Donald Trump's entire adult life has been all about retaliation/retribution/revenge. He is absolutely consumed by it. He eats, lives and breathes it. I work with abused and battered women. The one feature that is utterly consistent is the warped mindset of abusers: they ALWAYS feel victimized and use that sense of victimization to justify abusing their partner/family. Trump's family was FUBAR, and now the entire world is paying for it.
What frightens me most is knowing what many abusers do when they lose the control they crave and feel completely entitled to: they burn everything to the ground (metaphorically speaking, mostly). I see Trump and the 1/6 insurrection as his/their example of losing control.
Abusers see their wives/partners/children as personal possessions to do with as they please, kind of how Trump regarded the presidency. Abusers often stalk and kill the women who have the audacity to leave them. We all know Trump is addicted to surrounding himself with people who just say yes to him all the time, no matter how wrong/foul/immoral/obnoxious/corrupt his idea is. He can't handle being told no.
I put nothing past Trump and his shit-flinging, ammosexual goons.
I was thinking more of Professor of Psychiatry, Dr Doede and not the Minority Report, although a good movie I fail to see the relevance of.
There were 28 doctors sited in the book of which they were in agreement to Sociopathic Narcissistic personality. The public information and public life of Trump was extensive enough to call it. This was before Mary Trump his niece said anything publicly to my knowledge.
This is one of the most illuminating things I have read in years, and not just about Donald Trump. It is beautifully serial and organized, gratifyingly cautious. Thank you so much.
Yes I know that person exactly and I hate them even though they’re dead. Much like I believe trumps wife must hate his guts-I can see it in her face-in her eyes-she’s waiting on him to die. I’d bet the farm she’s had to take a whipping at least once after someone made him feel small. That’s what these men do. Their partners pay for their losses regardless.
His latest campaign theme seems to be "I am your justice" so I suspect that someone told him "I am your retribution" might not sit too well with voters.
Exactly! You made me realize that I’ve always thought of trump mainly as a crazed criminal narcissist while not giving much thought to the abuser of women side of him even though or maybe because I’ve known and been abused by the very same kind of POS as trump-the man I’m referring to-like trump-loved an audience, loved hearing himself talk-would make up unbelievable story’s on the fly and no one questioned it’s truth. He was and had to be the alpha male in his surroundings-like Trump his lies were easily disputed and like trump he would wax indignant if you at all questioned any part of his lies and would never explain himself. If his ego was bruised you better watch out-something was said within my hearing that unbeknownst to me made him feel small-I got my ass beat that night first and last time! He never admitted failure no never. He’s dead.
I've often wondered whether -- aside from how badly his parents fucked him up -- there wasn't some specific pathological incident that led to his being shipped off to military school.
Buggering the neighbor boy. Assaulting a housekeeper.
Butchering a dog or cat.
This dude is fucked up in ways that all point to ancient, rooted perversions.
Hi Jeff, Me? Well I’m looking forward to a 40 megaton radioactive dump by Emperor Doreto, along with ketchup stained walls, his upper palate plate being dislodged, a litany of the absurd among other deviant behavior... Let’s not forget that if Donald wishes to stop the rape trial he can provide a DNA sample...Just Do It Donald. BTW Judge Kaplan doesn’t put up with any BS in his court... It’s popcorn and Scotch time😳
Please be right. Please. This just can’t go unchecked since no one seems inclined to pin Jan 6 on him in a way that puts his treasonous ass in jail. Still shocking he is even allowed to run for office. I put that on McConnell.
I hope Truth Social has rented some additional server space to handle the volume of all-caps “Truths” coming this weekend. If not, Donnie’s loosely organized grey matter won’t be the only thing that melts down.
One thing that I have not seen anything written about anywhere is this, and you are the man for the job:
How completely idiotic it was for Trump to ask Raffensperger to find *a single vote* more than the official count- as if he could reverse a vote count already called for Biden, and win by A SINGLE VOTE, and then imagine that everybody would be completely fine with that and say, "Welp, I thought Biden won by twelve thousand or something, but it looks like Trump won by a single vote, time to move on."
I think a kid trying to steal the 5th grade student council vote would know better than that.
The republican Georgia governor and state Congress are trying to take down to Fanni Willis. Hopefully that won’t happen and these indictments come down hard on all these fuckwads. It can’t happen soon, enough!
Republicans can't win if they don't cheat so they're lining up a whole string of cheating around the country, including the newest one, trying to suppress, repress and oppress the youth vote. When Kellyanne appears at one of their big events withn a poll showing youth hates the Republicans and will not vote for them, as they all start voting, they are scared shitless.
Heather Cox Richardson's substack essay on 4/20 was a long list of recent GOP malfeasance. Just one bit was this, speaking of cheating to win:
"Josh Dawsey and Amy Gardner of the Washington Post reported that lawyer Cleta Mitchell, who was deeply involved in Trump’s attempt to overturn the 2020 presidential election, this weekend told Republican donors that the party must restrict access to the vote for young voters. Gen Z voters were the key element in providing the extraordinary 11-point victory for pro-choice Wisconsin supreme court candidate Janet Protasiewicz, and they are central to the movement to enact gun safety legislation."
"Far from being ostracized for her attempt to overthrow our democratic system, Mitchell is advising the Republican National Committee. In her presentation she declared: “Our constitutional republic’s survival is at stake.” "
Almost in my entire long life, she would have been ostracized by now because all the people who back her would have also been ostracized. We need an enormous effort to kill off this whole toxic, nasty movement against what the vast majority of the country wants. The tyranny of the minority who always twists the rules to deliver against their intent.
Indeed. We seem to get an ebb and tide with the fascists & authoritarianism movements; after WW2 and the Reagan republican "business " backed efforts. Truly we have to fight against it at every level. In the past it seems to have been factions but now it appears party-wide and bigger.
Never would the likes of Trump been even a consideration when you think of the WW2 generation sense of honor. The guy would not have been tolerated much less a candidate. That appeal is what is universally scary.
And his cult firmly believe that he has literally been annointed and chosen by God to be president. Whose God, I have no clue, but certainly not the one I was raised to believe in. Granted, I don't do God or religion of any sort anymore (thanks, four years of Catholic high school!), but still.
Unfortunetly the repubelickcunts are the ones with all the guns. Dems need to start fighting back. Sometimes ya gotta fight dirty if that's what your opponent does
"Donald Trump, Rudy Ratbrain, Batshit McKraken,"- come on Jeff....surely you have a nice variation for DJT?
Georgia, Georgia
The whole indictment day through
An' just an ole RICO trial
Keeps Georgia on my mind. (ok...there is a reason I don't write songs but you get it.)
So Breaking alert on my phone just spread the good news that Tucker Carlson is out at FCN!!!! Wonder why that happened one might ask. Gotta get over to Twitter and find out so have yourselves a great week. Ciao!
My dreams are coming true! An end to my deep dark depression may be around the corner! Whoaz me, it’s been a hard road to travel and many a time I felt like laying down in the middle of it and just giving up. But wait! A new day is dawning! I see there might be a way - an opportunity to overcome this misery of the last 7 years. I hope I hope I hope
Trump's paying a lot of other people's legal fees. Wonder how long that will go on. And won't that be fun to watch. So many criminals. Trump a criminal producing machine.
I just have to laugh out loud every time that's said anywhere, those dimwits donating massive amounts of money to this guy they like because they think he's so rich and made all his money on his smarts. Well, his corrupt smarts because he's always fleecing the dimwits. The only real money he's made -- and not able to hang on to apparently -- is from the sycophants. He is still selling off a lot of what his father left him and he cashes out because he needs that money. Grifter is an early appellation for him and it really fits him best. Carnival barker type and the rubes love it.
Donald Trump's entire adult life has been all about retaliation/retribution/revenge. He is absolutely consumed by it. He eats, lives and breathes it. I work with abused and battered women. The one feature that is utterly consistent is the warped mindset of abusers: they ALWAYS feel victimized and use that sense of victimization to justify abusing their partner/family. Trump's family was FUBAR, and now the entire world is paying for it.
What frightens me most is knowing what many abusers do when they lose the control they crave and feel completely entitled to: they burn everything to the ground (metaphorically speaking, mostly). I see Trump and the 1/6 insurrection as his/their example of losing control.
Abusers see their wives/partners/children as personal possessions to do with as they please, kind of how Trump regarded the presidency. Abusers often stalk and kill the women who have the audacity to leave them. We all know Trump is addicted to surrounding himself with people who just say yes to him all the time, no matter how wrong/foul/immoral/obnoxious/corrupt his idea is. He can't handle being told no.
I put nothing past Trump and his shit-flinging, ammosexual goons.
I read something recently that in business, there can never be a win-win deal for Donald Trump. the other person always has to lose
Yes, he wants to pummel those who don't worship and hang on his every word. He must have the most fragile, damaged ego on the planet. #WEAK
Hes a textbook case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Or this:,rights%20and%20feelings%20of%20others.
I replied above your remark, but I'll say it again you're right. Orangemen is a whole bag of crazy!
Sociopathic narcissistic personality disorder per the many doctors that have written about him. The tittle escapes me but it came out around 2016/17.
I was thinking more of Professor of Psychiatry, Dr Doede and not the Minority Report, although a good movie I fail to see the relevance of.
There were 28 doctors sited in the book of which they were in agreement to Sociopathic Narcissistic personality. The public information and public life of Trump was extensive enough to call it. This was before Mary Trump his niece said anything publicly to my knowledge.
I will read further. I realize my post might sound dismissive and that was NOT intended.
I did subscribe to your newsletter and am interested in this & similar areas.
BTW, thank you for what you do!
This is one of the most illuminating things I have read in years, and not just about Donald Trump. It is beautifully serial and organized, gratifyingly cautious. Thank you so much.
In English means fucked up
It triggered the beast in him.
I don't think it's hard for his ego to be triggered. He seeks out perceived slights like a heat-seeking missile.
Yes I know that person exactly and I hate them even though they’re dead. Much like I believe trumps wife must hate his guts-I can see it in her face-in her eyes-she’s waiting on him to die. I’d bet the farm she’s had to take a whipping at least once after someone made him feel small. That’s what these men do. Their partners pay for their losses regardless.
Not this time. Flush Drumpf, ignorance should never prevail. Really, this or DeSantis is the best Lincoln's Party has to offer?
I smile, c'mon you guys, I prefer common sense . . . these people are pushing it.
His latest campaign theme seems to be "I am your justice" so I suspect that someone told him "I am your retribution" might not sit too well with voters.
He seems to think he's god....So do the evangelicals.
I’m sure he didn’t know the word before. His vocabulary is shockingly limited.
Exactly! You made me realize that I’ve always thought of trump mainly as a crazed criminal narcissist while not giving much thought to the abuser of women side of him even though or maybe because I’ve known and been abused by the very same kind of POS as trump-the man I’m referring to-like trump-loved an audience, loved hearing himself talk-would make up unbelievable story’s on the fly and no one questioned it’s truth. He was and had to be the alpha male in his surroundings-like Trump his lies were easily disputed and like trump he would wax indignant if you at all questioned any part of his lies and would never explain himself. If his ego was bruised you better watch out-something was said within my hearing that unbeknownst to me made him feel small-I got my ass beat that night first and last time! He never admitted failure no never. He’s dead.
I’m glad you’re free!
Well said, I have seen such nonsense myself. My best to you and those you help, eyes open.
Thank you for your work.
I've often wondered whether -- aside from how badly his parents fucked him up -- there wasn't some specific pathological incident that led to his being shipped off to military school.
Buggering the neighbor boy. Assaulting a housekeeper.
Butchering a dog or cat.
This dude is fucked up in ways that all point to ancient, rooted perversions.
Someone knew, maybe his brother.
Hi Jeff, Me? Well I’m looking forward to a 40 megaton radioactive dump by Emperor Doreto, along with ketchup stained walls, his upper palate plate being dislodged, a litany of the absurd among other deviant behavior... Let’s not forget that if Donald wishes to stop the rape trial he can provide a DNA sample...Just Do It Donald. BTW Judge Kaplan doesn’t put up with any BS in his court... It’s popcorn and Scotch time😳
Please be right. Please. This just can’t go unchecked since no one seems inclined to pin Jan 6 on him in a way that puts his treasonous ass in jail. Still shocking he is even allowed to run for office. I put that on McConnell.
I hope Truth Social has rented some additional server space to handle the volume of all-caps “Truths” coming this weekend. If not, Donnie’s loosely organized grey matter won’t be the only thing that melts down.
One thing that I have not seen anything written about anywhere is this, and you are the man for the job:
How completely idiotic it was for Trump to ask Raffensperger to find *a single vote* more than the official count- as if he could reverse a vote count already called for Biden, and win by A SINGLE VOTE, and then imagine that everybody would be completely fine with that and say, "Welp, I thought Biden won by twelve thousand or something, but it looks like Trump won by a single vote, time to move on."
I think a kid trying to steal the 5th grade student council vote would know better than that.
Trump believed he had the power to bulldoze is way through all this.
And the scary part is, he could have, with the support he had.
The republican Georgia governor and state Congress are trying to take down to Fanni Willis. Hopefully that won’t happen and these indictments come down hard on all these fuckwads. It can’t happen soon, enough!
Republicans can't win if they don't cheat so they're lining up a whole string of cheating around the country, including the newest one, trying to suppress, repress and oppress the youth vote. When Kellyanne appears at one of their big events withn a poll showing youth hates the Republicans and will not vote for them, as they all start voting, they are scared shitless.
Heather Cox Richardson's substack essay on 4/20 was a long list of recent GOP malfeasance. Just one bit was this, speaking of cheating to win:
"Josh Dawsey and Amy Gardner of the Washington Post reported that lawyer Cleta Mitchell, who was deeply involved in Trump’s attempt to overturn the 2020 presidential election, this weekend told Republican donors that the party must restrict access to the vote for young voters. Gen Z voters were the key element in providing the extraordinary 11-point victory for pro-choice Wisconsin supreme court candidate Janet Protasiewicz, and they are central to the movement to enact gun safety legislation."
"Far from being ostracized for her attempt to overthrow our democratic system, Mitchell is advising the Republican National Committee. In her presentation she declared: “Our constitutional republic’s survival is at stake.” "
Almost in my entire long life, she would have been ostracized by now because all the people who back her would have also been ostracized. We need an enormous effort to kill off this whole toxic, nasty movement against what the vast majority of the country wants. The tyranny of the minority who always twists the rules to deliver against their intent.
Indeed. We seem to get an ebb and tide with the fascists & authoritarianism movements; after WW2 and the Reagan republican "business " backed efforts. Truly we have to fight against it at every level. In the past it seems to have been factions but now it appears party-wide and bigger.
Never would the likes of Trump been even a consideration when you think of the WW2 generation sense of honor. The guy would not have been tolerated much less a candidate. That appeal is what is universally scary.
And his cult firmly believe that he has literally been annointed and chosen by God to be president. Whose God, I have no clue, but certainly not the one I was raised to believe in. Granted, I don't do God or religion of any sort anymore (thanks, four years of Catholic high school!), but still.
Like the way Hitler expected blind obedience. That's exactly what Trump expects. And sadly, the Republicans are giving it to him.
Unfortunetly the repubelickcunts are the ones with all the guns. Dems need to start fighting back. Sometimes ya gotta fight dirty if that's what your opponent does
Jeff, you made a remark about that the other day
Maybe a repost?
And David Koresh, Charles Manson, Jim Jones
Lots of people have unloving fathers and cold distant mothers and they manage to attempt to be decent people
"Donald Trump, Rudy Ratbrain, Batshit McKraken,"- come on Jeff....surely you have a nice variation for DJT?
Georgia, Georgia
The whole indictment day through
An' just an ole RICO trial
Keeps Georgia on my mind. (ok...there is a reason I don't write songs but you get it.)
So Breaking alert on my phone just spread the good news that Tucker Carlson is out at FCN!!!! Wonder why that happened one might ask. Gotta get over to Twitter and find out so have yourselves a great week. Ciao!
I’m sure he grifted on his way out.
Tucker Carlson is OUT. FOX news launches Carlson! Plus SCOTUS refuses to hear oil companies appeal! What the HELL is going on?
My dreams are coming true! An end to my deep dark depression may be around the corner! Whoaz me, it’s been a hard road to travel and many a time I felt like laying down in the middle of it and just giving up. But wait! A new day is dawning! I see there might be a way - an opportunity to overcome this misery of the last 7 years. I hope I hope I hope
His shit just keeps getting deeper. Hopefully he'll drown in it eventually! It's taking forever
Well, who knew today would start so well. Fox has fired Tucker Carlson.
Good. I hope he sells his place up here. He sure brainwashed the townsfolk.
Damn Son...perfectly pitched wordsmithy. Mad respect.
Trump's paying a lot of other people's legal fees. Wonder how long that will go on. And won't that be fun to watch. So many criminals. Trump a criminal producing machine.
Trump's not paying them, his brainless sycophants are. The only way money flows in his world is towards him.
I just have to laugh out loud every time that's said anywhere, those dimwits donating massive amounts of money to this guy they like because they think he's so rich and made all his money on his smarts. Well, his corrupt smarts because he's always fleecing the dimwits. The only real money he's made -- and not able to hang on to apparently -- is from the sycophants. He is still selling off a lot of what his father left him and he cashes out because he needs that money. Grifter is an early appellation for him and it really fits him best. Carnival barker type and the rubes love it.