
know who isn't a convicted felon? the email lady

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She was RIGHT about everything! ❤️

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Oh I still lament what could’ve been for Hillary.

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I go all the way back to Gore! The Republicans have been cheating us for decades

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Ouch, I still mourn that theft. The planet would have been carbon neutral by now. But no, we had W and a bunch of forever wars instead. Gore is a gentleman. I've met him and he's an amazing intellect, speaker, and a true public servant. Sadly, when the US gets it wrong, the entire world suffers as well.

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Yes. That corporate oil corruption vote theft was a tragic crime against the earth and all humanity. However, many of us would have not then understood just how dark, just how depraved and just how immense the hijacking of the governments in the US & the UK by these lawless oligarchs actually was. The Felon’s actions in and out of power are serving to expose previously hidden high crimes and misdemeanours and horrific abuses of power, past and present.

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Bush v Gore, the initial election wreckage by the SCROTUS. I never have understood how quickly Al and his "army of lawyers" gave up.

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Democrats have allowed it.

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Seems like a Pro wrestling match sometimes, doesn't it? "look, here's how we'll do it: I'll beat you in the first half, then you can hit me with the chair and win."


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SOME demos, yes, the old blue dog dixiecrats held us back for a long time…but just look at what Michigan has done—it IS possible!!!

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True. And yet here’s Dick Durbin doing the bare minimum while Sheldon Whitehouse and Jamie Raskin are ready to fight Alito. It’s just so frustrating!

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Fucking “supreme” court and the shrub family stole our future in 2000.

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For Hillary, that loss was tragic. To have your country turn on you in favor of a failed business man with no public service track record was a nightmare. Yes, I am aware Hillary won the popular vote, but it should NOT have been close. To lose is one thing, but to lose to an utter creep whose only talent is shamelessness, is hell.

I hope Hillary popped a bottle of the finest wine and is dining on a delightful dinner of vindication.

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The obsolete electoral "college" has got to go.

We don't need to suppress black people as 1/2 a vote anymore or ride horses from Boston to New York to deliver votes.

Let the popular vote be THE vote.

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Or else her web of spies and assassins was Just. That. Efficient at suppressing fifty years of (supposed mountains of) evidence. Hmm, seems like she would have made a better pres than the felon either way.

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Carrot Top would have been a better president than LDFF.

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For half a sec i thought you were calling T-wreck carrot top. I questioned your color sense. Wasnt it Jeff yesterday who called his hair piss-colored?

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Ha! I didn't think of the orange analogy, just the mean-tempered attitude of the former comedian.

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but we knew this from the get-go, right?

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19

Well, she wasn't right about Iraq.

But she sure was right about Fat Donnie (not that it was difficult to tell that he is and always has been a flim-flam man, a bullshit artist and an unrepentant, recidivist criminal). So I voted for her.

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Every damn thing. But watching what they are doing to the Bidens; I would fear for her and her family. They are trying to either kill or totally disable Joe Biden by a barely concealed attempt at driving his son back to relapsing. If you've ever experienced having a family member addicted to controlled substances or alcohol, you know. You just know what this sham trial in Delaware is doing to the Bidens.

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Jeff, little Donny Fuck face is Fucked!!! Your post was FANTASTIC!!


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Fuck yeah! Justice prevailed and the now convict Trump will go down in history as the rotten to the core turd we all knew he was.

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Could you update your post, please?

His name is convicted felon Little Donny Fuckface. Show some respect.

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Lol 😂

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Occam’s Razor wins again. 🪒

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We needed crowds of people telling “Lock him up.”

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Lock him up.

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I was thinking this morning about what an incredible president she would have been. What a loss to our country.

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Perfect! I was trying to count all your Ha Ha's but I lost count, the highest I can do is 21, and that's when I'm in the shower. Keep the post coming!

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LOVED IT!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🚗❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Oh, and I was in such a good mood—and you had to bring the Unpunished Traitor Hillary Rodham Clinton into it.

But—yeah, Fuck Donald Trump.


With a Rusty Pipe.

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Holy shit. This is your best post ever! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Gonna send him bars of soap.

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IMO the best use of two letters in any writing!

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No soap on a rope for you!!!

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"They all stood there in silence after the bar fell to the floor. No one dared move. Or make eye contact. "

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Ahahaha hahaha 🍻

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VERY slippery!

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And a dance card to fill out?

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Haha..coal on 🔥

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Better make it “soap-on-a-rope” — you don’t want to be dropping your bar of soap at Rikers. 😱

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I know right! 😂😂 Jeff said all that was needed to say! 🍾🎊🎉

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It feels like Christmas 🎄 morning. 🍻🍹🥂🥃🍾🍷🍸Cheers, everyone!!

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We all wanted this so bad.

Gentlemen, this is what childbirth feels like!👍👍👍👍💯💯💯💯

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Hahaha! Well, that or 9lb kidney stone.

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Yes Charles , America wins one today, putin Loses!

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But Sadly Putin never surrenders. Never gives up. Neither should America.

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MF guilty AF. Today is a good day for the rule of law and democracy

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Couldn't help myself. Watched Fox and that dimbulb Turley was on. He was going on and on about how he had predicted he'd be found not guilty. Gonna be fun watching their pea-brains explode.

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Lol. Turkey (not a typo) has shit for brains. Used to be a decent scholar. Guess he boarded the wrong train with Trump

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Yup, kinda like Dershowitz!

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I couldn’t bear to turn to Fox News on TV, but i did go to their website and found the guilty plea well covered(end of civilization ). The next article was about 8-10 foot tall greenish aliens landing their UFO in somebody’s backyard in Las Vegas. Really?

I notice the web site proclaims itself “The World according to Fox News.”

What workd is that? The Foxverse? FVerse?

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You know their viewers were eating up the aliens story:-)

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deletedMay 31
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Thanks, Bruce. We all deserve a round of applause for not giving up hope.

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and all possible praise to alvin bragg!

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Don't forget the jury. George Conway keeps saying it was never a close case, but I still think that jury has a tremendous amount of courage.

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yes, of course. but the jury needed bragg to bring the case in the first place. hats off to all of them.

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I hereby declare May 30th as Alvin Bragg Day! 🎉

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i second that emotion!

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Absolutely, Steve! Perfect day all around!

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I wish we could thank them somehow!

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We can— by voting BLUE all down the ballot in November!

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Can you imagine? This evil POS brought down by a sex worker and an educated black man. That must burn.

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deletedMay 31
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Wouldn’t F[elon]Trump’s sad complaint about not knowing what the charges are against him (in spite of what he told the judge) support a “not mentally competent to stand trial” finding? Too late now, i guess.

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Bragg is going to speak at 6:30 tonight!

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i predict he will not GLOAT!!!😆😆

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He won't, but I sure as hell will!!

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A professional that takes his job seriously. Rule of law. Jeff like Hunter Thompson is also a professional that helped keep me sane.

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Bragg and team had to deliver the perfect case. No room for error. Stunning victory.

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For the first time in Donald’s life he’s being held accountable.

Donny’s little magic wand is broken.

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That's the best part. All the failed business, all the scams, and finally accountability FUCK YES

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That is very true and cannot be stated enough. Never before has he ever had to accept responsibility. His continual temper tantrums prove this. Finally, his stupid behavior caught up with him.

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It is rumored his wand is a mushroom! ;-)

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Not magic though, Ms Daniels attested to that fact.

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A baby mushroom.

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Hope this is a trend

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Sorry but I believe Ms Daniels took care of that. And per Ms Daniels there was no magic there.

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Stormy says it's too small anyway.

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Nope. First time was losing to Joe Biden. But this time he may have to learn how to not drop the soap in the shower!

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Absolutely FUCK him TWICE in his dark, greasy EVIL fucking heart!

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FUCKING YES!!!! About fucking time!


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Lock him up!

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OMG 😱 after 7 years of hell thank you jurors I’m ecstatic

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Would someone in the Press please acknowledge the obvious:

Donald did this to himself.

No one forced him to have sexual affairs with these women.

No one forced him to pay them off to hide the truth from the voters.

No one forced him to create false records to obstruct and hide the actual use of the money.

No one forced him to conspire with the National Enquirer to tell lies about his opponents.


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Exactly!!! 🎯

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Happiness abounds!!!!

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Best thing I’ve heard all day!

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Since 2015!

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Best thing I've heard all year!!! Yay!!!

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For once, FOR ONCE, no one is above the law!

Take that, Gerald Ford!

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