1. Said this yesterday about Vance’s shitty comment but bears repeating:

My mom, who was of that generation, was totally accepting of a trans family member. Guess that answers Vance’s question.

2. Since when do batteries cause electrocution? Would someone please give Trump a hairdryer to take into the bathtub? That might explain the difference to him.

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I love that idea!! Once the bathtub is filled, hand him the blow dryer & then yell “Donald!! A shark is coming”

Supposedly he’s terrified of sharks

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Battery. Shark. Whichever gets the job done most efficiently.

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Whoa, wait. Didn't he say a couple of months ago that once a battery gets wet, it's dead? So how can it electrocute him if the water deactivated it? Why am I asking questions as if Trump's brain hasn't glitched a thousand time between that statement and this weekend?

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Back then he thought magnets were inactivated if they got wet. Now he thinks a DC battery will electrocute you if submerged. He just keeps 'em comin'!

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Hey, he is a genius by proxy to an uncle that taught at .MIT, don't you know!

Go figure.

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Would MIT be the

Make Believe Institute of Trump ,That MIT ?

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10

Taught him the word "nuclear" and everything! He can almost spell it!

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This is what happens when what is left of one’s brain is a neuron connected by 2 spirochetes.

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What’s quicker?😊😊😊😊

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What I cannot get over is as Trump is saying he prefers electrocution to the shark, some guy behind him is nodding in agreement and looking over at a friend who is nodding in agreement too. Are they even having anything between their ears. Or picturing the chances of surviving electrocution in the water, over a shark attack.

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And rise from the dead 3 days later! Put it to the test.

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but that might cause him to jump out of the tub. we might not want to be there

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Trump needs to go back to 1st and second grade. He also needs to learn about run on sentences.

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That's assuming that he went to first and second grade in the first place.

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I'm sure he did, but he probably wasn't paying attention. Same at Whaton. How do you graduate from Wharton and still be an economic illiterate?

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He didn't graduate from the Wharton School of Business - he took a few classes there (maybe?) while "earning" a degree at University of Pennsylvania. As for grade school, I think that was the time when he hit a music teacher (a woman, of course), in the face. He was born a stupid sociopath.

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And his parents sent him to military school after that. Hence, the I know more than the Generals…

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Military school for someone his age is otherwise known as "reform school" for the sociopathic children of wealth.

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No, he went to NY Military Academy for high school--it a high school you send your kid to when you are rich and you don't know how to handle the juvenile delinquent!

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It's called the Fred Trump endowment.

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10

He did not graduate from Wharton (the School of Business). He never was admitted to the Wharton School of Business. He went to Fordham, then transferred to U. Penn, where he studied the hotel business or something like that; the undergraduate division that offers those courses is called "Wharton College" (like, for example at Cal Berkeley, there's a "College of Engineering," a "College of Letters and Science" and so forth). All undergraduate. And I am literally certain that he paid other students to do his work & take his tests. I believe one of his former professors was quoted as saying he was "the stupidest student he had ever had." So of course, his endless claim that he "went to Wharton" is like me claiming I have a degree from Harvard because I once walked through Harvard Yard.

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His niece said that his sister Mary did all of his homework for him.

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I remember that quote. Trump has llved up to that judgment.

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I think I read an article about this a couple years ago. The bottom line was his daddy paid for his degree, I was not surprised. He truly is stupid; and, as we all know, stupidity cannot be fixed.

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No, but you can recognize it by its hat...

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Without a doubt.


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One of his Professors at U PENN called him the dumbest student he ever had.

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Pay people to take all your tests for you.

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By someone paying for his degree?

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He got an undergraduate degree from Wharton, not an MBA. One of his professors there said he was the dumbest student he'd ever had in his entire teaching career! Fred, Sr. bought him his degree!

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I'm sure they had to pay extra tuition to take him.

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He was throwing rocks at the other kids.

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Part of what got his ass shipped to military school.

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He was a mean little shit, by all accounts. He still is.

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How about learning about run-on, nonsensical paragraphs? He’s a perfect example of a wasted mind.

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Learning about? He INVENTED them! Along with electricity and boats. Nobody even knew about sharks until he brought them up. The best sharks.

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Can't waste something you never had...

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He needs to NOT be anywhere near the nuclear codes!

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he’s completely mastered run-on sentences and run-on lies.

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That stable genius who can say the letters M, I and T in their proper sequence (to prove he's a stable genius) might want to learn the difference between the letters AC and DC. Electrocution! Jesus......

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His MAGA supporters don’t know the difference either

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But does he know what the letters stand for? He never went to MIT and just because an uncle did doesn’t make him smart, he’s as dumb as that rag on his head . I wonder if he goes to jail, will they allow him to keep his hair ?

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Ooh, he needs a buzz !

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Direct current can electrocute.

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Battery voltage not nearly high enough to disperse significant current into a body of water.

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It’s amperage that matters, not voltage

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Of course. Voltage is the potential energy that can be generated, current is the actual "flow" of that energy, and the amount of current depends on the voltage and the system resistance (Ohm's law). For a current (amperage) high enough to interfere with the electrical conduction of a heart, the voltage has to be significant because the resistance in our skin is quite high. It's lower when wet, but then you have to consider the resistance of each millimeter of water between a still functioning battery and the object. Bottom line : trump is talking about batteries. This scenario is absurd.

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It’s jaw-dropping absurd

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My father was repair officer on a sub-tender. I saw 1.5 v batteries as big as oil drums. They were extremely dangerous

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JD Vance is smarter than Donald. But not by much. He dishonors himself by insulting the honorable. Biden was doing his job. Attacking fascism and upholding freedom.

Wonder what Eisenhower would say about JD's and Donald's insults of the President of the United States. Indefensible! Let's remind the MAGAs that Dwight D Eisenhower, Supreme General of the Armed Forces and President of the United States. And Leader of the GOP from 1952 to 1960. Was ANTIFA.

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No epithets match up to Vance’s repulsiveness

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He sees himself as the Veep Creep.

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🏆 Your idea deserves an award!! Um, is it ok if someone puts a shark in the tub at the same time as his tiny hands grab the hairdryer?

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Wow! My mom too! What a coincidence 😉

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And boats with the heaviest fu$king diesel engines aren’t sinking. Boats are known for taking on huge weight and not sinking? Is he on drugs? Sounds really serious. The heat might get him.

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in some circles “boat” means “submarine” or, i suppose, small craft. Large surface vessels are “ships”

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The only problem with this scenario, trump doesn’t take baths or showers, evidently… based on people in proximity to him who have been overcome by his stink. Trump reeks.

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Yes, he wears a special cologne: Eau de Repel

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btw, popular science project these days is making a battery using a potato (https://www.sciencebuddies.org/science-fair-projects/project-ideas/Energy_p010/energy-power/potato-battery)

Tell him he needs to be careful of fries lest they conspire to electrocute him.

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That’s hilarious

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The idea that is is Trump in one of his more lucid mom we nts...

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I’ll deliver the hair dryer to him!

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Make it the highest wattage possible!

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If connected well enough, any battery larger than your fist can stop your heart.

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What kind of boat has he been on?? Batteries that sink. Deep batteries. Batteries that electrocute people.

I was amazed that he somehow “knew” that water conducts electricity… no no no. I think I am attributing his “knowing” this to his having real info. It was random that this made sense. One phrase, a few words, out of his outpouring of pre-compost verbal spewage

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Ah, great! I been going “WHAR MY TIEDRICH! WHAR!” in a Yosemite Sam voice all morning.

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I was going into TDS (Tiedrich Withdrawl Syndrome).

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one of these days I might actually take a day off, just saying

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Face it, Jeff - you are an Essential Worker.

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The remaining sane people of this country understand how tough it is to glean humor from these greedy sick bucks. Thank you. By the way , you read aloud well!

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They autocorrected bucks! I tried for an f.

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SF airport and United (if that’s what you flew) is a blackhole of suckiness. I could regale you about flights from SFO to Reno (last leg of many flights home) cancelled or delayed, as we wait hour-by-hour to see if we are flying home. Easier to just rent a car and drive over the Sierra, while luggage goes on its merry way to somewhere sometime. A cancelled flight out of SFO meant that my husband missed his conference in Germany where he was scheduled to speak. So he cancelled the rest of his flight and tried to book a flight home. Yeah? That’ll be $495 for a 60-minute flight. Arguments ensued.

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I just book 'em then have Ciitibank whack it. 9 times out of 10 United doesn't even respond.

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If that happened to me, an ass whipping would ensue.

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Sounds as fun as Dallas Ft Worth to MSP....worse if you started in Florida ( yearly corporate meeting & European leadership loved Florida). Yep, happily retired.

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Wait.. I need my Tiedrich fix every single day.. if I have to see that MangoMussolini every single damn day on every single news feed then I need Jeff’s writing to keep me sane.. cause I’ll end up in jail for assault and battery of some F’d up MAGAt Moron..

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I know the feeling.

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You absolutely should do that on the regular. We will survive.

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Haha..nope. I’m retired and won’t begrudge anyone their hard earned days off.

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Well said 👏

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Hopefully at the end of November after Biden wins and the dust settles. You deserve a nice long vacation!

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Ahhh… love you Jeff! We’ve all been conditioned to look for you before noon. You’ll need a day to rest up. We will need your take on The Alito recording … it sounds like a scandal in the making. See The Dworkin Report. 🤦‍♀️

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Yes. The Dworkin Report today was a bombshell. I am thankful to Lauren Windsor and her spot-on voice.

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Rest up. We can wait. Travel is increasingly difficult, and reading the crap you do for us sucks energy. So rest, rest, read something funny.

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Take a day off!!! We can read back issues!!!!!!!!!

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Your luggage wound up in my home state. Coulda been worse. Coulda been Florida.

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Aren't you supposed to blame flight delays and lost luggage on Biden? MAGAs blame every other first world problem on Joe. We never had flight cancellations and lost luggage when Trump was in charge.

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Please give us advance notice!!

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Yes’m definitely…so we can prepare! 😂

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Please don’t…🤣you may have mass hysteria on your hands, if you do…no pressure though! 🤭

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You definitely deserve it!

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No no no! My mental health and well-being are dependent on my dose of JT

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February 30th.

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Please DO take a day off Jeff, or a week! You need your rest, because we literally cannot survive without you and what you do. But just give us a warning before you do, please. I was getting worried by 12:30 today, lol

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Yes, me too. Jeff is like family now.

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Same.. and now I feel selfish. If I had known Jeff and Ms. Spouse were going through travel hell, I’d have been sending positive vibes instead of getting all giddy about today’s post.

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Ah say, Ah say, Ah say, WHAR AM HE? 😹

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Maybe I should have used Foghorn Leghorn, my favorite.

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Boy, boy? I say, I say ya call that a BOY??

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I think Yosemite Sam hit all the right notes 😂

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I must confess to getting them mixed up. I love them both. 💘

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One is the Looney Toons' worst villain, unfettered by time and space, appearing everywhere from Ancient Rome to Arabia to the Old West. The other, Foghorn, is a wrathful six foot tall rooster based on a since-forgotten southern senator character on the Fred Allen radio show, name of Senator Claghorn--even stealing his tagline, "That's a joke, son!" Foghorn is considered a sort of saint by those pestered by their neighbors' yapping dogs. He not only beats the dog, he sings a calypso song about beating the dog on the way to beat the dog.

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No actual dogs were harmed. I know we've got a lot of dog-mommies and daddies here. My household believes cats have mommies and are allowed to want them.

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It must be National Talk Like a Pirate Day. Aaargh, maties!!

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Right? 😂

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Me too! 😂

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I know. I was concerned. We can't lose Jeff at this critical juncture.

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I've got a $50 bet with a MAGA friend that Trump won't show for the debate. I hope I lose but I doubt I will.

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I would consider "MAGA friend" to be an oxymoron.

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It's hard, but there are two or three that I love for other reasons and they're not disrespectful assholes they've just been indoctrinated into a cult

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My supposed BFF of 36 years unceremoniously dumped me because I'm not a MAGAt. It's okay because I actually prefer my friends who aren't fascists.

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My wife ran into a MAGA family when both their cars were stuck on a highway owing to a truck mishap. No one talked politics, and my wife said they were nice and helpful to another motorist who was having a problem. So I have to believe that the ones who aren't armed thugs are perfectly ordinary people who don't know very much and have, as someone just said, become indoctrinated into a cult.

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I think the Trump word salads put them in a trance for the duration of that day. The effect is wearing off, though, as seen by the footage lately of people leaving all the venues mid-speech.

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Yes, thank you. I see a fair amount of talk about "trailer trash" MAGA (kind of classist btw), but I can say with certainty that a lot of the support for Trump in the South is from the rich white suburbs where people are unfortunately watching Fox News all day and are scared about everything.

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We’re you all the same color? That’s the real test. They’re nice because you’re their color.

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I love all my family even if some are pro-MAGA and am cheered because very few are still planning to vote for Trump.

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A friendlymoron.

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As he continues to slip further into cognitive decline, his loyal servants may tell him to sit this one out. His regular intake of Adderall and other meds might not be enough to cover up his the lights are out but nobody's home horseshit gibberish. My mom who succumbed from the terrible affects of dementia had her difficult moments but she was never a 1000 light years from home like he's heading for.

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She also wasn’t running for the most powerful job in the world

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Nor would she have ever wanted to at any of those awful stages.

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That word salad sounded like someone in the second stage of Alzheimer's. There are only 3. He is not far from needing Shady Pines Rest Home.

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You mean there’s such a thing as a maga ‘friend’? You must be a saint! 😉

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Mucous head has a pant load of lawyers figuring out the best excuse for him to back out.

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Im not responding to my MAGA cousin who wants to visit…no way. They pissed me off with their trump nonsense, so I’ve blocked them from all social media. My other cousin relayed the request. I’ll take a chance with the shark 🦈 lol.

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It’s such a horrible thing. My only living sister is MAGA & at one time believed all the conspiracy theories, she probably still does. We don’t talk very often anymore because it’s too easy for it to devolve into an argument.

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I admire you, I really do, no joke, I let go of couple of friends because they support trump and maga, I am not perfect by any means but darn it I’ve got better ethics… how do you do it? Serious question

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Oh, I lost a LOT of "friends" that way, the ones who are obnoxious, insulting, or post horrible racists things online, etc. which is most of them. But I do have a few I can count on one hand who aren't like that (at least not around me) and who have a lot of other good qualities and many years of friendship.

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But they support a person who is a rapist. That’s a deal breaker for me for every single one ☝️ f them.

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I really hope he does - he is not going to look anything but pathetic, but I will bet his handlers cancel for him and make him think Joe didn't show!

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He won’t.

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The RNC advertised on Craigslist for people to attend the "rally" in Vegas. They were to wear a T-shirt and carry a sign. A bonus of $50 was promised if they ended up on TV.

At the "rally" Trump allegedly told the crowd "I don't care about you. All I want is your vote". He does tell the truth sometimes, by accident.

The GOP has sunk below the surface and even the sharks don't want them. Trump is not any advertisement for growing old gracefully. Spontaneous Human Combustion is too simple a fate for him.

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Lord have mercy! Donny Fuckface told the truth - his first time in a hundred moons! “I don’t care about you- I just want your votes!”. Well ain’t that the utter truth, you narcissistic whore.

Dems- there is your new campaign theme- plaster it on your Tv ads with his wind blown hair.

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Not allegedly. Actually:


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Good ad,though.

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Biden’s campaign would be crazy not to use that “Truth” 😂

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Narcissistic whore. Finally the last word on Trump. He’s a whore. Everything is for sale so he can gaze at the money and how it bolsters his ego. A crazy, narcissistic whore. What could go wrong?

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Wow! They’re so desperate for attendees that they have to advertise and then promise them $ 😳🤣

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They've been doing that for years.

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Starting with the crowd of his "supporters" who cheered as he glided down the gilded escalator in 2015.

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Wow, I didn’t know that.

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They did not identify the rally purpose in the ad. Only the location.

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Makes you wonder under what section of Craigslist they put it in. 🙃

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It's always been that way. But if you know where Orange Turd will be, it's pretty obvious.

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I’ve seen/heard the rally video clip… he did say that.

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This was actually debunked by snopes

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"...the monkey in Donny’s head started crashing the cymbals together a little too loudly..." - priceless

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Can you imagine him trying to debate Biden?!

It will never happen. He is too far gone.

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I can imagine him debating a traffic light.

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What would General Eisenhower say about JD Vance today?

What would President Eisenhower say about Donald today?

Eisenhower was antifa.


Donald HATES Ike.

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If you aren’t antifa you are profa.

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OMG 😳 I really believe that was the worst rant he’s ever done; boat, batteries, sharks, electrocution !!!

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I say, “Just jump over trump!” Die by electrocution or a shark eating you. Please.

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Either/or… all good!😂😂

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It kind of fits somewhere into the "magnets don't work when they're wet" screed.

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He is bored and scared

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First of all…glad you and Ms. Spouse are safely home! Second…the monkey in Homer Simpson’s head looks exactly like Little Donny FuckFace….. Third…JD Vance-go fuck yourself! Greatest Generation deserves the highest accolades from the entire world! …….fuck the nazis and maggots who support them! So There!!!!!! Have a nice week everyone! 😊

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-how can people stand in the heat and listen to that bullshit? It’s 104 there today. I live in Tucson Arizona where it’s 103 today and we keep getting excessive heat warnings. No awnings for these supporters/paid extras? He should be charged with crimes against humanity

-the maga fears are based on lies.

-Biden will kick Trumps ass. Trump can’t keep a thought in his head. Biden meanders but circles back. Trump doesn’t even know where the path starts.

-I will never understand how so many Americans became so stupid.

Welcome back, Jeff. I needed this.

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Biden stutters, Trump blathers. Our future depends on voters being able to tell the difference.

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My genius-level IQ brother stuttered as a kid because his brain worked faster than his mouth.

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Unfortunately, sometimes my mouth works faster than my brain. Oh, well.

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< insert drum sting here >

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Let’s hope they pay attention to content not style.

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President Biden is knocking it out of the park. MAGA done lost they minds. I’m here for it.

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earlier in the Las Vegas rally Trump said something true!!!

(after advising people to ask for help if they got into distress because of the heat, he said:

“Because i don’t want anyone going on me, we need every voter. i don’t care about you, i just want your vote. I don’t care,”

apparently this is already out in a Biden ad.

i quote from the Hill article “Biden campaign seizes on Trump’s ‘i don’t care about you’ line” by alex gangitano. 6/10/24

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Six people were hospitalized during the rally due to the heat…now tell me he gives a shit about his supporters. 😏

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50 people had to be rescued for heat related problems. But Trump tells them “I don’t care. I just want your vote.”

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somewhere i saw the guy that introduced Trump and told the crowd to worship him!


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I wonder how many WWll veterans Vance has talked to? I’ll bet I have talked to one more than he has. I have one right here in my house. He is my husband. LGBTQIA+ ? He’s fine with that. Women’s rights? All for them, but he wants more men to support them.

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A big thank you to your husband for his service.

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We all definitely want more men to support us.

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I had to stop smacking my damn head from all the repukelican shitshows as I was getting more demented than they are! Oh. My. Fucking. God!! When will this dystopian crazyass bullshit end?

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Hasn’t God had enough fun with us?! Please make it end!

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So sorry about the travel hell you and the missus have been through! Good grief.

Trump continues to expound on the "battery underwater will electrocute me" story and it's a beauty. I'm wondering if his aides have informed him that's not how it works and he just doesn't listen or if they are afraid to tell him he's full of shit.

Standing in the 105 degree heat babbling for hours must have melted his terminals.

I sooooo hope that the debates happen and more people than the die hards and paid actors that go to his rallies will see how far gone he is. Highly edited interviews with his handlers around are not the Trump we see at these lovefests.

Also, the fact that he gets to "phone in" his pre-sentencing interview is another example of our two-tiered justice system, I'd bet the other felons in New York don't get this privelege.

Cymbal-crashing monkeys!!!! Chefs kiss

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No, but it would really disrupt the parole system if he appeared in person. It truly is better for everyone else.

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JFC Drumpfty Dumpty is losing his fucking mind. What the hell was he gibbering about… he insults his minions and they’re lapping it up like fucking crackheads. How can anyone with a fucking brain vote for this grifting moron.. oh yeah MAGaTS are dumbassed illiterate MFKRS

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They aren’t really his minions if it took a Craigslist ad and a bribe to get them there

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The fact he’s bribing people to show up to some lame assed MAGAt bitchfest is par for the OrangeDoucheFuckFaceGriftingAsshole.. he told them the truth that he doesn’t care about any of them he just wants their votes.. when a criminal tells you what he’s going to do.. believe them

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They have the same mentality as crackheads.🥴🥴

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Exactly Charlie!! Crackheads is spot on

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