain as well - citizenship has been offered to those who can show that they are descendant from Sephardic Jews who had to flee the Inquisition. It is never too late for a society to face its ugly past and try to make amends.

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In this case, 500 years.

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Exactly. And there is no denying Portugal's role in the slave trade. I am not holding it up as an example of righteousness, but rather as one of some attempt at accountability. Citizens of former Portuguese colonies are welcome to come here and request citizenship. The result after centuries of immigration in both directions is a mosaic of colours and origins across the former Portuguese world and here at home. Of course there is racism. There is racism among and within racial groups everywhere. But here is not like the US. A willingness to confront and deal with the ugliness does make a difference.

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I am in Spain, living two blocks away from one of the great Jewish Quarters of Europe. One of the reasons for the growth of right wing popularity so soon after Franco is the unease with which the Spaniards greet Moroccans who have arrived in great numbers, often overwhelming small town populations.

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It's a conundrum and I don't think any country has figured it out. But to figure it out one has to look at it honestly and dispassionately and I don't think a dispassionate examination is what is happening in the US right now.

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The US could have easily dealt with its immigration problem. Imagine if it had spent 10% of its Cold War anti communist budget on helping the economy and democracy of its southern neighbors. Instead of enriching the defense industry it could have created valuable trade partners and stable nations. But no, swagger and fear and short term profit rule our politics.

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People, people! Please. Let's get back to the really serious issue of Hunter Biden. "Whistleblowers." The horror.

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Geez, I've lost track of that whistleblower again.. wasn't he dead for a while?

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Comer has Jethro Bodine, Double Naught Spy hunting him down.

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Why aren’t we boycotting Florida sports teams?

Get the spring training camps out of there, put it to the NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL to get on board with not putting up with this crap?

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These fools, DeSatin and company, are using arguments to soften the blow of slavery, the velvet glove approach.

These are the same arguments Confederates (traitors) used in the years preceding the War and during the War.

A mere review of various Confederate state constitutions tells the reader what, how and why slavery must be upheld.

Veterans of the Grand Army of the Republic warned America of these canards after the War, warned America not to fall for this BS.

It’s all well documented for those who wish to read it, before it’s too late.

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