I did not watch yesterday, nor will I watch any clips. This man took so much time and worry in my life and space. I'm angry that this conman is still able to lie, betray, and spread hate. What nakes me more upset how many talk about it. Stop giving him and his lies a platform.

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Claudia I’m with you 100%! I’m blaming the media as much as the evil fascists. We don’t have to let this monster invade our lives.

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100% right - I couldn't watch it at all. Fucking traitor to the United States of America.

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It's not possible for me to not watch CNN any more than I already don't watch.

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same here

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Trump loses his shit if anyone disagrees with him . He has the emotional maturity of a four year old .

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Fucking infuriating.

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Let’s face it. This was a televised Trump rally. Didn’t watch - didn’t have to. Nothing we haven’t already heard - he is incapable of original thought. How much did they pay him?

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exactly, the new right wing owners of CNN were hoping to cash in by recruiting a chunk of FOX's audience as they re-brand CNN into a toxic cesspool of garbage and further itself into irrevocable irrelevance

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Licht got rid of lots of serious people and then this is a nice lady but to give Trump a roomful of his own audience and no one else, this was free rally again. I'm heartened by reminders that Jack Smith had his eyes and ears on it, if not someone who will tell him did, as Trump throws more proof he did what he did. After six years of his oh, so obvious antics and why, you'd think people would know how to overpower it. Nope.

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So the Trump Fuck-a-thon continues.

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Well put.

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I also like being here so I can indulge my potty mouth. LOL. Permission.

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My concern is the billionaire donor class and those with an agenda that includes buying SCOTUS per Leonard Leo, Malone's intentions for CNN and their tools in Congress. Jan 6th isn't over it part of the media and corporate plan to take over.

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Your concerns are my same high-level concerns, maybe even high anxieties. I'm having to limit some of politics load each day because it starts affecting other parts of your life. What Leo has done with the SC is stunning. It's like we live in this house and we never heard the termites eating while we were sitting there not thinking anybody was really that awful. Bad miscalculation and for decades. Republicans of this bent and the ones who're shocked at what they've wrought, are the termites of democracy, munching away at all the fibers that hold it together.

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Maybe we should take “Eat the rich” seriously?

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I heard someone from Congress say, but if so, I do not recall the attribute, ,"Have you seen the price of eggs?" And all I could think of was,sheesh with

all those underage kids working illegally, likely cheating them out of a paycheck...yeah what's up with the price of eggs? The inflationary pricing also just providers cheating in eggs and all o er the food pricing we are seeing.

So, might need to go to that other "white meat" rich old white Republicans

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May 11, 2023·edited May 11, 2023

We’re in deep shit! I know I’m not saying anything different from what Jeff has been saying over and over again. The media is relentlessly shoveling crap at us and too many people lack discernment because we have been gaslit for so long. Greed and power are of utmost importance to all these bullshit artists. They are happily damaging this country, our democracy, our world standing, our future and everyone of us with very little personal consequences. The radioactive orange scumbag is unbelievably putrid and rotting - anyone with eyes and a soul can see that he is a festering pustule.

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Right. Better that we watch Marjorie Traitor Goebbels on 60 Minutes!

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I feel as though my head is in a vise - the rush of anger & frustration is overwhelming! I solemnly swear that I will never, ever watch CNN from this day forward. My phone app is also deleted. My cat Sawyer was my witness - joking aside; I am taking the pledge as well. The network is losing more than they could have gained by promoting this despicable, never should have been president in the first place, cheating, stealing, lying, assaulting, unlawful, traitorous sack of shit, sociopath, clown, fuckface!! #GotMyChip

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If only I could have posted my little piece about 'not watching CNN' here before this debacle. Every time I tried to post it (wrote it on Medium) Substack blew up. I'm glad you know what the rest of us know: Just Say No to CNN.

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When CNN normalizes terrorism--by bringing this TERRORIST on the air--they tell his MAGA morons that it is OK to hate, to lie, to go to war with decency. CNN did the nation a grave disservice by letting this SCUM spew his incessant lies on TV for more than an hour, and letting him have his own sick followers in the crowd to applaud him.

Here's a challenge, if Trump thinks he's a REAL MAN: give the same hour to Rachel Maddow and her associates on MSNBC. Go on air with real journalists who have the power and knowledge to fact check you LIVE, who won't tolerate or permit your BS.

Go ahead Trump: call Rachel today, schedule it, if you dare--you treacherous letch! MSNBC will destroy you on national TV, not like the right-wing wanna-be Nazis on the new Fox, CNN!

C'mon Trump: show the world what we all already know: YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!

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But then again he doesn't have to. Many critics of Trump that have known him for 35+ years say he builds his own reality and the CNN show was

a great example of it in real time.

There are those that lie with self awareness but he distorts this common ground with delusional statements that he presented with complete confidence.And that is part of his "hook".

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CNN helped put Trump in the WH in the first place. He is a stone-cold fascist. He doesn't give a fuck about anyone but himself. He makes sociopaths blush.

CNN knew exactly what he would say and do, and yet they still gave him a megaphone. There's no excuse for it. Shame MUST be heaped on CNN. Trump and the #WEAK Republicans are utterly shameless, so there's no point in calling attention to them.

This is appalling and terrifying. The future of our country and the entire planet rests on what happens with and to Trump (not hyperbole). He must be stopped.

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Totally & completely agree. Trump is the figurehead but it's the agenda of the billionaire donor owner class that is scaring me.

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May 11, 2023·edited May 11, 2023

i did not initially want to watch it, but since Hal Sparks was covering it I thought well he could make it bearable. If Trump could instruct the male members of the audience to gang rape Kaitlin Collins on stage, the women in the audience would most definitely be applauding. 4 more years of that, HELL TO THE FUCKING NO!

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I didn’t watch and would never waste a second of my life on such mind numbing, brain cell killing drivel. And I will never EVER allow CNN to pollute my airwaves just as Faux news never will. I don’t drink from the toilet so why would I watch Fox and now CNN ever. Fuck them. Fuck anyone who gives trump a minute of oxygen.

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Don’t drink from the toilet, love 💕 it

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CNN gave the orange man a free 80 minute campaign ad. This clown has not changed one iota and remains a threat to our national security. The clear and present danger is this guy and his minions. WTF was CNN thinking?

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CNN did not consider Advertisers' reactions when they witness the mass exodus of the intelligent consumer audience.

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Did a bunch withdraw?

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My tribe is done with CNN.

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Among my friends, it looks unanimous.

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Same here. A high percentage of non viewers among my friends.

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Absolutely rock solid Truth. I've taken the pledge. Got my chip.

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A complete disgrace!! Sickens me.

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