
counterpoint: Joyce Vance, an actual prosecutor and law professor writes about why Jack Smith and Judge Chutkan would want to go out of their way to avoid jailing Trump pre-trial: https://joycevance.substack.com/p/if-you-go-after-me

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Yes. I read that. Although, I think they should consider an ankle bracelet and house arrest, and limited speech on the internet. He is banking on getting his coffers filled, which he needs to, to pay his ongoing criminal bills. Wondering who is bankrolling him. I think there should be a list published headed by the line THESE ARE NOT LAW AND ORDER PEOPLE BECAUSE THEY SUPPORT CRIMINALS. Reading an article yesterday that says people who support Trump cannot even see this as he has done something wrong, it is all about the corrupt Biden going after him for freedom of speech as an election campaign tactic. Well, these people might as well live in Russia, because they are as easily manipulated by the trash radio they listen to and television that they watch.

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I agree on the ankle bracelet and house arrest and no internet. Maybe duct tape his mouth as well.

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anything that embarrasses him would be great

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We're rapidly approaching the point where I suggest we just give him the punishment and then go through the legal motions of whether or not he deserves it.

I am really fucking tired of how he's "law and order" when it comes to the consequences of his actions, but not for his actual actions. Just fucking jail him or inject him or what the fuck ever. There isn't even a possibility of a reasonable doubt without some kind of loophole.

Fuck that guy. Fuck being fair to him. Fuck his rights. He doesn't care about anyone else's so he shouldn't have any.

Yes, that speaks for a lot of Conservaturds. This is why no one lets me run anything. My patience would end and I'd get like this.

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And all this from the guy who called for the death penalty for 5 people wrongly convicted, and refused to apologize because that would violate Roy Cohn's rules of lifelong criming. Could never admit he was wrong because a narcissist is incapable of that.

“You have people on both sides of that,” the president said when asked about the wrongly convicted defendants.

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He can read both sides of some rude hand gestures.

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It's the effect that would have on his followers that is something to be cautious about.

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Great. Line them up next. They're just as exhausting.

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exhausting is the right word!

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I’m not sure I agree. If we’re doing this correctly, maybe we follow the law & leave the political implications to law enforcement

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Vance is great and her point on this one is well founded.

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Not if the imprisonment is without possibility of pre-trial release.

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I’d like to see travel restrictions put in place too. He should have to petition the court to go ANYWHERE.

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Some wags are out there insisting that he wants to bring things to a head to play the victim. But he’s genuinely just fucking stupid, and has not a single notion that he cannot craft reality. This is a stupidity that has deep, deep roots. Madness, too, of course, but mainly stupidity. He cheats in every aspect of his life, and cannot imagine that he can’t simply cheat his way through this. I’m still hoping that he get crushed by a falling frozen block of blue airplane toilet waste, but barring that, humiliation in the courtroom isn’t such a bad next step.

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I'm rooting hard for the toilet waste.

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A habit of thinking formed from birth (con and con again and throw money at lawyers if anyone complains) isn't easily broken, especially with all those cognitive issues he has. I don't want him dead. I want him awake and aware enough to witness his own failing, loss of influence, loss of power, loss of freedom.

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I’ve come to believe that he has crossed the borders of delusionland forever. Even if he was found guilty and imprisoned, he would only perceive that through the lens of his pathology. To acknowledge his failings is beyond him; to admit that he has lost would be synonymous with death for him. I’m hoping that he’ll either flee the country, or join the choir invisible (as John Cleese would say).

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Totally. I’m not a psychologist but it’s so obvious. Admitting that he lost is not a possibility for his psychosis

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I say let him buy an island somewhere, take all his followers, and start his own damn country and run it the way he wants to. Let them see how awful that would be for them, and then don't let them run back home.

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Amen to that!!

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His lawyers are truly laughable. One of them needs to get in his face and tell him to shut the fuck up, risking being fired but at least he/she could say they tried

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Do you think he has a soul? My master once said, "Not everything that walks on 2 legs is a human being." In this case........

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Toilet waste from Air Force One! That would be epic. Plus have FOX News there to get it with him.....

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Yes! 🛩️🎯

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I wish Trump a long life behind bars, the longer the better to heal democracy here and worldwide and to slowly, slowly bring around the cult of undereducated dotards that have been at the mercy of a ruthless media machine feeding on those with no media literacy skills.

The improvement of his diet by the prison food would add 5 years to his life to aid in this effort.

But I will hold the blue airplane toilet waste as a close second, particularly if it were on TV.

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It's the stupid people who love him because he is right at their level of stupid.

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Who isn’t looking forward to NBC’s “Prison Apprentice” (or “Orange is the New Orange”) ... coming soon?

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I would absolutely love to see Little Donny Fuckface in an orange jumpsuit.

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Quite the fashion statement when one’s outfit matches one’s skin tone.

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Do they allow bronzer in prison?

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That just might make him shut the hell up for a change. There's probably a jumpsuit available that not only matches his sprayed on complexion but fits his fit as a fiddle physique.

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With room for his Depends...

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Yup and his prison laundromat will all of a sudden have a manpower shortage.

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If this was you or me we would have been in jail after the first post. Now its been 4 posts and that fucker is still out running his orange anus mouth. The only way to shut him up is to lock him up with no access to his stupid social media site, no access to a phone or computer or anything. Solitary confinement would be appropriate!

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May I correct you, Carol, please.

If this were you, or me, we wouldn’t have ever known the first indictment was ever issued. The U. S. Marshals armed squad would roust us out of bed in the darkness of middle of the night and then thrown our behinds in a jail cell until trial. We wouldn’t even be allowed to walk out if the courtroom after arraignment. We’d still be in jail.

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I stand corrected!

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No sweat, Carol. You were correct on this:

“ The only way to shut him up is to lock him up with no access to his stupid social media site, no access to a phone or computer or anything. Solitary confinement would be appropriate!”

Absolutely correct, to be quite frank about it. I’d put his ass in a hole in solitary confinement and throw the damn key away.

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And if we were Black, we would have been shot in the face, still groggy in bed, for not moving fast enough and resisting arrest.

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Ain't THAT the truth!

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I can’t speak for law enforcement today, but the 27+ years I spent wearing a badge that wasn’t out attitude. But I’ll say this eith the utmost seriousness. Thus is exactly that I taught in the academy to recruits.

“If the ‘perp’ raises a weapon and you don’t take him out, we’ll be attending your funeral. You give the order to drop his weapon, and he refuses raising it, just remember at that point it’s you or him. One walks away. One goes in a body bag.”

I never cared what sex, or color the person was.

Plus, just to clear this up, I had occasion to be involved in three incidents where I actually had to discharge a firearm. Two were in close incidents at homes, one was sniper shot. All three people died. All three were color other than black. And to this very day I still have extremely bad nightmares about them.

That’s all I’m discussing them. I’ve told you more than I tell my doctor…

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Yea, I agree that’s how it is supposed to work.

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Aug 6, 2023·edited Aug 6, 2023

I hope Chutkan goes ahead and jails him without possibility of release pre-trail.

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How much more rope does he need anyway? He’s proven he’s incapable of abiding by the rules of law. Just lock his fetid ass up until the trial begins. Bet delay delay delay would go out the window then.

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Aug 6, 2023·edited Aug 6, 2023

Absolutely. Every time he’s given another chance, he sees it as a get out of jail free card. He’s like a child testing while watching for a response. If someone doesn’t enforce a limit, which apparently no one ever has, he’ll not only continue but also escalate.

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This is part of the heart of the problem.

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Dare I hope that this light at the end of the tunnel is not just another oncoming train?

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The very rich or at least, the ones that pretend they are very rich are all like this, they've never experienced consequences of their actions. Their daddies, lawyers, etc. are always there to pay off or intimidate people. I hope Smith keeps on when he is done with Donnie.

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I would dearly love to see him locked up, but in this case I would accept him under house arrest, wearing an ankle bracelet, with no access to texting or social media. If his sons, attorneys, spokespeople, aides, members of Congress, or anyone else says or posts anything threatening, they should join him.

I’m fed up with this nonsense. We would have been locked up awaiting trial for the documents case, let alone this one.

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We are all well beyond fed up

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Welcome to the Finding Out portion of the show

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“Big beautiful bubbles, water pressure in new homes..”

I mean what in the actual fuck?

He needs to be institutionalized in the mental ward where nice young men in their white starched coats are able to change his diapers, tell him he’s the very bestest president ever. I can’t take it anymore, someone anyone take away his aderall, his cocaine and that fucking bathroom chandelier where all the uber secret, secret documents were located. Geeeesh. It’s way to early for me to hit the pipe, but hey, it is Sunday morning in AZ.🥴

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Hysterical 😜 I think I’ll also get my pipe

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YES YES YES. Like Zappa said, "They're coming to take him away, hey hey - to the funny farm, where life is beautiful all day long, and he'll be sad to see those nice young men in their clean white suits......." If only!

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We may all need to go to rehab for schadenfreude addiction. She'll lock up the parking lot lawyers first. That's the attention-getter. She better get his fucking passport, because he'll run when he runs out of weasel room.

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Ah, yes--straight into Putin's welcoming arms....or, maybe, Kim Jong Un's. Wonder how long it will be before they eject him from their respective countries....maybe he can buy an island somewhere. Is Alcatraz for sale?

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Actually, I think it is!

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Parnas and Fruman, Peter Navarro, Jeffrey Epstein were all arrested at the airport. When you're a star...

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He won’t need a passport for Russia. Putin will allow him in to claim asylum there. She better ground and impound his plane, and put a threat on his lilts Ajax won’t wash off.

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I like everyone else would like to see the fat fuck's diapered, skid mark producing, ass in jail. But I'd settle for his lawyers giving him an ultimatum which goes like this: You keep opening your big mouth and making our jobs impossible, we're quitting.

I'd take great pleasure in seeing the orange evil lying monster having to use public defenders to fight the, in the end, four criminal indictments.

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Nope, that would just get him another delay with the excuse that he can't find any defense attorneys, which he would love.

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If his lawyers (whom all his ‘sheep’ paid millions for) quit, then he’ll request continuance so he can obtain more lawyers. She’ll have to give him a time frame to obtain these lawyers, then the stall tactics continue because they’ll need time to bring themselves up to speed. Thus would mean an additional three months at least.

No, he needs to be incarcerated without computer, internet, phone, and under 34 hour watch by his lovable Secret Service agents.

The Federal Prison System has already said that they can accommodate a person of his political nature who has to be under the watchful eye of the Secret Service.

Lock his ass up! Then he’ll learn he’s not above the law.

What we have here is a person that grew up being given everything without working for it. He never had his ass best for doing no wring, because in mommy and daddy’s eyes he did no wrong. Of course, dear daddy was a member of the NY branch of the KKK. Does that tell us anything?

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True. I do hope he goes even further with his threats. She’ll throw him in the poky if only for a few days.,

And of course he’ll make money on it.? I don’t care anymore,

Or maybe she’ll find him a quarter million th

I be paid immediately.

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Fear not, Lorraine. He can’t reset his midnight tirades on his ‘Truth Social’!

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Just FYI, lots of great lawyers started out as public defenders & gained a hell of a respect from prosecutors along the way. Granted the defendants were all not guilty!😂😎🤓

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True bugg to how embarrassing to be a former president and can’t find a lawyer. Oh wait a minute, he can’t be embarrassed over anything.

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Yippie-ki- yay MF (as Bruce Willis would say!)

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While he believes he is just untouchable, we’ll see if the judge has the stones to smack him down and put him away forever

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