Never before has someone's name more concisely formed a set of instructions. Chuck Todd indeed.

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Thanks I needed that hardy laugh this morning!

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🤣🤣🤣 So true.

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“I’m sorry, but this is the exact fucking opposite of journalism.” As usual, Jeff is spot on. And, I’m pretty sure I would still agree with him even if I *hadn’t* graduated UMO with a degree in journalism a bazillion years ago!

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Glad to read your column. I have always felt that way about him. I could not bear to watch him anymore. Good riddance!

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I know everyone else is saying this, but I can’t wait for them to relieve us of our agony and say farewell to Andrea Mitchell who is turning into Dianne Feinstein. As far as Todd goes - I’m just grateful that I won’t have to see his f*cking face and hear his weak, useless voice.

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Andrea Mitchell is remarkably bad on her show. She should be replaced by Mehdi Hassan, who’s buried in a weekend time slot.

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Absolutely, Jeff, every word. Lest we forget, Chuck started out as NBC's stats guy, the poll guy. He has all the insight of a spreadsheet. And because NBC is a type of club, you fail upwards there. Hence the ascension in Chuck's place of Kristen Welker, who has also paid her company dues. I will never forgive her for her gleeful, willful pumping up of "her emails!" Todd or Welker? A distinction without a difference.

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Good fucking riddance, UpChuck. Doesn't this asshole remind you of the know-it-all-prick in high school that nobody could stand. Even his fucking name was fingernails on the chalkboard for me.

Ugh, couldn't happen to a bigger jerk.

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And to think that Trump used to dump on Todd as a tool of the mainstream media when in fact he was just a "TOOL" and possibly the best coverage he could have hoped for from the venerable old show. Would Tim Russert have had his head so far up his own ass? I don't think so.

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it's a small start - but a start, nevertheless. Now to clean house with the rest of the useless 'toadys'.

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Spineless wimp....

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It's long overdue for Andrea Mitchell to retire like now. I might be able to occasionally watch TV News again, but only on MSNBC.

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Might be interesting to see where the half-wit ends up. Ain’t no one thinks he’s gonna go confessional. Ain’t no one thinks he’s gonna battle for justice and truth or whatever. Expectations cannot be lower... but check back in a year.

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at least, it seems, he'll be out of our faces for the time being.

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The only time I like Chuck Todd is when he comes on the Tony Kornheiser podcast and talks mostly sports. I never watched Meet the Press primarily because it sounded like the producers/creators of the show thought the guests had never heard of journalists before.

And Jeff, you're right. His take on "doing his job" is the exact opposite of journalism.

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While I don't watch television so I don't know Chuck Todd, his interview of Trump was widely publicized and I agree with everything you say here. Good riddance to bad blood!

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It's good to know there is someone else who doesn't watch television. My son lives with me after quitting his job working for a Democrat in the Senate after January 6. He watches MSNBC occasionally. He informs me if there is breaking news but the only news I want to see breaking would be indictments.

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Good riddance indeed! Now if we could send the rest of the mainstream media whores to a mandatory crash course in basic journalism, we’d maybe stand a prayer of saving this dysfunctional government and making it work.

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Every Sunday, Chuck Todd would "trend" on Twitter - not because of anything newsworthy that had occurred on his show, but rather a focus on his both sideisms, and calls for him to be fired not only from Meet The Press, but any ethical journalistic platform. Haven't watched MTP in years - have only seen snips of his smug arrogance on Twitter feeds. Good riddance to him, but disappointed that we have to wait until September.

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Thankfully the inane Chuck Todd is gone. Jeff not sure if you listened to Todd’s podcast yesterday where him and the past her prime Andrea Mitchell have a stroke fest. Made me puke. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-chuck-toddcast-meet-the-press/id1156592336?i=1000615615630

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I second that upchuck Heidi!

Andrea can't even speak in a solid sentence!

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