I'm pretty sure the dog is more intelligent.

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I would go a step further, and set a cap on the amount of money any one person or family can control. And not out of the usual "envy / class warfare" crap, but because past some point way below this jerk's wealth, additional money adds no additional luxury, security, or comfort.

It only adds power.

And in a democracy power is supposed to be elected.

Levy it away.

If you need more than a billion dollars, something is fucking wrong with you.

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By all accounts Musk is a very sick man. And he is deteriorating. He used to be a human being, now he's a wingnut, a free speech absolutist, and he's letting his car company disintegrate while he obsesses over Twitter.

If Twitter goes dark that would be good for everyone, especially those people on there whose whole lives center on it.

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And now, in American society, OUR taxes help fund these obscenely wealthy shitbags. All these "self made" mythologies really need to be publicized as the farce that they are. Tesla and SpaceX wouldn't be anything without subsidies, and yet they're able to be labeled as some ingenious start ups started on bootstrap horseshit.

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I'm also for returning to the tax rates of the Eisenhower era. Back then if they didn't want to pay it in taxes then these ultra-wealthy corporations could avoid it by raising wages and improving the workplace. It was simple then and would be a boon now to the equality of the Americans that have been left to fend against these monsters since RWR cut taxes, attacked the unions and 'stole' from the Social Security trust fund.

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Fuck Ronald Fucking Reagan. Fuck Milton Friedman. Fuck Leonard Leo. Fuck Antonin Scalia. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck all those grifting selfish motherfuckers. It’s a long long list but it isn’t endless. Thank heavens.

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And fuck Clarence Thomas.

I just feel a little better now.

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I feel better liking your post👌🏻

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100% agree with everything, Jeff! Well said.

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Such a sucking sphincter.

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Not only should the top marginal rate be higher, and 90% is a good place to start (it actually peaked at 94% in 1944 & 45) but we should abolish the notion foisted upon us by the rich and their lobbyists that unearned income should be taxed at a lower rate than earned income. It’s a relic of a time before “too big to fail” abolished most risk. Instead, tax both the same or tax earned income at 2/3 the rate. This would still incentivize high earners while disincentivizing the looters who accumulate wealth by liquidizing industry or renting their money to the rest of us at exorbitant rates.

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Responsible capitalism says make as much as you want and pay taxes to support child care, elder care, medicare for all, safety net programs and public education.

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'responsible,' that's the word I should have used, not 'regulated'

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Talk with any corporate CEO and they would give you a dumb look.

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It actually cheers me to know Elon is not doing that well around the rest of the world. Germany is pissed and other countries are as well. And the fines from Germany could amount to the entire value of Twitter. PBS and NPR have pulled out. He's zapped anybody with Substack because they now have Notes, which by the way some of us old folks are trying to figure out still. Becoming a billionaire has made a lot of people their awful selves. Elon says Twitter is breaking even. When he does this he's likely going to change that. Just another Foxlike place for folks to go.

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Me too on the Notes. Intriguing, so I’ll commit some time trying to figure it out. I check my Twit feed every now and then. It’s glogged with Fake News and Bots. No need to return.

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And with Ron Filipkowski you may as well go straight to Troth Senshal, who needs twitter?

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Elon is giving us every incentive to leave and bite the bullet and embrace one more new tech thing. If the Substackers are gone, I have very little reason to go to Twitter.

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Twitter’s unhealthy. I don’t go there anymore. It’s mostly about likes and follows and people seeking attention.

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When you figure it out, come back and give lessons. Right now it seems the app is on one's phone and I don't like this kind of communicating on my phone because auto correct and not being all that great with that part.

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My biggest problem is that he & Murdoch aren't even native sons. I'm not anti immigrant since I'm married to one for 37 yrs; the difference is he's a hard working, law abiding lover of America & all it's given him BECAUSE of his hard work (63 in May, has worked since he's 8 & is still doing 80 hrs/week since he's in food, an essential) What Musk & Murdoch have done is horrific. They already had money, they then came here, one destroyed the country by tearing it in 2 over lies, the other took away the freedom to have legitimate discourse, fired thousands of people & is a raging jackass to boot. I'm not a big Twitter user but even now if I'm on more than 1 or 2 hrs/day I'm left feeling pissed off as hell. Elon may think he's being cute but so many of us see him as a drooling, pasty, self entitled nincompoop who had everything handed to him & then goes about destroying it. And the fact that he allows nazis...NAZIS...to post as much as they like is beyond the pale. You can't even say that word in Germany! So one may be the end of a network, the other may be the end of socialized trash talking. Maybe it's a good thing?

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I thought the President had promised to start taxing the wealthy? When is that supposed to happen? Or is it not going to because the fuckers got the house?

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And nearly half the Senate.

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Well, we have half the senate, don’t we? God we need every damned Democrat we can get next year!

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*pops a Bud Light* Cheers!

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First, have the rich and corporations pay good enforcement the tax that is owed through good enforcement by the IRS. Second establish a minimum tax that must be paid by corporations and the wealthy. Third tax capital gains the same as regular income. Review and eliminate as many ill-advised tax loopholes as possible. Then you can tax according to the needs of our society not the needs of the wealthy and corporations.

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Yeah I’m on a very fixed income so I had to even stop paying for this one as well, sorry. But I promise to resubscribe the moment I’m able to afford it again.

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Same boat here. It will annoy the fuck out of me that I can't comment here, though.

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At what time of day does Elon get served his pacifier? Just sayin...

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