fun and very unlikely true fact: in the 1990s and 2000s, I knew Fred Trump III, because he and I were both regulars at a bar in Manhattan. Freddy is a hell of a nice guy who doesn't deserve having Donny inflicted on him as an uncle.

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One slight correction. Trump will soon be a useless ate-er. He has already eaten so much that he can live for three years off body fat. Plenty of biomass left to create a steady stream of farts.

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The Farting Felon.

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Fellonam Inflatio in Latin.

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🏆 Love this ! He could be introduced at a rally with this and no one would know what it means !!! He’d preen and the magas would applaud. 👏 👏👏

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He’d probably think it related to sexual attraction.

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I'd like to think he's one audible fart caught on mic in front of a crowd away from losing the election in a landslide.

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Oh c'mon, his MAGAts would love that, it's exactly the sort of sordid, crass thing they enjoy. The only thing that would turn them off will be as he increasingly seems weak and powerless.

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Another correction would be that it was at the beginning, before the war that Hitler started exterminating first the disabled children of Germans, but they were lied to about it, as if they had just died on their own. Then, later when he started killing off the adults in institutions people protested. I was taught that this is what caused him to move most of the death camps out of Germany, so that they would be out of sight and out of mind. So, I think that most of those disabled killed were done early on. It should have been a warning for everyone. Right now, we need to be madly protesting the treatment of people at the Southern Border, because that is basically death camp central with Abbott at the helm, although it looks like the whole Nazi wing of our government aka the Republican Party will be chomping at the bit to show how cruel they can be. Look at SD Governor Noem. https://www.theguardian.com/books/2024/apr/26/trump-kristi-noem-shot-dog-and-goat-book

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It WAS a warning for everyone. Many many people tried to stop it. But no one wanted to listen. It didn't help, of course, that if you made enough noise, you were shot. It was debased beyond any kind of belief. And utterly grotesque that now, as the Nazi/GOP literally take the same pages out of the same playbook, once again we are protesting mightily, and EVEN KNOWING EXACTLY WHERE IT LEADS, still no one wants to listen. Let us do everything we can to stop them, -- starting with working to elect VP Harris so she can continue Biden's good works.

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I think it the removal of children for perceived disabilities is illustrated in the PBS Passport Masterpiece series World On Fire, a series that I highly recommend.

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Yes! I've watched it! So disturbing. My dad actually escaped Nazi-occupied Prague on the Kindertransport, his mother survived Auschwitz, and like many of my generation, I grew up knowing way too much about all this. It's remained a lifelong need to know and study all of it, and to let others know as well.

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Just inhaled my sinuses. Yes I’m immature. And thank you.

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I think us "cool" people never outgrow fart humor. Right? LOL. Cool being the part of us we don't let grow up all the way because it's fun.

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I hope so - but also old enough not to care! It’s great

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Agreed Paris 🙌🏽

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Me no like farty and poopy humor and never will.

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How come I don't believe someone who subscribed to Jeff's substack doesn't like farty and poopy jokes? I think that's a load of'💩💩💩!

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Ha ha ha . Jeff simply reports on farty poopy people. He doesn’t make this shit up himself.

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Perhaps if you've spent your career cleaning poop off strangers, you might change your opinion.

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It’s mostly a guy thing. My adult sons think that farts and fart jokes are hilarious ! My father did too. 🤷

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I’m one of three people that are the in-laws of family that we all appreciate a good fart meme or just the word fart that’s not appreciated by the out-laws of the family. We all are Irish by the way and proud of it!

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Yes, it is. That and burping.

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Did you have a little brother by any chance? LOL.

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Did you grow up in Santa Monica? And enjoy a good portion of your youth at State Beach?

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I submit it’s really more projection. The man has always been a “useless eater.”

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Yep. Can’t choose family.

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Especially as Donny stole their inheritance

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Yep,indeed he did, pretty sure when he gets to hell,he'll be Satan's replacement.

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It really is Satan in a suit with a red tie, sometimes another color. He’s gotta have horns somewhere, and a tail that is hidden between his tushie cheeks.

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It’s hidden underneath his diaper!

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He's too dumb to be Satan's replacement.

Now the couch fucker on the other hand...

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He stole family inheritance?

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Yes, Donny stole his brother, Fred’s inheritance, leaving Mary & Fred III out on the cold. I believe Mary Trump fought it, but I don’t know if she received anything

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Mary Trump has a Substack,you can ask her.

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She said it in her book. He stole it from his brother, Fred. Mary fought it but I’m not sure she won anything

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If only…

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I'll match you with another unlikely true fact: back in the 1990s, I was running a TV show, and it was sweeps week, and the network absolutely insisted I bring in someone "famous" and the person they forced onto me was..... Marla Maples! Who then turned out to be hesitant and I had to persuade her into it. Well the interesting fact here is that Marla is ALSO a hell of a nice person who never deserved having Donny inflicted on her. She couldn't have been nicer!

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I heard she has a NDA that prevents her from speaking badly about DJT.

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*full disclosure* 😏✔️

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My god this makes me sick

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Very cool. I pre-ordered his book today which should arrive on July 30th, the day of publication. Hopefully, the book's revenue can ease the care costs for his son.

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"...and — worst of all — we have only one lamb, because of all the woke." 😂😂😂 Clearly, Trump is insane. And I'll tell ya, I watched that speech when it happened as he made fun of the disabled reporter and I remember being SO PISSED and appalled. I thought, what a complete asshole. Why that didnt end his run is beyond me. I just despise him. KAMALA is our future 💙

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Yes, I agree with you.He is totally despicable with zero redeeming qualities.Hates dogs.Ugh.I think the country will need to take a long collective shower once we are rid of this scourge of a person.

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He's turned the GOP into nothing more than a hate group,it's time for Democrats to unite and take out the MAGA trash.

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They were already a hate group, just waiting for their overlord to come along and take them over.

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Pretty much,they've been whining about immigrants for most of the last 40 years,every election cycle,right on cue.

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Amen Bruce 🙌🏽

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You’re goddamned right!

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Hate cult

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We are well on our way to doing just that!!! LFG

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Maybe his redeeming quality is he actually managed to find a VP even more repulsive than him, thereby confirming there is no bottom to the depravity of the GOP.

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JD is trying but nah

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JD can try all he wants .. he’s a misogynistic AHOLE just like Drumpfty.. and he’s married to a very dark brown woman and I cannot believe she’s still married to that dumbass racist.. is he gonna control his wife’s periods and tell her when she can and can’t speak??!! What a fucking nightmare marriage!!

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They both married women from repressive nations who treat females like 3rd class citizens probably because they thought they'd have more control of them.

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Right on!

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'He really likes me' DJT said recently,just kiss my ginormous orange ass,kiss the ring... that's all it takes with him.

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Yeah.. he can kiss my sagging grits!!

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If he kisses my cheeks it better me the lower ones. I'd get a 💋 tattoo there in case he needs directions.

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My God! That guy is so repulsive to me on so many levels, cannot pinpoint one thing, but I can’t even look at his face… weirdest thing

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That's like his super power collecting the best people, yuk

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Vance is doing poorly in the polls-people see through his shape shifting to get his ill willed gains-he’s as phony as tRump

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Remember too the Bald Eagle that went ballistic on him much to his horror? When animals hate you, you really should take a long hard look in the mirror. More people should have listened or watched.

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Babies, too. There are so many pictures of him trying to hold a baby and the baby SCREAMING IN TERROR (and such a contrast to President Obama as he soothingly holds quietly sleeping babies). Babies know.

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I can’t even visualize old anus mouth trying to hold a baby, he must have been forced to do it. I’m quite sure he doesn’t like babies.

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Here's a comparison of pictures with the Oaf with babies vs. Obama with babies: https://9gag.com/gag/agqYzjK?ref=tp

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And supposedly this tub-o-lard got shot and was pumping fists shortly afterwards...yep..not buying it for a second...

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And dogs!

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I remember that clip. That eagle scared the crap out of DonOLD 🤣🤣🤣

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A long collective shower...you betcha!

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Fumigation now

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Can I be in charge of that?😈😈😂

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It’s proven among the mental health field that people who are cruel to animals have sociopathic tendencies & behaviors

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I really thought his sheep would abandon him after he mocked the disabled reporter. I thought the military would abandon him after he called them losers (my Navy vet dad sure did). There seems to be nothing this breathing turd says that will be too much for them.

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his deranged cultists are just as fucked up as he is. they eat this shit up.

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Most trumpers don’t believe it when they are told that he told Gen John Kelly that soldiers that died for our country were “suckers & losers “. One of them told me afterI told her that Gen Kelly was a traitor. I said -really? Gen John Kelly is a traitor and Donny boy is the greatest president of all time? You can’t make this stuff up

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Also this person I’m referring to was a veteran

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No you cannot.

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Same here! I was shocked he did that. And the loser comment. 🤦‍♀️ What's it take??

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Well, let’s see what the cult members have to say when it gets more widely reported about him saying that disabled people, including his own grandnephew, should just die. Even that probably won’t be enough. Once again they’ll just say his nephew, Fred III, is lying due to sour grapes about the inheritance money.

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They’re not only drinking quarts of Koolaid, but soaking in bathtubs of it daily.

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Three cheers for your navy vet dad!

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I was very proud of him, and it wasn’t easy for him. He was 87 and voted R his whole life. But he saw Drumpf for what he was and said hell, no.

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It was at that very moment that my partner and I determined that the donOLD should NEVER be our country's leader.

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It just shows there are a lot of American assholes

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I used to be a 'people person', people are ruining that.

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That’s because the press is shoving the wrong people in our face

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There are still more good people than not that can justify you remaining a people person. These are the people who will vote for Harris and win.

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All the good people on Jeff’s Substack!

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I know.

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I like your sense of humor

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😂😂 I hear ya! ✌️

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People ruin everything!

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And as Billy-Joe Armstrong sang in Green Day Don’t wanna be an “American Idiot”.

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One nation controlled by the media

Information age of hysteria

It's calling out to idiot America...

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Absolutely! I was just at the store and an older white woman was chewing out the only black employee in the store. She was saying how rude the other employees were to her. I walked up and stood next to the young woman and stared at that crow. She stopped bitching and left. Who in the fuck do these self righteous shit brains think they are? King Shitpants'supporters are dumber than doorknobs. Fucking stupid!! No excuses. Misogynistic bigots. Fuck 'em.

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Congratulations! You must have a real NYC stare. I learned from living in NYC for 11 years that you can make anyone go away just by giving them a real stink eye. Better not to say a word.

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Thanks for doing that, Lisa. More people should not be so afraid to do the same.

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It's the scrapper mentality I grew up with. It's not that much of a stretch from dealing with my own family. I really don't like bullies.

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I went to lunch with my two cousins today. The three of us grew up together like sisters, but they were both Republicans. They are both voting for Kamala, neither of them can stand to look at or hear LDFF. It’s looking really good for our future.

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Oh Sharon! Thats wonderful news! 💙💙💙 (Hey, my moving truck comes tomorrow! I'll be on the road likely on Saturday...just so you know! See you in August sometime!)

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Susan, good luck with your move!

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Thanks Teri. I'm as ready as I can be.

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Ugh! Moving! One tiny bit less awful than being burned at the stake. Best wishes!

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😂😂 Pretty much! Amazing how much I collected in just 6 1/2 years! 😳

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Good luck!! I'll be thinking about you!! That's a big job!

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Stay safe, my friend, we’ll keep in touch here and other Substacks. I hope your move goes smoothly. 😊

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It didn’t end his campaign because EVERYONE who voted for him are also EGREGIOUS ASSHOLES.

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There were so many red lines he crossed that should have been the end of him. Worse, people who didn’t care.

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Can anyone understand the grinning laughing audience in red caps behind him? How brainwashed or brainless can you get

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"They done paid me, fifty smackeroos AND I gets to be on the TEEvee! Alls I gotta do is smile and laugh when they tell me, it's so easy"

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I just refer to them as functionally illiterate. Period.

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They paid $50 for the red hat...so I believe you answered your own question.

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I remember that, how cruel that was and what really was even more appalling to me was the people laughing at this… so one person is a nasty cruel PO💩, that can happen ,but all the others too? THAT should have been the end., sometimes I’m ashamed of being a human being

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To think that a sizable portion of the population wants this deranged piece of shit at the head of the country is mind boggling.

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My former Republican sister asks me this all the time - “How can ANYONE think this shitwanger is their guy?”

I still have no answer.

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Have you ever traveled through America?

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Why are you asking about traveling in the USA? I have and that Commander Crazy Pants has normalized "Hating" anyone that's not perfect is his usual line of maniacal bullshit. He's reprehensible and it's mind blowing that he's again running for President.

The Disabled are NOTHING in comparison to Women's Rights activists and women in general, who have a group of men telling them that they don't have the right to Make Medical decisions over their own bodies. We're pissed and that WILL be reflected at the polls.

Commander Crazy Pants has lost his luster. More and more people are vowing to cast their vote against him in November to show him a humiliating loss yet AGAIN. People are abandoning him in his own party, some have even switched parties,they're done with being disgusted with the Orange Shit Gibbons behavior and comments.

Hoping he'll just slither away and stop torturing this Nation with his venomous, cruel and completely self serving comments. This Country deserves better and he's NOT doing anything unless it somehow benefits him.

A diaper wearing, gibberish rambling idiot who's slowly slipping in to Dementia before our eyes is NOT a leader, but, Kamala is.

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I’ve lived in insulated America, apart from traveling through half of it. A while ago, true, but I never encountered determined hate of the ‘other’ except - well, never.

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I've lived in the Northeast,and the South,and now in Southern California,in my experience people have more similarities,than differences, bigotry and hate are learned behaviors,not at all a natural behaviors.

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I agree with you. We had friends from the south - complicated but not reflexively racist, and welcoming of us northern liberals. .Hate is learned. Stupid people teach it.

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This is true-I’ve lived in the Southeast all my life. There are bigots & racist everywhere but not all of us feel like that-it is a learned behavior

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They used to hide it better though, but trump proved how many truly awful people there are among us.

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He gave them the okay to say & act racist. “Make America Racist Again “ MARA”

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I guess only the smart places. 🤣

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Note to trump: Laugh while you can, monkey boy!

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Some people know their classics 😘

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And Gini for the win 🙌🏽

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Lord John, I wake up every single morning thinking about this. He is not just deranged, he is sick, perverse, and evil, in every single square inch of his thoughts, words and actions. As a Christian, I think of all the Franklin Grahams today in “Christianity,” (millions of them) and my head explodes, over and over and over again. A sizable part of the USA has gone MAD, and I am so depressed, perplexed, and literally sick about it. I was born in 1953, and I never expected to see this…….never……….

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Yes. He is a truly, truly, terrible person. As Jeff often points out, a compendium of every possible vice and evil.

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I call him Dumb Antichrist.

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That's what's seriously worrying. Trump is the symptom, not the cause.

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The cause is grievance,as old as humanity itself.

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Cruelty is the weapon of the unintelligent…not sure who said it. Nothing but a huge bunch of bullies that have been given permission to release their stupidity and vileness on humanity.

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But not sizeable enough...

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My daughter is a sped teacher. She has 10 students in her class and two paraprofessionals. One student is nonverbal. School starts in two weeks, and she found out that she will have twins who are migrants and *likely* don’t speak English. I hope we can all agree that empathy is what is best required every damn day. I hope Kamala beats him in a landslide.

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Songgirl, I believe we will wipe them out! Think of the women supporting VP Kamala! The east Asians, the black women…just people of color + most white women. The LGBTQIA community! The rescumliCons are licking their wounds after Biden timed his announcement AFTER they locked Vance in! 😂😂‼️

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My millennial daughter is now sending me those damn TikTok videos every day, showing me that YES! They are loving Kamala! 😂

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I've heard Nikki Haley's PAC is now supporting Kamala 💙

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This is awesome!

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Yes, they wrote a letter that they were disappointed in Haley when she announced she was all in with Trump. Now all of their votes are going to Kamala.

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It’s a wondrous thing. I also heard that Nikki was upset about them using her name: Nikki Voters For Kamala. That makes it even better.

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I really think we can land a trifecta due to turning out new voters who are energized by Haaris to benefit downballot candidates.

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My daughter is a teacher also,I couldn't be more proud of her.

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Same here, Bruce

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Your daughter is a rockstar!!

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She works with kindergarten kids. It’s almost like a Sesame Street show every day in her class. She teaches them fine motor skills, like holding a pencil, colors, shapes, etc. She writes IEP’s frequently. I’m appalled that these teachers are so overworked and underpaid.

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Yup total ROCKSTAR .. your daughter must be a chip off of Moms block 💙🤙🏽

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My niece-in-law is also a sped teacher. It takes a really special person with lots of patience to do that job.

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Have we ever in the US had such a vile public person or one so cruel? I can't think of one. This is even more disgusting because it's been widely rumored that his youngest son Barron has a cognitive disorder. There are no words for this repugnant a-hole. And shame on Melania for staying with him for one more nanosecond.

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You're right Deborah...I cant think of another so vile. He's just despicable. And the cult members in the seats behind him...I have no words. 🙄

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( I think a lot of them are paid to be there which is pretty vile in and of itself)

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Yep, he pays people to fill seats at his rallies. He wants optics that benefit him, oblivious to the fact that these sorts of cheap tricks aren't fooling anybody. Craigs List and paying people to fill seats will come at a cost, getting his cult to see it is the frustrating aspect. They'll follow him off of the cliffs too, lemmings to their core.

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Oh yeah…. Whatta way to make a little cash. 🙄

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They run ads in local papers for some jag-offs to make a little cash,stick some reds hats on them and give them some signs,and they're officially 'props-for-a-day' at usually an outdoor rally,because the Trump campaign has stiffed so many indoor venues.

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Melania keeps renegotiating her prenup which is now a postnuptial.

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And yet, 70 MILLION Americans voted for him!! What is wrong with them?

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I'd love the answer to that question. ITS A CULT!!!

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My parents used to say “education, education, education” (as to the lack thereof), when they first came to this country in 1948. They were appalled then, they are rolling in their graves now.

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The billionaires bankrolling him are educated. It's not just the Deliverance bunch that are his supporters. But the rich are in it for the money. Social issues do not concern them.

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Democracy doesn’t concern them either

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Right, complete weirdos like Peter Thiel say crazy shit like “freedom & democracy cannot coexist” so he thinks democracy must go. He also wants to have floating cities out international waters so they can live by their own rules.

Then there’s the Mellon nut job who’s financing both drumph & RFKjr, who believes he’s seen Amelia Earhart’s & her navigator’s heads wrapped in cellophane at the bottom of the ocean & also several rolls of toilet paper down there too!!! Still intact after 75 yrs underwater. How insane is that?

That’s the caliber of people trying to get LDFF elected.

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Cult & Anti-Democrats- no matter who the candidate is.

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Indoctrination is an ugly thing.

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Barron is allegedly on the Autism spectrum. I think he's a baby HITLER.

Not because of his disability, but his DNA, & psychopathic parents

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I've often wondered if trump's bullshit anti-vax ideology is because of Barron. I have three on the spectrum (as well as being AuDHD myself.) I remember during the inauguration, there was a clip of Melania attempting to high five with the kid. She held her hand up and he just stood there. As she put her hand down he finally raised his hand up to high five her. I thought, hmmm..

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He has a flat affect. Has except for when he was an infant. I even questioned if that was really him at that rally. Never has smiled before.

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Another clip showed her putting her hand up and he went to hit it and missed.

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Omg yes..not a comment was made..so autism

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Trump doesn’t have any anti vax ideology, he & his family are vaxed; he just spouts that BS because he knows it makes his cultists go wild with joy. As in “ain’t no gubment gonna tell me what to do”

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Yes I know someone in NY that barron had the same ABA therapist. Has anyone ever heard a word come out of his mouth.?

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I don't think he speaks. The college thing is another lie, probably. Mom will stay close to him as long as she lives. They will continue to lie about him. Look at the good they could have done with raising awareness and money for autism (if that's what's wrong with him). Rather than her Be Best (utter BS), she could have been the face of cognitive disabilities. This whole family is just gross.

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Trump's granddaughter was used as a prop at the convention,saying Trump was a 'loving,doting grandfather', (yep,just ask Ivanka about that sweetie)... apparently the 'grifting Force' is strong in the younglings.

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Can't imagine having that greasy cokehead for a dad and seeing Bride of Chucky at the breakfast table every morning. Poor kid. Vanessa was smart to get those kids away from him.

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😂😂😂😂, indeed. McSniffles and Dum Dum are showing mental illness runs in the family,along with dementia.

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Only " denar " , Slovenian for MONEY.

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😂😂😂😂😂you get 5 smileys today!!!

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No, I certainly never have. For real, anyone on Jeff’s comment thread know of any clip of him speaking?

I mean surely he does? He just graduated high school??

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Has anyone seen the very rare smile ?

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But he probably inherited it from his dad... Justin Trudeau.

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No, no no ! His dad is Gary Busey.


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😂😂😂😂,or Dennis Rodman,that 6'10' inch young man didn't come out of Trump's loins.

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Melania made her bed but I’m betting Dump doesn’t lie in it. 😂

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I'm surprised Barron isn't an Immaculate Conception. It just shows the absolute greed of someone who would sleep with him to become his wife one day.

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He could be an IVF child,

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Oh, he lies in it. He lies all the time.

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Apparently she wouldn't even get close enough to him piss on him if he were on fire.

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Not in Lo these many years!! Hell, maybe not even after she had Baron.

That’s really all she needed was an anchor baby; as he loves to call them.

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Her and the nepo baby kids are riding the grift train until the end of the line.

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Anchor baby a cartoonist got fired for putting that in an editorial cartoon Melania was labeled illegal immigrant which she was originally.

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Yep,she over-stayed her visa. And her parents were chain-migrated,his Trumpy going to deport the chain-migrated too?? Probably not the white ones.

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I think Melanoma is probably as vile as he is. Why else would she think blood red Christmas trees are festive, say things like "Fuck Christmas," and wear a coat that says "I don't care, do U?" Not only that, but she had a staff that didn't say "Maybe you should re-think this?" either because they were as awful as she is or were too cowed to say it.

But she also knows which side her bread is buttered on.

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She is definitely as bad, she was a birther too.

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Lee Atwater was pretty fucking terrible, but at least he repented at the end. Roy Cohn was a demon, and honestly I think Rush Limpballs single handedly brought about the end of civil discourse.

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Roy Cohn died of AIDS and broke,and Trump abandoned him because of it.

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Couldn’t have happened to a better guy!

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JD Vance has said women should have to stay with abusive husbands for “the sake of the children”. F’ck him!

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There are already too many people with CPTSD, from abusive parents.

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Melania has no shame! Remember her near-pornographic modeling photos pre-first ladyship and the “I don’t care, do you?” on the back of her jacket after visiting the caged orphaned children at the border, once “first lady” ? And who other than a shameless opportunist would marry a man like dRumpf, in the first place?

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She plagiarized Michelle Obama's speech,and then cut down the rose garden, Malaria can piss off too.

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He married for "looks," she married for money. If they're miserable, they got what they deserve

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Remember how Rethuglicans called them “art”. Would they have said the same for Michelle Obama?? Doubt it

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She made her bed, as my Nana would say. The last pre-nup got her more money with a lot of stipulations ; NDA, no divorce, must smile - - - - ????? I’d love to see it 😂

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I recommend you listening to Rachel Madow’s brilliant podcasts called Ultra. You will see how awful some of the people in our government, way back when, were devious and sinister.

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Ultra Season 1 & now Season 2 is great. As you said, you’ll find out some truly disgusting things about our Senators, etc. But just maybe it might make us pay closer attention to what they’re up to & vote them out.

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I have friends with disabilities! Fuck him!!!!!

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I live with disabilities. Fuck him!!!

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So do I! Fuck him!

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Something VP Harris said in Milwaukee about pre-existing conditions struck a nerve with me. My Mother and to retire at 58 years old because of her rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes,she had a pretty nice nest-egg because of her career,but because she had a pre-existing conditions,her medical condition pretty much bankcrupted her,like VP Harris said, 'No going back'.

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I was born with a very rare disease with no cure,and had to stop working at 50 yrs old.Im going to be 65 in October and have been on disability since 54! It took 4 friggin years to get disability,which emptied out my bank account! I whole heartedly believe Kamala will beat Trump in November.I can't imaging losing Social Security and Medicare at the hands of the republicons!

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Older people vote, and they are NOT going to vote for anyone who threatens Medicare and Social Security. Most workers, as well as their employers, have been paying into SS and Medicare their entire working lives.

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Me either damn repthugs anyway.

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I got polio when I was 6 mo old & was left with residual paralysis in my left leg & right arm. After yrs of PT & many surgeries, I was able to function & adapt, became an RN & worked my ass off for 41 yrs. I tried to retire a few yrs before age 65 because I was tiring out, so checked into private pay insurance, got turned down because of the polio diagnosis!!! So had to continue working until I was eligible for Medicare. That was some BS.

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My husband is disabled from a stroke and his entire left side is paralyzed. I remember the day Don-Old decided to mock that reporter myself and my husband happened to be watching. I saw a tear come from his eyes, needless to said already hated him but that made me hate him even more. If I have anything to do with I’m making sure he never fucking walks into the oval office again. I really believe he’ll never see the White House again. May he burn in hell.

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Thanks for this, Keely. I admire you.

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Thank you, I’m on a vacation for the first time in 18 years. I needed a little break. I feed my husband, bathe him take him to all appointments. Don-Old is a bottom eater there isn’t a morning I wake up and say to myself is that useless fuck dead…

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Keeley, my mom started having strokes in her mid-40's while us kids were still in high school. My dad had left by then and us kids (mostly me and my older sister since my brother was still young) took care of her for years. It is the hardest job caring for someone you love who is in that condition! Such difficult work, physically and emotionally, since often their personality changes, too. Sending you good thoughts and much strength!! <3

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FWIW, I'm sending positive energy and gratitude to you. You are a hero. tRump is a zero.

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Big, firm, sincere hugs to you and your husband, Keeley.

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You need that vacation. I hope you’re enjoying yourself.💕

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I have those same thoughts Keeley.

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So sorry your husband (and you) had to hear and see that. 🌷

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I had a stroke in 2007.

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I hope that you had a good recovery, Bruce. I’ve had two very minor TIA’S a few years ago. All is well now.

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Thank you!! Unfortunately I was in a very rural area where I lived,my friend's realized what was happening,and called an ambulance,it took maybe 45 minutes to an hour to arrive,I was only 45 years old. I try to look at it philosophically, without some adversity in life, you're never challenged to grow, 'Failure is the best teacher'

Master Yoda

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Are you an “Old Hippie” Bruce? You strike me as one.

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Guilty as charged ☮️

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I had a poster of a beautiful forest over my desk at work. It said “ The only evidence of life is growth “. When times were tough I’d stare at it and tell myself “ you can do this “. And I did.

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I’m sorry to know that, I hope you’ve recovered well.

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Still working on it,the language center of my brain was affected,the words are still there,but you can't get them out, it's pretty frustrating. Now my speech is pretty good,but sometimes when I'm writing I leave out words,or add some to sentences,and sometimes have go back and try to correct syntax and sentence structure,but all in all,not complaining,never want to be a guy complaining about having no shoes,when I know people who have no feet.

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Sorry you suffered a stroke. Keep posting! I enjoy reading your posts. Early on, when #Turd mocked a disabled person, was a deal breaker. IIRC that was before we knew how terrible things with him would get.

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Oh my, I'm not quite covfefe yet,so I'll keep on trying...

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And Substack is the best place to hang out and express yourself. Good people here! 😃

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I am so sorry to hear that. It’s the year my dad died of a heart attack.

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He keeps bringing up Hannibal Lector for one reason - he was mocked for it the first time because it was legitimately nuts, so now he has to double down and figures if he keeps saying it, it will somehow sound normal to his followers. Well it might to them but guess what, Donny? It still sounds nuts to the rest of us. You can't try whitewash your crazy, bud, no matter how hard you try!

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He perceives it to be a joke, it’s stupid and the supposed punch line is all wrong.


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Shade Vance thinks Diet Mountain Dew is funny...

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Mt Dew is any form is nasty.

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Agreed, I'd rather drink antifreeze.

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My sons when they were teenagers loved Mt Dew. I put it in a category of tasting like cat piss yet I have yet to drink that lol.

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it looks like antifreeze!

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Mountain Dew is okay. It's Mello Yello that's toxic sludge.

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Add Dr. Pepper to the yuk list. I remember back in 1961 I had a room party in my class. Some mom brought Dr Pepper and I'm still mad about it. Lol. Coke drinker - never diet anything.

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If there's an artificial sweetener that isn't nasty,I haven't found it yet.

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I’m referring to Trump as the moron btw

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He’s not good enough to be a moron, besides which it’s a derogatory term for the intellectually disabled.

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He also thinks it's a really funny joke, and every time he says it the idiots laugh, or at least chuckle. What I don't get are the "groupies". The ones who show up at every rally no matter where it is. I mean, how many times can you hear the same shit spoken over and over and not get tired of it.

I mean, I've watched some of my favorite movies so often I have dialog memorized, but at least they're truly entertaining.

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It's seems most MAGAs are unemployed.

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Tape one rally and you’ve heard them all.

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I bet quite a few are paid to show up.

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You watch. It will. Probably Lecter is waiting under the interstate bridge in Dallas for JFK Jr to appear so he can replace Vance as VP.

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😂😂😂😂,wow!! That's a lot to unpack...

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He really should wear diapers on both ends.

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'Repeat a lie over and over again,until it becomes truth for people'

Josef Goebells

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He admires Lector and wants to BE him! Dumbass is also a one-trick pony. He ain’t got nothin’ else.

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Still waiting for the MSM to start reporting on Little Donny two scoops cognitive decline and his age. Still waiting... WAITING!

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Me too.

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Not gonna happen it appears.

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Don’t be holding your breath.

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"Donald Trump is a heartless piece of shit"

What I wouldn't give for the Harris campaign to use this exact phrase in an ad.

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Spoken by Liam Neeson, Morgan Freeman, or Samuel L. Jackson. Actually, I think Sam could really spice it up a bit.

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Samuel Jackson: "Say "Crooked" or "Lyin'" ONE more time, motherfucker."

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Oh, Sharon! That was priceless, I laughed out loud! I love Samuel L Jackson.

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Gotta love 'em

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Donnie's not going to end up a useless eater.

That's what he's been for decades.

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Time to haul OLD Donnie off. He has eaten waaay too much already. People don’t like to see these things you know? Get him out of the public eye. Get him out of here. Don’t bring him around.

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That's why I don't think that Kamala should give him oxygen by doing a debate. He should be like dirt under her shoe. Totally beneath her. No spotlight for the sick f**k.

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NASCAR winners for the military? Sure they can drive fast and maybe beat a hasty retreat. I would at least go with Jeopardy winners because they’re pretty good at the military history questions. 🙄

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He also said football coaches could teach the military something -- yeah, like Tuberville?

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Or Hershel Walker, who's probably on his way to an abortion clinic as we speak...

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Send Tuberville into action first

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🤢 tuberville, another GOP all in supporting our military. Except when he somehow singlehandedly held up military promotions for months bc he didn't get something he wanted.

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Unfortunately they're usually fighting for the wrong side...it's usually the Confederacy.

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Or the Nazis as the America First movement did in the 40’s

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Apparently, as a polio survivor, I have overstayed my welcome for 69 years. His disability is much more severe. It's a complete lack of heart or soul. No empathy or understanding. My dream is to be invited to dinner with Hannibal Lechter and when I tell him I don't like Donald Trump, he'll say "Then just push him aside and eat your vegetables.".

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Ok, that was truly lol! 🤣

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Gruesome but oh, so funny!

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You have absolutely not overstayed!! I'm sorry you had to deal with polio. Turd has overstayed his welcome 🤢

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He just can't seem to figure that out. 🙄

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I taught young children with special needs for twenty-five years. Even the most severely disabled children had their own unique personalities, and I loved each child for who they were and the enrichment they brought to my life. I doubt there is a single person in the United States who doesn’t know someone with a disability, whether it be from birth, an illness, an accident, or while serving in the military. It appalls me that people can support this despicable, cruel monster. He will certainly deserve whatever the future holds for him, because I guarantee it won’t be pleasant, because karma is truly a bitch.

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He will rot in HELL, for sure

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The quotes about allowing people to die are echoes of 2020, when thousands dies of neglect and misinformation thanks to Donald Trump. I remember too well.

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When it was okay to refuse supplies to blue states to reduce the amount of voters

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Part of Project 2025 is retribution on Blue States.

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I was just reminded that the AIDS epidemic was allowed to continue because Reagan had cut the NIH budget. Shades of 2020 in the 80s.

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First, they came for the people with bone spurs...

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And I said nothing because I didn't have bone spurs....

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We can only hope...

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