apologies in advance for any typos/grammatical errors. we're having extremely high winds here in the Hudson Valley this morning and I wanted to get this out quickly before we possibly lose power

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I’m trying to consider whether there are any republicans who AREN’T antisemitic at a basic, instinctive, core level. But, holy fuck, can’t they just get Raptured the fuck outta here already so we don’t have to put up with their bullshit any longer?

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When I think of these particular Republicans, I think of Gene Wilder’s comment to Cleavon Little about the people of Rock Ridge in “Blazing Saddles.” (“....You know...morons.”)

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Classic. As do I. And then I get angry and the angry drowns my humor. Mr. Tiedrich’s remarkable ability to meld anger and humor is mighty impressive.

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“Mr. Tiedrich’s remarkable ability to meld anger and humor is mighty impressive.” YES, IT IS!!!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 I quote him daily, to whomever is in my vicinity. I even take screenshots of my absolute favorites. Here’s one: “it's impossible to keep up with the

twentyfourseven firehose of fucknuttery from the wingnuts.”

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More fun facts! Someone forgot to tell Kanye he's not actually white, which means they are actually repulsed by him and would like to see him in the exact same slave boat (preferably going back to Africa) as Jewish people. Elon is a product of actual apartheid, I bet Mommy taught him all kinds of wonderful antisemitic things. 45 has been a racist pos his entire life, thanks to the Fred gene pool. And to think we thought it couldn't get any worse than Dubya and Darth Cheney! I'd take 1000 of them for these repugnant confederate, Nazi fucks. Speaking of, how much of a dipshit do you have to be for your heroes to be the absolute biggest losers in the history of the US and the world?!? It would be hilarious if it weren't so repulsive. Clowns...

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Jeff, sorry you're having high winds. We are too, down here in the Northern Virginia suburbs.

Rethugs are prejudiced against anyone who isn't an overfed, ugly, rich, white male.

That means most of the human race, to say nothing of the U. S. population.

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Wake me this shit is over. It’s all so breathtaking.

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