I’m currently sitting in district court in my hometown watching NOTHING happen to men who stalk, harass, assault and terrorize women.

What Trump and his misogynistic goons did to reinforce male supremacy in the U.S. is appalling and grotesque.

Only #WEAK men feel the need to control, abuse and lord over women.

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Also in the news tonight, champion scumbag and best buds with Trump Vince McMahon steps down after his millionth sexual assault allegation. This guy has paid at least $19.6 million to women to hush their sexual assault allegations.


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We need a drug for men with that kind of mental illness because to believe that you have any kind of right to do that to another human being has to be a disturbed mind and just to think in the history of the “civilized” world, thousands of years, out of all that time that humans begin to walk upright it’s only been about 100 years since we’ve even been allowed to vote.

Every ancient skeletal specimen of mostly girls because the life span was so short, in everyone that’s been found there are signs of physical abuse. Broken arms mostly but evidence on the bones someplace showing that all women were physically abused, had given birth in the youngest, the evidence being in the pelvic region.

Have men changed much? Because of their brute strength, ability to hurt and maime , they’ve held power over us from the beginning and we only have a measly 100 years of even beginning to gain some ground, some rights as human beings. That’s sad as hell.

Men have ripped and torn this world apart out of greed and pride and use religion or name to justify it.

I live my son and husband, all the men in my family and thank goodness my son, raised by a single parent, me, knows and is not like these knuckle draggers.

Any assault on women or stalking or causing fear these days should have harsh consequences.

They have evolved to a degree most of them but many have a long way to go. I’m serious

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It's not a mental illness, unless we consider male supremacy to be a mental illness. It's very dangerous to be female in America.

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As a woman who has been violated, it's never easy to overcome but knowing there are people who support you helps. A lot.

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Which will make you shudder when you think of all that's going to head her way from the ugly side, the chauvinist side, the mysogynist side. I was so lucky to have a dad in rural north Alabama in the 40s and 50s who thought everyone had equal footing, considering if he were still alive he'd be 115 today. he'd be horrified at what happens today.

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He may be found to be guilty of this but the only remedy that will ever come out of this is that she may win a (hopefully large) monetary settlement-- but there is no jail/prison time involved as the statute of limitations has run out on the actual rape.

No, it's not my favorite outcome but hopefully it can open a few more eyes to the character, or inreality, the lack of character, that is essentially Donald J. Trump.

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We all appreciate your stance on this. She is a hero.

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Hi Jeff, could not have stated it better. As we all witness the reactionary movement that was previously called conservative, as we all witness a modern movement to bring the ideas and philosophy that was rejected over a century ago, as we all witness the shaming of women, of demeaning any community that is not straight white male, I applaud the legal action to bring a former strong man to Justice. It’s a long road in the arc of history to reach Justice as we begin our journey once again...this suit is merely the first step. Thanks to you and all fellow travelers, because it is up to us. BTW, in 2024 there will be 16 million new voters who will come of age, the future is in our hands.

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I couldn't agree more. Thank you for writing this.

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Thank you for saying that, E Jean's bravery is stellar especially since Commander Crazy Pants always takes the lowest road. E Jean deserves to be appreciated, this might start the domino effect of making people understand what a maniacal liar that the orange blob is.

My words to this dynamic woman, Go E Jean, Go! You've got him cornered so get that scurrilous jerk and take him for everything you can get!

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Include me in on all of this.

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Love E. Jean! I hope she slaughters him (figuratively, if not literally). But as promised, BACKPFEIFENGESICHT of the day is Judge Clarence Thomas. Look up *corrupt* in the dictionary, there should be a picture of him. After years of lavish vacations paid for by a right wing billionaire, not to mention buying property on Judge Greedy’s behalf, Coke Can Thomas is bought and paid for.

Bonus backpfeifengesicht: Ginny Thomas. Not only does she suckle at the same billionaire’s teat, in her spare time she’s plotting coups. What’s the opposite of patriotism? Oh, yeah, treason.

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Ah yes! A face in need of a fist! The Thomas’s are a revolting steaming pile.

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Can you imagine investigating people in the White House and ratfinking on them to Trump those who are "not loyal enough to Trump" for four years, like Ginny Thomas did? What a stupid ass-end mentality those right wingnut wackjobs have.

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E.Jean has been my hero...along with Anita Hill...shall we name all those brave women who represent so many of us who have been assaulted and abused by men in power. She has fought the longest, and she has kept going when everyone would have understood had she stopped...but she hasn't. She's kept her dignity, her steely strength, and her good humor.

She is everything...He is a bully, and that's who he has always represented.

Thank you for writing this, Jeff!

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thanks jeff.

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I've loved her since her days of writing for Glamour Magazine. She is a force. As someone who was sexually assaulted and never spoke out - it was the mid-80s, I was drunk, underage, college student in a mini-skirt and the perp was a football player - I admire her courage. No one speaks out to gain something. We LOSE when we speak out. We get ridiculed, we lose our jobs, we lose respect, we lose it all. I didn't report because I was afraid I would get caught for underage drinking - get kicked out of college. I never thought for a moment that I, the victim, would be protected. Not one of us would CHOOSE to be in this position yet MEN put us here. I watch a lot of Law and Order SVU and one of the things they said that really hit home was, "No one asks a robbery victim if they 'asked for it' but yet we do with sexual assault victims". People look at all women who come out against their attackers as lying, as looking for publicity - yeah no. Admitting we were too weak to get away - too drunk to defend ourselves and a victim in the waiting by means of just being a woman - no. Not one of us wants that. So E. Jean is us. She is all of us who were attacked and never spoke up. And she is going after the biggest most disgusting bully/rapist and I hope she wins BIG. Unfortunately, I still think he will be martyred and still allowed to run for POTUS, because this country's laws just suck.

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Yes, our laws re: sexual and intimate partner violence absolutely suck. The abuser commits the violence; the state drives the getaway car for him.

I’ve been working with DV/SA victims and survivors for 37 years. It’s worse now than when I first became an advocate. It’s horrifying and so goddamn depressing.

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He still doesn’t get it that rape is violence. He still thinks it’s all about looks. We have been fighting the myth that rape is sexy.

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We never really get “over” the assaults.

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I’d like to learn more about this.

I’ve been in major auto accidents where a single centimeter difference could’ve left me quadriplegic or dead. And then not thought about them for years.

Three hours of pair programming at Microsoft had me biting knuckles and breathing hard for eleven years. I needed therapy.

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Bravo, E Jean!!!!

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He has commented, ‘she’s not my type’. Rape is not about the sexy it is about the vulnerable. Does appearing strong enough to fight him off constitute ‘not his type’? Ms. Carroll is putting up one hell of a fight. The twice impeached, under indictment ex president may have overpowered her physically once, but using the word of another ex Republican president, he MISUNDERESTIMATED the lady this time.

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Yes! E. Jean Carroll, thank you!

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I hope she prevails.

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