at noon on January 20, 1961, as John F. Kennedy prepared to take the oath of office, the temperature in DC hovered around 22°F. the wind-chill made it seem more like 7°F. did JFK whine that it was too chilly, and insist on going inside? no, he did not. he stood there in the cold, and ask not what your country’d the shit out of his inauguration. he fucking nailed it.
Jimmy Carter shrugged off the 28°F temps at his inauguration. same deal with Bill Clinton — the Big Dog wasn’t about to let 28°F temps spoil his day.
Little Donny Convict, however, is a dotard of a different stripe. the frail old fuck took one look at tomorrow’s forecast of 23°F temps and pulled the plug on the whole enchilada.
In a statement posted to his Truth Social social media platform, Trump said that he does not “want to see people hurt, or injured, in any way” amid the freezing temperatures.
“It is dangerous conditions for the tens of thousands of law enforcement, first responders, police K9s and even horses” as well as “hundreds of thousands” of supporters.
ohhhh, it’s too cold. oh, boo fucking hoo. cry me a river with this ‘dangerous conditions’ nonsense. maybe Florida Man should have holed up in his golf motel instead of running for president. he doesn’t seem up to the rigors of the job.
how fucking hilarious is it that this self-styled tough guy who sells AI-generated pics of himself tarted up as Superman falls to pieces and hides out the second the thermometer drops?
you want to talk about cold? yesterday, Kansas City Chiefs and Houston Texans played a football game. it was 25°F in Kansas City — but Arrowhead Stadium was packed to the rafters. no one complained about how dangerous the conditions were.
but sure, tell me again how Donny the Great Humanitarian cares about the safety of the cultists. it’s such a great story. but where was this concern a year ago, when he made the faithful wait for hours outside in -17°F temps in Iowa?
“WEATHER DOESN’T STOP MAGA!!!” bragged Laura Loopy.
well, guess again, Laura.
we know Donny doesn’t give a fuck about the well-being of the people who voted for him. so why move the inauguration indoors? could it be that Commander Crowdsize was worried about attendance?
the hotel vacancy rate in DC three days before the inauguration stood at about 25%. that’s a fuck of lot of unbooked rooms. for comparison, the hotel vacancy rate was 2.8% percent for Barack Obama’s first inauguration in 2009.
so, even though Donny’s moved his inauguration indoors, the cultists can still get in, right?
hey there, Joe MAGA — that ticket of yours is no longer a ticket. it’s now a “commemorative” scrap of paper. treasure it forever as a memento of that time you got taken for a ride.
“Yea I’m pissed. I’m out about $5000 for this. I was there J6. It was a heart breaking day. That’s why I paid so much to come back for our redemption!”
I think I’m overdosing on schadenfreude right now. but look — if you were one of the ratfuckers who went ape-shit on January 6th, and now you’re back at the Capitol for the inauguration, that’s not ‘redemption.’ that’s returning to the scene of the crime.
here’s another sad, sad tale of woe.
“I want Trump safe at all costs.. but I would be lying if I said I’m not disappointed to see him sworn in. my mom and I spent thousands of dollars to be here, and now we’re just walking around lost.”
it’s so heartbreaking to read about poor Tammie and her mom wandering around, lost. but at the same time, it’s weird how old Tams came up with thousands of dollars for a weekend in DC — especially since she apparently can’t afford to buy eggs.
“What fucking planet do you live on???? We can’t afford eggs, you idiot.”
priorities, am I right?
look, Tammie — I’m playing the world’s tiniest violin for you right now.
a lot of cultists are waking up to the fact that Donny doesn’t give a fuck about them.
“But now there’s tons of people coming to DC they don’t have anywhere to go on Monday We’ve gotta do something for MAGA”
you dummies got played. Donny’s not going to “do anything for MAGA” — you can all go pound sand, as far as Dear Leader is concerned. take our your wallets — he’s already moved on to his next grift.
US President-elect Donald Trump has launched his own cryptocurrency, which quickly soared in market capitalization to several billion dollars.
His release of the meme coin, $Trump, comes as he prepares to take office on Monday as 47th president of the US.
oh look, Donny’s selling more fake money to the rubes. only this time —
Meme coins are used to build popularity for a viral internet trend or movement, but they lack intrinsic value and are extremely volatile investments.
oh huh. they lack intrinsic value and they’re extremely volatile. is that a bad thing?
fuck yes, it’s a bad thing. read the fine print.
“Trump Memes are intended to function as an expression of support for, and engagement with, the ideals and beliefs embodied by the symbol ‘$TRUMP’ and the associated artwork, and are not intended to be, or to be the subject of, an investment opportunity, investment contract, or security of any type.”
how shameless is Donny? he’s coming right out and telling the cultists that their stupid little imaginary money is ‘not intended to be, or to be the subject of, an investment opportunity.’ nonetheless, Donny’s latest little scam is working like a charm.
President-elect Trump launched his own cryptocurrency Friday night, and as of Sunday morning appeared to have made more than $50 billion on paper for himself and his companies.
80% of that $50 billion went straight into Donny’s pockets.
The meme website says 80% of the supply is held by Trump Organization affiliate CIC Digital, and a CIC co-owned entity called Fight Fight Fight LLC.
awesome job, cultists. you just put the guy who went broke running casinos on the top billionaires list — and get ready to lose your money, because this thing has pump-and-dump written all over it.
A pump and dump in crypto is a market manipulation tactic where the value of a token is artificially inflated to attract participants, then sold off, causing the price to crash.
now keep whining about how you can’t afford eggs.
oh gee, The New York Times is apparently now the Susan Collins of newspapers, because they’re very very very concerned.
The venture is the latest in a series of moves by Mr. Trump that blur the line between his government role and the continued effort by his family to profit from his power and global fame. It is yet another sign that the Trump family will be much less hesitant in this second term to bend or breach traditional ethical boundaries.
gosh, New York Times, d’ya think? seriously, where has the media been if they’re just now waking up to the fact that Donny’s going to use the presidency as a means of enriching himself? for fuck’s sake, the guy sold pieces of the suit he was wearing when he got his ear nicked. he’d sell a rat’s asshole to a blind man for a wedding ring.
(thank you, Richard Brautigan, for that lovely turn of phrase.)
let’s close with this photo from JFK’s inauguration, which you’ll recall took place in 22°F temps. the fucking guy isn’t even wearing an overcoat.
now that’s vigor.
here’s your daily reminder that I can be found on Blue Sky at this link.
this is going to be my closing message for the foreseeable future:
practice self-care. do what you need to do to keep sane. if that means you need to disengage with my daily posts for a while, I get it. this community of ours will still be here when you return.
to all the people who have signed on in the days since the election, welcome aboard. settle in as we all try to deal with the shitfuckery that’s ahead of us.
we are all in this together, and we are all here for each other.
To quote the philosopher Chrissy Teigen:
Pussy ass bitch.
To the person who complained that now ..."mother and I are walking around lost", take a walk or uber over to the Holocaust Museum and have a look at what your cult leaders' idol did to the people of Germany. And maybe go to the National Archives and have a look at the document that keeps you and your mother free. Educate yourself. It's life changing.