Donald Trump loves Hitler and hates Social Security, because of course he does
Donny goes full fascist behind closed doors
Monday was chock full of grade-A Trumpfuckery — some of it infuriating, some of it predictable, some of it unintentionally hilarious. let’s look at three items in the news.
Day One Dickstain loves him some dictators. this we know. we’ve seen him snuggle up to Kim Jong-un at the Korean DMZ.
we’ve seen him roll over and expose his soft underbelly to Vlad Putin time and time again.
and just last week Viktor Orbán showed up for a despot playdate at Motel-a-Lago.
but new reporting from CNN shows us that the fascist fanboy adulation Trump displays in private is even worse than what the public sees.
“He said, ‘Well, but Hitler did some good things.’ I said, ‘Well, what?’ And he said, ‘Well, [Hitler] rebuilt the economy.’ But what did he do with that rebuilt economy? He turned it against his own people and against the world. And I said, ‘Sir, you can never say anything good about the guy. Nothing,’” Kelly recounted.
“Hitler did some good things.”
holy shit. but then again, what should we expect from the guy who kept a copy of Hitler’s speeches on his night table, and cribs Hitlerisms such as “vermin poisoning the blood” for his own speeches?
ok Donny, maybe your hero rebuilt Germany’s economy, but aren’t you horrified by Hitler’s rounding up of people he didn’t like and … oh wait, look who I’m asking. never mind.
Trump’s admiration for Hitler went further than the German leader’s economic policies, according to Kelly. Trump also expressed admiration for Hitler’s hold on senior Nazi officers. Trump lamented that Hitler, as Kelly recounted, maintained his senior staff’s “loyalty,” while Trump himself often did not.
here’s John Bolton:
“He views himself as a big guy,” John Bolton, who served as national security adviser under Trump, told me. “He likes dealing with other big guys, and big guys like Erdogan in Turkey get to put people in jail and you don’t have to ask anybody’s permission. He kind of likes that.”
here’s John Kelly again:
“My theory on why he likes the dictators so much is that’s who he is,” Kelly said. “Every incoming president is shocked that they actually have so little power without going to the Congress, which is a good thing. It’s Civics 101, separation of powers, three equal branches of government. But in his case, he was shocked that he didn’t have dictatorial-type powers to send US forces places or to move money around within the budget. And he looked at Putin and Xi and that nutcase in North Korea as people who were like him in terms of being a tough guy.”
note that all of these anecdotes come from Dudes With Books To Sell, because that’s how the game is played in DC. it would have been nice if even one of these inner-circle fucksticks — Kelly, Bolton, the whole worthless lot of them — had blown the whistle when it would have done the most good — back while Donny Diaperload was president — but that kind of patriotic stuff doesn’t fatten the wallet.
Sundowning Grandpa Befuddlepants just keeps writing one Democratic campaign ad after another.
yesterday he phoned into the CNBC show Squawk Box and proudly pissed all over the electric fence.
TV blowhard: “have you changed your outlook on how to handle entitlements, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid?”
Trump: “so first of all, there is a lot we can do in terms of entitlements, in terms of cutting.”
keep it up, dumb-ass. keep promising to do the most unpopular shit imaginable. keep bragging about outlawing abortion. keep promising to be a dictator. your MAGA cultists will never abandon you, but everyone else will.
and fuck’s sake, Social Security and Medicare are called entitlements because We the People are entitled to them. they’re not some give me free shit commie plot. hard-working Americans have paid into these programs their entire lives — with the expectation that they won’t have to dine on cat food once they retire.
but again, look who I’m talking to: some pampered fuckface who has been handed everything on a platter, has never done one honest day’s work in his life, and has no idea of the true value of money.
now sit back and enjoy some popcorn, because this is going to be a fucking disaster.
the Republican National Committee is now a fully-owned subsidiary of the Trump Organization.
‘Absolute bloodbath’ at RNC as new leadership loyal to Trump purges staff
Chair Michael Whatley and co-chair Lara Trump move to reorganize the party, with an expected cull of 60 members
Donald Trump’s new leadership team at the Republican National Committee started the process of ousting scores of staffers on Monday night, clearing out its ranks as they prepare to bring the committee under the wing of the Trump 2024 presidential campaign, sources familiar with the matter said.
why the popcorn? because everything Trump touches dies. he’d going to fucking destroy the Republican party. he’s replacing experienced organizers with empty-headed lackeys who have no clue what they’re doing. Trump is going use the RNC as his personal ATM — and stuff all that cash right into his own greasy pockets. instead of funding important down-ballot races, the RNC will be paying for the parking garage lawyer’s botox treatments.
Donald Trump’s daughter-in-law and handpicked choice to help lead the Republican National Committee said she thinks Republican voters would support having the political organization pay the former president’s ballooning legal fees.
Trump is going to do to the RNC what he did to those six bankrupt casinos in Atlantic City — strip it for parts, sell off what he can, steal everything that’s not nailed down, and leave empty-handed donors wondering what the fuck just happened.
it’s going to be magnificent.
but at the same time, it’s going to be horrifying — because what Trump is now doing to the RNC is exactly what he has planned for all of America, the minute he’s crowned King Fuckface the First: purge the government of every experienced civil servant and replace them with Trump loyalist morons who will let him do whatever the fuck he wants, laws be damned.
it’s called Project 2025, and the fascists have already started planning for it.
The unprecedented effort is being orchestrated with dozens of right-flank organizations, and represents a changed approach from conservatives, who traditionally have sought to limit the federal government by cutting federal taxes and slashing federal spending.
Instead, Trump-era conservatives want to gut the “administrative state” from within, by ousting federal employees they believe are standing in the way of the president’s agenda and replacing them with like-minded factotums more eager to fulfill a fascist approach to “governing.”
when Trump destroys democracy, it won’t be as funny as when he bankrupts a casino — so consider the Trump Family takeover of the RNC — as well as Donny’s own Hitler fanboying — to be a preview of the nightmarish hell he plans to put our country through.
as Maya Angelou wisely counseled us, when someone shows you they are, believe them.
Hitler DID do a good thing. He shot himself in the head.
The takeover of the RNC is another Trump grift. Evidently, the rest of the Republicans are so stupid they're allowing this to happen. Didn't Liz Cheney say there will have to be a new conservative party built...but only AFTER Trump is out of the game? And the so called "entitlement" programs. SCREW THAT. Give me my money I paid in to the system. You guys stole from the fund we paid into and now want to steal the rest. I despise Republicans...I really, really do. Trump needs a coronary.. .today. 🙄