ok, a commenter on Threads explained the "one foot" thing. it's a reference to the Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966, a cold-war-era policy that says that if you escape from Castro's Cuba and can get one foot on US soil, you are then allowed to APPLY for residency. if both feet are in the water, you get sent back to Cuba. it has NOTHING to do with birthright citizenship, but it's probably something Donny heard Nosferatu whining about, and it got lodged in his worm-infested brain


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Yeah, I was going to post that it sounded like a garbled version of "wet foot dry foot" (which by the way only applies to boat people *from Cuba* not to Haitian boat people, because reasons).

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It was a heartfelt “fuck you” to Fidel. Designed to please the Cuban refugee demographic in FL.

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It was rescinded by Obama. Now Cubans get no special preference

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Who were promised political power, if they got all their immigrants to vote republican, once they were citizens.

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Exactly Robert, he obviously has limited knowledge as Jeff stated, then again he appears to have limited knowledge of nearly everything, but cons and fraud!

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Native Floridian here- I knew exactly what it referred to, “wet foot dry foot” was how we always heard it. But even as a young kid I was so confused how it only applied to Cubans.

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The elder anti-Castro faction made a deal with the republicans. The repubs would sanction Castro, and the Cubans would be considered "white" and republican.

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Because politics.

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Pardon trump?? NO, just no!! WTF James Clyburn? The Democrats will absolutely shred their coalition of voters if they do that, I personally would lose ALL faith in them to ever do the right thing ever again. They had better tread carefully with that utter bullshit.

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Clyburn appears to have fallen off the cliff into La La Land.

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The wheel's completely off his scooter.

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Agree, there is no good outcome from that action.

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I can’t speak for all countries because to say only the US is a lie about birth in a foreign country. I live in Costa Rica and not only do the kids get full citizenship but the parents as well. I think lots of countries are like that The Netherlands actually paid my friends from Holland $3000 per kid they ended it at 3. So once again Liar !

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Actually, some 30 countries have birthright citizenship. But to the Orange Shitstain, there's only one country in the world that matters.

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And why didn’t the interviewer call out his lie? Now I will have to hear yet another lie repeated and championed by friends and relatives in my Deep South, deep red state.

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Yes, both our neighbors, Canada and Mexico, offer birthright citizenship, as do 31 other countries.

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I still fail to understand WHY any Democratic leader would favor pardoning Donnie. WTF? What am I missing here? For what possible purpose? The more I think about it, the more disturbing it is.

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It’s moronic. So tell us how decades of letting crooks get away with crimes has ever been a deterrent to stopping them from committing even worse crimes? Especially Don the Vicious Con? He will not only continue but he will just do it more and call his victims losers and brag how he not only got away with it but made a fortune doing it. Ex: Trump bankruptcies, especially Atlantic City casinos.

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At this point any confidence I had in the older leadership of the Dems is gone. Thank you for your service--NEXT! Usher in some younger, stronger, more capable leaders for the party. And no surrendering to fascism! NO PARDONS FOR THE CONVICTED FELON/PRESIDENT ELECT.

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I agree 100% with P.J. Schuster. No pardon! I've always had respect for Rep. Jim Clyburn, but he is entirely and wholly WRONG about President Biden or anyone else ever giving a pardon to Donald J. Trump. It is a ridiculous and insulting notion. It would shred the Democrats' coalition of voters. There are absolutely NO positives in issuing a pardon for that guy.

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My heart is just beating out of my chest

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Amen, P.J.

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Thanks! Interesting!

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Fatal aneurysm as he's taking the oath, before he finishes

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But that would leave us with Sir Eyeliner the Vile.

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Hillbilly Doughboy

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Hillbilli Vanilli

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Hillbilly Vanilli

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Hillbilly Himmler.

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Yeah, not ideal but the cult isn't loyal to him.

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But there is a new more well funded cult waiting in the wings…

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The billionaires have stepped in.

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Ann, you're right, the cult isn't all in on jd. But he's a minor placeholder, right, when putin, hiel, musk, xi, the heritage find are the puppeteers.

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He'll deal. Shit, he's in Thiel's pocket

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Playing pool, surely.

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Yup, him, Nate Silver, and Blake Masterson, who looks like a younger version of Montgomery Burns on the Simpsons.

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I have a hard time believing anyone likes the pudgy pile of putrid porquería Ann!!

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TBH, I know Sir Eyeliner is (slightly) smarter than Trump...but I don't think he has the chops or the credits to control or direct the MAGAs and I don't think they much like him, either. Sir Eyeliner certainly doesn't seem to have that strange, magnetic fascination for them that Trump clearly does.

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But, he's buddies with the foreign-born oligarchs taking control through him. He'll play ball with them and do as they tell him. Couchfucker McGee is 100% puppet.

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He’s much smarter (and how hard is that?) and would generally be docile, but might also be open to a higher bribe. Not sure what that might be, but how about a lifetime home in some non-extradition country? Depends on whether his jones is for $$ or power. If the latter, he’s going to be watched closely by the real power people.

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Phantom of the Opera

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😂😂😂. Sir Eyeliner the Vile! 🤣

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Susan, 💖 Sir Eyeliner the Vile. 😂

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It will now forever be his name. HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!

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Love that name.

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This is hilarious, and sadly true. Love the name.

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And that's even more dangerous.

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President JD Vance? Where is that fucking shitweasel anyway?

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He's been pushed aside by the dipshit Elon Musk. Trump is no longer in love with Kim Jong Un, and Melania won't fuck him, so there's Elon.

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Now that I have that mental picture, how do I bleach my brain?

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yikes. Greed Illustrated.

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Thanks, I loved seeing that!

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Two tons of blubber fun! ya hoooooo

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Exactly.. bleach please

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Do you mean Elonia?

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Ugh! But true

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Yes, now Trump is “into” “Elonia”!

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Maybe he's hiding in the weeds planning a coup

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He is SO planning to ice Trump. Trump is a useful idiot to a whole bunch of people. They’ll be falling all over themselves to steal his throne and cry alligator tears at his tacky funeral. We’re in for a big fat, Who exactly won the presidency parlor game.

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Either he gets the 25th out of the gate (wouldn't be surprised if they were working on it already). He has done the one thing they wanted from him: won the election. He is now disposable. Putin's boys spiking the ketchup is not out of the question.

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"Try Uncle Vladimir's special polonium-blend catsup!"

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But it will be the walking oil slick on the seat.

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He will be sacrificed.

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If he’s hiding in the woods, it’s not for a coup, something that rhymes is more likely Denise!!

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Yes please🙏🏻✌🏻💙

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No such luck. He is so “special “ that he will live to one hundred. Sucky fascist has immunity to death

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he'll be like his dad (or my grandmother): live to be a hundred, and be demented for the last 25 years of his life

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So that means he's in year 3 already

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that's what my math tells me

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Let’s not forget that the evil schmuck, Kissinger, lived to be 100. I prayed every year that he’d keel over but no! That bastard waited until this year. Sigh…

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and that's what my ears tell me

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And your eyes and ears

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Facts bear that out. "Illegal anglithins". "Raydoh." "Missuria."

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Not to mention Egypt's Hosni Mubarak, the evil old fascist lived to be 89. But I think Trump won't last the 4 years. If he has Alzheimers, his life expectancy drops. I just have a feeling he will die in office. He doesn't have Biden's good living habits, he's older than Biden was when he took office, and I can also hope he falls down a flight of stairs or chokes on KFC.

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And there's always lightning--he golfs in Florida, does he not? Well, Florida averages 7 deaths/ year from lightning and golf is among the listed "deadly dozen" sports for death by electrocution. Florida experiences about 3,500 lightning strikes PER DAY on average...or 112.6 "lightning events" per square kilometer, per year. Surely....

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Tampa is the lightning capital, unfortunately he is much further south, and on the opposite coast.

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I think JD and Thiel will see to it that the Donvict doesn't survive very long. If the idiot doesn't cheeseburger himself to death in six months, his handlers will "help" him.

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I doubt they're murderers. But it would be to JD's advantage if our democracy survives because if there's another election in 2028 JD can run on the MAGA platform and if the Democrats don't run a white male candidate, he'd win. But if Trump succeeds at destroying democracy and survives the next 4 years that's all moot. The empty-headed Trump cult won't care if Trump's in a coma, they'll vote for a third term.

I was amused reading my email from NPR this morning. Another Trump enabler, they took the liberty of actually explaining what Trump said yesterday on Meet the Press. This is what we're going to see more and more of in the future.

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Putin's boys and the ketchup

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Oh your post gave me the warm and fuzzies Marycat!! Just the thought makes me smile!!

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He’s a fucking cockroach. Where’s a fucking sledgehammer when you need one? I fucking hate that guy.

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All you need to kill a cockroach - an adult size flip-flop. WHAM! Done. I too want him out!! Out Out Out I don’t care how

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Dec 9
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Only reason I pay attention to Breaking News notifications: to see if he's gone.

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I've posted this before, but when my Ma was alive, we would talk every day. She invariably opened every call with, "Guess who died?" No, not him.

I miss her.

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Forget the sledgehammer. Let’s use poison that makers of “Round-Up” provide to kill dogs, cats, people off with!

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Polonium is certainly tried and true Marlene!!

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