Comer Fudd and Jim Jordan are fucking idiots who got duped by Russian spies
ace job, you shitweasels
are James Comer and Jim Jordan traitorous idiots, or idiotic traitors?
we’re learning more about the bullshit that indicted liar Alexander Smirnov was feeding to Comer and Jordan. as always with these Republican shitheads, the more we find out, the more horrific the story gets — because Smirnov wasn’t just making up his own lies about Joe and Hunter Biden. no, he was purposely spreading disinformation that was being given to him by Russian agents.
and the Moron Twins, Jimmy and Jimmy, grabbed that Russian spyfuckery with both hands and ran with it.
yesterday, the Department of Justice submitted its filing explaining why Smirnov — a flight risk if ever there was one — should be detained without bail, and oh fucking boy, does it lay out some explosive shit.
The former FBI informant charged with lying about the Bidens’ dealings in Ukraine told investigators after his arrest that Russian intelligence officials were involved in passing information to him about Hunter Biden, prosecutors said Tuesday in a new court filing, noting that the information was false.
Smirnov claims to have “extensive and extremely recent” contacts with foreign intelligence officials, prosecutors said in the filing. They said he previously told the FBI that he has longstanding and extensive contacts with Russian spies, including individuals he said were high-level intelligence officers or command Russian assassins abroad.
being duped by Russian spies — not a good look for elected US officials, eh Jimmies?
Putin must be laughing his balls off right now.
everywhere you look, this whole Biden smear campaign — whether it’s Rudy Giuliani skulking around Ukraine, or a disembodied hard drive loaded with falsified data making the rouunds — turns out to be nothing more than a Russian op.
the Jimmies were so hot to impeach Joe Biden that they enthusiastically did the bidding of Russian spies.
did Jimmy and Jimmy know they were pushing Russian disinfo? is that why they refused to let Hunter Biden testify in public? or are they just a couple of credulous dopes who were so fucking hell-bent for an impeachment that they let themselves get played by foreign actors?
so, again the question must be raised: are James Comer and Jim Jordan traitorous idiots, or idiotic traitors?
stick to hog romancin’, Comer Fudd. it’s apparently the only thing you’re good at.
as for the half-dressed degenerate wrestling coach, who the fuck knows what he’s good at. being a ginormous pantload, I guess.
if I were one of these scammers who pretends to be a Nigerian prince, I’d be sending emails to Comer and Jordan all day long, because these gullible rubes are ripe for fleecing.
meanwhile, prosecutor David Weiss, another Republican fuckstick dragging Hunter Biden through hell, is also letting his thirst for scandal cloud his judgement.
While digging through his electronics, investigators executing a search warrant found photos and videos that Biden had taken of “apparent cocaine, crack cocaine, and drug paraphernalia,” as they described it in an exhibit filed last week as evidence that he had been lying about his drug usage when he bought a gun in Delaware in 2018.
One of the images included in the filing showed three lines of a yellow-tinged, powdery substance on a plank.
“The prosecution is flat out wrong—both that Mr. Biden ‘took’ this photograph and in claiming that it depicts ‘cocaine.’” Biden’s attorneys wrote on Tuesday. “Multiple sources have pointed out, and a review of discovery confirms, this is actually a photo of sawdust from an expert carpenter and it was sent to Mr. Biden, not vice versa.”
here’s the photo. for fuck’s sake, it’s a band saw and a workbench. on what planet are power tools “drug paraphernalia”?
The filing goes on to explain that the carpenter—in recovery from cocaine addiction himself—set up the gag shot and sent it to Biden’s then-psychiatrist, Dr. Keith Ablow. The doctor sent it on to Biden, telling him he’d told the carpenter he’d have to choose between his art and his drug.
“He sent me the photo and a message that said, ‘Made my choice,’” Ablow wrote. “Hope you do, too.”
The message was meant to inspire Biden, his lawyers wrote, letting him know that he, “too, could overcome any addiction.”
wouldn’t it be nice if Republicans could overcome their addiction to baselessly smearing Hunter Biden?
in December 2022, there were reports in the news of a “family crisis” at Ted Cruz’s house. all we knew at the time was that something had happened involving his youngest daughter.
Ted made the usual noises about “please give us privacy during this difficult time” — and you know what? we all gave the Cruz family that privacy. there was no unkind speculation. there were no salacious rumors in the press.
we all fucking loathe Esteemed Senator Fidel Cancun for being the weaselly toad that he is, but his daughter? off limits, we all agreed.
wouldn’t it be nice if Hunter Biden — a guy who went through some dark times and has apparently cleaned himself up and turned his life around — were afforded the same right to be left the fuck alone?
Seriousl question: Is it an option for Hunter to sue the fuck out of these people for defamation? Because I’ll gladly contribute $399 towards HIS legal fees. And I won’t even ask for gold high tops in return.
So are there no legal consequences for the jacked up jimmies soliciting info from Russian spies to interfere in our elections and our elected officials? They are both treasonous idiots and idiot traitors. And they should be rotting in prison along with their dear leader. At the least expelled from congress for malfeasance of office.