here are all the things Kamala didn’t mention in her speech at the Ellipse
over 75,000 gather in DC to hear Kamala Harris’s closing argument
on the National Mall in Washington DC last night, a crowd of at least seventy-five thousand supporters gathered to listen to Kamala Harris make her closing argument to the American people.
Kamala spoke about uniting all Americans. she promised to deliver tax cuts to working people and the middle class, and to make it easier for first-time buyers to own a home. she vowed to end corporate price gouging, and to lower the cost of child care. she spoke of strengthening the military, improving border security, and preserving a woman’s right to healthcare.
but at the same time, there’s a lot of stuff Kamala could have said, but didn’t. let’s take a deep dive.
she didn’t call America a “garbage can.”
she didn’t say that Hitler did some good things, nor did she wish that “her” generals could be more like his.
she didn’t rhapsodize about the enormity of a dead golfer’s dick.
she didn’t misunderstand how tariffs work.
she didn’t tell auto workers that a child could do their jobs.
she didn’t promise to put Bobby McBrainworms in charge of “going wild” on healthcare policy.
she didn’t vow to build massive concentration camps to house the millions of legal immigrants she’s promising to deport.
she didn’t promise to strip naturalized Americans of their citizenship and “remigrate” them back to whatever shithole country they came from.
she didn’t inexplicably decide that she was too tired to finish her speech, and then force her supporters to spend 40 minutes watching her sway like a dipshit to weird-ass music.
she didn’t promise to be a dictator, day one or otherwise.
she didn’t brag about being able to identify a drawing of a camel.
she didn’t threaten to prosecute Google for showing “bad stories” about her.
she didn’t weigh in on whether she’d rather be electrocuted by a boat battery, or eaten by a shark. what are you hiding, Kamala?
she didn’t call January 6th “a beautiful day,” nor did she promise to pardon the insurrectionists who bludgeoned cops with flagpoles and fire extinguishers.
she didn’t fantasize about decapitating a reporter.
she didn’t blither incoherently, and then praise herself for being able to “weave.”
she didn’t brag about ending Roe, nor did she bizarrely claim that “everybody wanted it to happen.”
she didn’t claim that Haitian immigrants are eating dogs and cats.
she didn’t tell any “sir” stories, in which big, strong men break down and blubber like babies over how amazing she is.
she didn’t promise to give the obscenely wealthy another tax cut.
she didn’t vow to imprison reporters, nor did she call for unfriendly media to lose their broadcast licenses.
she didn’t claim that people who don’t support her are “the enemy within.”
she didn’t promise to put the Space Nazi in charge of hollowing out our government.
she didn’t claim that schools are forcing gender-reassignment surgeries upon their students, nor did she insist that immigrants are getting such surgeries for free while in prison.
she didn’t promise to send the US military into American cities and towns, in order to enforce her fascist policies.
she didn’t call for a national day of violence against migrants.
she didn’t claim that her Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden was a “love fest.”
she didn’t tell the survivors of a school shooting to just “get over it.”
she didn’t vow to imprison her political opponents.
she didn’t claim that migrants are “poisoning the blood” of America, nor did she state that “bad genes” are the reason they’re all criminals.
she didn’t tell lies about the fever-swamp fantasy of post-birth abortion.
she didn’t threaten to leave NATO if its member nations fail to cough up the protection money she imagines they owe her.
she didn’t confuse seeking political asylum with an insane asylum — and she failed to mention Hannibal Lecter. not even once.
she didn’t encourage her supporters to beat the shit out of hecklers, nor did she promise to pay the legal bills of anyone who did.
she didn’t promise to shitcan the Department of Education.
she didn’t praise Vlad Putin, nor did she talk about how jealous she is that Kim Jong-un gets to be dictator of his very own country.
she didn’t brag about having “a beautiful body”.
she didn’t compare herself to Elvis.
I’m voting for the woman who isn’t a deranged infantile fascist.
Kamala Harris has been a seasoned prosecutor, senator and vice president — all with a proven record of success.
Donny Convict is a quadrice-indicted twice-impeached once-convicted popular-vote-losing adderall-huffing insurrection-leading ear-diapering testimony-ducking judge-threatening lawyer-ignoring debate-avoiding witness-tampering day-one-dictatoring disabled-veteran-dishonoring inheritance-squandering rube-fleecing clown-makeup-smearing language-mangling sneaker-hawking serial-sexual-predating draft-dodging casino-bankrupting butler-bullying daughter-perving hush-money-paying real-estate-scamming bone-spur-faking ketchup-hurling justice-obstructing classified-war-plan-thieving golf-cheating stock-manipulating weather-map-defacing horse-paste-promoting paper-towel-flinging race-baiting tax-evading evidence-destroying charity-defrauding money-laundering diaper-filling 88-count 78-year-old fluorescent tangerine felony factory who has failed at everything.
this is everything I could think of off the top of my head. now you get to tell me what I forgot
If Kamala isn’t saying ANY of this, just what is it that she is doing? Oh, yeah…being Presidential.