Cocaine is a powerful drug. But whatever is driving this fuckwit makes cocaine seem like Dimetapp.

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Maybe he chews on coca leaves while at interviews...

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I don't see him using anything not produced in a lab.

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So not an "all natural" guy? LOL!

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Not with that hairline only narcissistic billionaires seems to need

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Wouldn't his teeth be a little less gleaming? On second thought, let's help him out and send him some coca leaves.

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Nope. Your mouth goes numb like a trip to the dentist and a green drip typically shows up from your numb mouth.

Yes, 1st hand experience many, many moons ago.

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Good to know...will avoid!

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Actually from a trip to South America close to 50 years ago. Cocoa leaves are not something likely to be found in the US. It was actually quite pleasant. Especially if you want to be active at altitude.

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I was going to say, this goes beyond edibles, unless it is 'shrooms and he is on a trip to another world. An ugly world it would seem. Clearly Ramaswamy is on a bad trip and we need to make sure not to join him!

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I read a script that detailed a new street drug akin to Krock Odil that would turn peoples skin silver. Addicts eventually mutated into zombies. It was actually not a badly written action horror piece, and for some reason, I see MAGAs ingesting something that bad--yah know, to own dah libs and what not. No one who could do something that dumb should be able to run for office.

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I see it, too. MAGAlodyte, MAGAmutant, MAGAtile?

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Bwahahahah, I like all of these as they fit well on a mug or t-shirt :-D

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RamaSmarmy is worse than Sarah Palin, who could see Alaska from her porch. He sounds like he should volunteer to join the mentally ill in his ideal housing and throw away the key. Word salad, indeed! Why don't the pundits respond with this: "Your explanation is a pompous word salad, with absolutely no meaning." https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/word-salad Have they no interest in culling the bullshit herd?

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Lol, I’ve been calling him Ramasmarmy since I first heard his spiel

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I call him Ramalamadingdong.

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Bad me I laughed so unexpectedly I practically barked

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We like barkers.

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Oh, I am writing all of these down to add to my insult troll log...

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😂😂 that’s good! 👍🏻

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😂That’s a good one! Thanks for the early morning chuckle!

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Good alternative!

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Pundits love to exploit the bullshit herd, not cull it. How would they make the big bucks if they didn't cram the bullshit herd down our throats every minute? MSM certainly needs to figure out how to report on the insane fascism without glorifying it. IMHO

Someone way smarter than me said “...a balanced treatment of an unbalanced phenomenon is a distortion of reality and a disservice to your consumers...” (Thomas E. Mann & Norman J. Ornstein)

Sorry to get preachy - SO aggravating, right?

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Their book, It’s Worse Than You Think was excellent

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Just tried to find it on line. Title is "It's even worse than it looks : how the American constitutional system collided with the new politics of extremism" by Thomas E. Mann and Norman J. Ornstein. Thanks for the recommendation!

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In answer to your question, NO. The media is up to their necks in this. Trump, et. al. are huge moneymakers. Les Moonves, when trump announced his first run for president, said the quiet part out loud. “It may not be good for America, but it’s damn good for CBS.” You can bet that it was going to be good for CBS, it was going to damn good for every other ‘news’(read Entertainment)outlet with access to the internet.

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They lick their chops over this stuff.

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If it bleeds it leads and America, she is bleeding.

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The MSM has a lot to atone for--I have lost respect for them since the emergence of the Trump era.

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Making it acceptable that everything is for sale and whether it is fair is beside the point.

Sheesh and people wonder why the country is divided? It is like there is a fire sale and everyone is trying to capitalize on it before the lights go out.

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Exactly, there should be a line to capitalism and grabbing a buck at the expense of the world at large.

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Remember the saying "If it bleeds, it leads." There may not be literal blood every time they cover Trump, but the fans get excited and have to tune in, also the message is potentially violent. Ratings, ratings, advertising dollars. News at 11.

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Exactly. It’s like watching World Wrestling in spite of knowing full well it’s all staged or rubbernecking at accident scenes. You let yourself go there(that weird place in your head)because of some sort of turn-on.

But trying to understand the Q freaks and the trumpers is like trying to understand what makes an alcoholic drink to excess when you aren’t an alcoholic. The addiction is real to the addict.

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F the country, we are making MONEY!!

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That’s the name of the game, baby. What so many of these fools don’t realize is that if this country goes down, most of them, along with most of us in the world, will go right down the shitter. The US has been successful because, before the big push to deregulate which has lead to the S & L scandal of the ‘80s, Newt Gingrich in the 90s, Bush’s wars and financial crisis of early 2000s then rise of the T Party along with Republican obstruction which led us straight to trump. I’m not even going to mention, “Russia, if you’re listening……”.

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The standard access journalist response: " If I said that in response, I would lose my access."

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Less access, more filling...

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They're in it for the click bait. Most of them don't have journalism degrees.

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MSM doesn't call out the bullshit, because the sensationalism makes them too much money. That's why they don't cover Biden's huge successes, but every time Trump farts, it's front-page news.

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They are not trying to appeal to people with brains.

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Yep--it is easy to rule over easily lead sheeple.

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YES! I got overexcited. LOL!!! Alaska, Russia, they're close, right?

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But I CAN, I CAN see Alaska from my porch!... I'm lol at this whole conversation, including those mindbending wordsalad clips.

Ramalamadingdong had me snorting, if not barking. (Btw both snorters and barkers are cool in my book.)

Also, being familiar with the Sarah Palin quote, I didn't even notice you said Alaska instead of Russia. So when that was pointed out I had to laugh at myself!

Thank you, Jeff, and friends. The world is a better place when we can laugh at the absurdity.

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I missed it laughing at Ramalamadingdong.😂😂🤣

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Sadly, I believe that this smarmy, narcissistic snake-oil salesman possesses many of the same characteristics of a younger version of Donald Trump, and therefore, he’s going to be popular with his smooth tongue and overly confident swagger: a man who claims he can indeed solve ALL of our problems. This is someone to be terribly cautious of...the idiots in this country are already loving this guy. He’s young enough to take the baton out of Trump’s hand and run a few laps with it. You’re right Jeff, the content of what he says is utterly ridiculous. Many in our country are stupid enough to buy into his bullshit.

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Our only hope is that, like DeSantis, he flames out.

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He may--they tolerate people with darker skin tone for racial shielding but as soon as they don't dance to their jig, or get a wee bit too uppity, they are cut off at the knees.

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My thoughts also.

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He is definitely a DT wannabe

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Asa is the only person the Republicans are running who isn't very likely to be insane and he's still a shitbag who'd gladly usher in Gilead if given half a chance.

None of those fucks needs in the Oval.

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From your mouth to Odin's ears.

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The GOP demands paper ballots. They also demand doing away with mail-in voting. BUT, mail-in voting uses paper ballots! Stupid fools.

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And he said "same day." That'll whittle the number of voters down....

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He wants the voting age changed to 25!!

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Am I the only one who looks at him, and all I can think about is that Wacky Wavy Inflatable Arm-Flailing Used-Car-Lot Tube Guy?


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Bwahahaha oh gawd, now I can't unsee it!

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Is he even worth a mention? I ask this because there is so much life-threatening, democracy-threatening shit going on that really does need our attention. He won't win. He is a good example of just how messed up the GOP is, there's that. But we already know that. I do admit though, I read through every one of your posts. Why? Because I am entertained while being educated.

Now what to focus my resources on?

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Vivisection Ramasmarmy has all the charm of a snake oil salesman.

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OMG Vivisection, too good.

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Like so many uberrich people, he's convinced any number of folks that he's a genius. Yet, not one of his "ideas" is original, deserves merit, or even deserves more than a passing "No thanks". As far as I can tell he's selling himself to himself, because I don't think there's anyone out there actually buying it beyond the desperately ill informed.

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Interesting that this guy suddenly pops up out of nowhere. I heard that Peter Thiel is backing him. He's a fucking walking disinformation operation.

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They can go live together on Thiel’s island.

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Another brilliant little explanation of our political circus world and its performers. I'm waiting for our esteemed body politic - you know, the "I don't like Hillary" crowd who elected a flaming jackass to fondle the nuclear football - to elect the RFK Jr./Ramaswamy ticket. The next pandemic might just put us all out of our misery.

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Don’t count him out in the primaries; he’s the kind of crazy republicans love.

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They love a good show.

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And Chuck Todd is a terrible interviewer. I had to stop listening to him because I was shouting the real questions at the t.v., and it scared the dogs.

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Fortunately Chuck is being put out to pasture.

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So I heard. It cannot be soon enough.

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even his name makes me want to puke

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I often scare my dogs by shouting at the TV. Glad I'm not alone! LOL!

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So much stupid to parse, so little time

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Thank you Jeff. I did not know much about him other than he’s part of the criminal organization formerly known as the GOP.

And Vivek’s bloviating about Musk the self-proclaimed genius (who has lost his momentary focus on ruining Tesla by ruining Twitter) as Chief of Staff provides all the information I need to say no thanks.

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