It's so easy to push the hate button in people... and the GOP is doing it for profit and power. They're preying on the weak minded to carry out their agenda to further their goals. Gun violence might well be the undoing of America. It's frightening. (PS Fuck the gun lobby.)

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For THEM to be able to live with themselves because I feel sure most know the truth, means they are as hateful and evil as their constituents. Sociopaths, all of them.

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“easy to push the hate button in people…” 💯

Great composition & illustrations, Jeff!

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They don’t want to do the hard work of trying to work together. For them that is insanely difficult, for some reason.

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Evidently they believe they are doing “the lord’s work,” which means that compromise is impossible. Democrats are more than willing to work out compromise solutions but it’s impossible when it’s a one-way street.

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They also push the fear button. Gun violence is certainly lowering our life expectancy. Not just directly from being shot, but also from the stress of living in such a society where we have to fear being shot, and now harmed too. I was just reading a discussion of how Republicans are afraid to defy Trump because they don't want what happened to Paul Pelosi to happen to them.

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Shamefully, the 2nd amendment worshippers have lowered childrens life expectancy.


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And this is exactly how authoritarians wheal power. Through fear, intimidation and by setting examples such as public executions. There is no doubt in my mind that Trump will get pretty darn excited by public executions...

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If Trump has his way, there will be reality shows about it.

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so glad I moved from Texas....it is a sick toxic esoteric state. I was born and raised there, but I got out as fast I could once I reached the age of reason.

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Smart move. Tex-ass is a shitshow with Abbott and his minions( Cancun Cruz) at the helm……

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took me 3 tries but I did it... Moved out in 1997, then again in 2006, and finally again in 2020...had to reluctanly move back for various reasons, mostly economical but as soon as I got back on my feet, I was outta there ! LOL

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Re: the violence of “…living in such a society where we have to fear being shot, and now harmed too.”…

Some people of whom we know who survived the violence of The Holocaust, were people who, despite peer pressure not to, abandoned their comfortable lives (e.g. in the cultural Mecca of Berlin) early in the 1930’s to seek refuge in America. In the cases of many such refugees, the entire families and friends who did not flee early were swept up and lost in The Holocaust.

In a potentially similar vein, we know of contemporary young American individuals, whose families have been in America long enough to qualify to be members of The Sons/Daughters of the American Revolution, individuals who have recently acquired Citizenship and passports to enable them to reside currently in other countries, where they know they are much less likely than in America to be hit by stray bullets from a mass-murder-du-jour.

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A friend's American daughter and her young husband who is from India and can work from anywhere just moved to Portugal this fall. My daughter, who is a dual citizen like me, is going to university in her other country so that she can have some options about where to live and work. I am also a dual citizen and am living back and forth as well. I recommend the book, When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit by Judith Kerr. It is a fictionalized version of her family leaving Berlin right before Hitler gets elected. Here she is discussing her book in England where she lives. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3TWztvNhBw

It has been made into a movie too, with English subtitles. https://youtu.be/32PWCMHxViE?si=NMHsXOoSkHTL3Q4f

Both my husband and I think her story is very powerful and instructive too. Having her father's insight is important.

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I’ve considered fleeing many times. I’d rather have a poor lifestyle and peace as opposed to staying in my home country. I’m from CO, moved to the Boston area and have since been back in CO since 1918.

I thought I was batshit, never-ending crazy and never would recover from my extremely long and fearful journey. But this cult of inhumane, assholish, beligerante, insanity is far and above and way beyond any mind fuck I have ever understood. Like Wayne Dyer listed in one of his 10 ways to lead a successful life: “LIVE AS IF...” If we live as if things will get better and we are succeeding, chances are we will. And that’s what I constantly try to make myself do - widen and deepen that neural pathway. Keep on keeping on with what you do and live for! Be the person that spreads ❤️🔆✌🏽NO MATTER WHAT 🤓

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Cowards all of them. I guess they have never heard, Courage is contagious.

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I have thought that Paul Pelosi tragedy would scare many, and not just for themselves. It could have been a son, daughter, nephew, or niece at home instead of Paul. Surely the same would have happened to them--or worse.

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When my Dad and his generation fought WWII, they came home thinking that they had eliminated the Nazi menace. Now it's all coming back. There aren't many left from the "Greatest Generation ". We've lost institutional memory of why they fought. Now we face the same menace, only this time it's from within. Honor them by standing up to this madness.

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the issue is that almost everyone who experienced World War II has passed on, so now we have to make the same mistakes all over again

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We need to relearn those lessons and fight back like they did.

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And fight like hell until these twisted assholes with their insane barbaric ideology are shown the door. Beyond scary that the twice impeached felonious GOP front runner for POTUS has their support and the majority of the Republican voters are accepting this. WTF is wrong with these people?

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Exactly! 😡🤦‍♀️

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But not their kids. If we’re not supporting candidates who are sane and educated enough or moral enough to feel revulsion, we’re not doing enough to save our own children, friends and neighbors. It’s another war.

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Not teaching the historical facts are also enabling them to commit the repeated atrocities. Genocide is just one of the goals of this evil movement.

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we don't have to. we may, but we don't have to.

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Except for those of us who are the children of Holocaust survivors. Their trauma was passed onto us and especially now, we will be living their nightmare if Trump succeeds.

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Memory is important. My mother, who is WWII generation and was a German child during the war, told me that you have to stand up for what is right, even if it is uncomfortable. You need to stand by the side of your friends, stick up for people, and your friends should be diverse. It is a lesson I try to impart to my children and those I have taught.

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Great point, Charlie. The pendulum of history swings... younger people today have no context for what Nazism and an authoritarian government means. 🤦‍♀️

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It's on us to teach them.

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I tell my grand daughter to always look for the truth. Not someone's opinion but actual facts!

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Charlie, my dad fought in WW2 and was buried with honors in Arlington National Cemetery.

He always told me that the Republican Party was “rotten to the core” and needed to be stopped, but I don’t think he ever imagined that the Republicans would become the next National Socialist German Worker’s Party. He must be rolling in his grave. 😭

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My Dad flew 30 missions in a B24. He's also restless in his grave.

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My dad flew in a B24 too.

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It was actually a better bomber than a B17. It carried a bigger bomb load and, due to it's double tail, was excellent at low altitudes.

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I don’t know much about the planes of WW2, so thanks for the info.

My Dad wasn’t a pilot; he just flew with them when he could out of North Africa.

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My Dad was a belly gunner.(17 years old)

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My dad also a WWII veteran enlisted at 15 then to Korea ,the only Republican he ever supported was Eisenhower who wasn’t a real Republican he was basically drafted into the party. DDE warned us about the dangers of the military industrial complex,that’ support the NRA ,and every other organization that supports the right wing and its cowboy gun,runners,I was putting my Ma to rest next to him last week and remembering his staunch words about unregulated firearms being an internal threat to the country,glad he’s not here to see the shit going on these days.

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Me too Robert, May her memory be a blessing.

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I’m so sorry for the loss of your mother.

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Dec 28, 2023·edited Dec 28, 2023

America was very divided on whether we were for or against Nazis at the time.

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True. The Bund, Silver Shirts, Father Coglin, etc. There's nothing new under the sun.

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White people. Gotta have power over everyone else.

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I think it was more RICH white people. Hitler attacked the Soviet Union because he hated communism. (Kind of like the Imperial powers kept regrouping to attack France to bring back a monarchy)

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Henry Ford, Prescott Bush among others.

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Yes, Maddow talks about Henry Ford’s racism in detail. Also that the Nazis sent a lawyer to the university of Arkansas to learn how the US claims freedom and blah blah blah, but practices racism.

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And don't forget about Lindberg and "America First". They were a Nazi front group.

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And yet these folks literally worship at the alter of firearms such as that Moonie preacher who wears a crown of bullets while preaching and all the members of the congregation have AR’s...in church...let that sink in... Another data point, these gun folks literally believe every word of the 2nd Amendment, cause originalist ya know... But when it comes to the 14th Amendment, the one about barring citizens from running for office because of insurrection they feign ignorance, or what aboutism... Truly dense, uneducated response designed to make the liberals cry... Thanks for what you do Jeff.

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They don’t believe the part of the 2nd A that says something about a ‘well regulated militia’.

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It was never about gun ownership: That is a recent fantasy. It was written for the States in the South to hunt down runaway slaves. Double bummer that it was resurrected by the gun enthusiasts/killers.

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^^^ This.

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I mean, it wasn't entirely about the South -- the framers generally believed that a standing army was a bad idea, but a militia recruited from the general citizenry was better (the Whiskey Rebellion cooled a little of that enthusiasm.) But yes, it was a negotiation point for the Southern states, and state/local militias were used to keep the slave population under control. And the slaves they bagged weren't just runaways -- even slaves who had papers now and then "lost" them to patrols and went right back to being owned.

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Mental illness fueled by the internet.

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The 14th amendment has to be taken in "Context"

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It's all part and parcel to 'the civil war was about states rights'. Nice and dry. Purposefully leaving out the emotional aspect of slavery.

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This is a keeper. It says it all and should be worked into an ad to vote Dem.

On the other hand how are you ever going to edit down to a reasonable size “This Year in Stupid’?

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This is excellent, reading this really made my morning cup of coffee intriguing. The hate machine is real and the right will keep feeding it., until they become the mass killing...

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May the universe have mercy on us all....😪🤬

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I wouldn’t count on the Universe for mercy. Mercy is what we give each other.

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If it is true we have been given free will, then we are the ones to bestow love, mercy and forgiveness.

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I am so fucking sick of this continuing insanity in this shithole country...when nothing changed after a classroom of 6 year old children were slaughtered, I knew nothing would ever change...what could be worse than that, and sure enough, nothing changed and nothing will change...and the absolute insane thought that that is somehow the price we have to pay for our "rights" to own military grade assault weapons, is beyond words...and this uniquely 'Murican epidemic just gets worse and worse...I see myself living out my latter years in another country as I don't know how much more of this shit I can watch...too many stupid afraid hateful white morons in this country, living shallow meaningless lives and worshipping guns...and I for one am sick to fucking death of it

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Mountain Boy

It's not a shit hole country, I have travelled all over your country. If you want to change things. Get involved, you still have the opportunity to vote En Mass in 2024, and make a change for the better.

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Definitely not a shit hole country,but we seem to have more than our fair share of shit head politicians!Fuck the IRA proponents of child murder!

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Not a surprise here. Robert name me a country with out these politicians.

Canada has a whole bunch.

The three main culprits Trudeau, Poilievre, Singh. Thats speaking to the federal government., now throw inn all the Provincial politicians.......

Oh my my

Wanna go to the UK??????

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Nah! Iceland 🇮🇸 my old Boston climate should be there in a coupla yrs.

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Apologies for my French, it should be written En Masse, not mass, not recommending anyone go to mass.

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Sorry I was doing a lotta reefer in frog speak classes my teacher 👩‍🏫 was too!

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En masse? I happen to live en Massachusetts it’s nice here ,and everyone’s welcome! Except certain people that are not fans of the Constitution,they get tossed in the Haaba dig it.?

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No no you can't let this thinking continue. We're all feeling the same way you do, believe me, I felt the same way after Sandy Hook, but we can't let them win. They want us to give up. DON'T! We need every rational mind to spread the facts and truth. no matter how hard it is now. Keep coming back here. There are a lot of really good people on here! We're in this together and I truly believe there's more of us than them. Soo let's not believe the negative, and focus on the positive that we can accomplish together!

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Shithole country is maga rhetoric. They love it when we use their language. White supremacists are what suck.

On that same topic, it ain't climate change! It has been and will always be global goddamned warming! Refuse to use their language.

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Blue - did you see the Why is this happening episode of Chris Hayes and Rachel Maddow? She talks about how they commandeer terms we use and over use them to make the words meaningless. Like the orange shit gibbon now calling liberals "fascists" and Biden a "dictator."

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I didn't see the episode, but my dad was a linguist -- back in the late 60s or early 70s, he who told me that some leading linguists considered the German language to be close to dead because the Nazi regime had so twisted it into something unrecognizable and meaningless -- exactly as tffg is doing now to American English.

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I did not but they have been doing this language BS for a long, long time.

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No, "shithole country" is not MAGA rhetoric as much as it is, right now, the truth. You won't find a MAGAt referring to the US as a shithole country, just those OTHER countries filled with people who aren't white. White supremacy IS the main issue, and the core of their beliefs are racist, but I have no problem using their words to fight against them.

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That's cool Steve, I understand where you are coming from. Shithole to me refers to countries whose currency is a joke. I suspect there are many other definitions out there. Either way, it's a loaded, crappy word. IMHO. But use it all you want!

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It seems a few commenters here don't want to identify the USA as a shithole country, but I have to agree with you 100%. Right now, at this moment, this IS a shithole country. My base line was the same as yours: if a classroom of shot-up 6- and 7-year-olds wasn't enough to even MOVE the needle AT ALL, what kind of country are we in? If, after every mass shooting, we are offered "thoughts and prayers" from the party of Trump, and nothing else, what kind of country are we in? If mass shootings have become SO prevalent in the USA now that I don't even REMEMBER the mall shooting that is linked in this column even after reading the linked story, what the FUCK kind of country are we in?

We're currently living in one of the most shitholey countries on earth, and instead of living in denial of it, let's DO something about it. That means VOTE for Democrats at every opportunity, every time, every office, everywhere. That's the mission, because if Trump wins, I truly, in all sincerity, believe that 2024 will be our last meaningful election. Don't be scared or afraid, VOTE!!

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I know how you feel from what you said here. Do you believe the behavior of these mass murdererers, these terrorists who shoot school children and people at places of worship and gay bars are doing this because the society from which these shooters emerged is very sick and the weapons are easy to get?

Do you think that human beings if given more opportunities to create a just, kind and intelligent world would end the same because it’s built in to the human ego to self destruct? Do you believe we can rise above the ego consciousness?

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I don't know, Susan...I haven't completely lost hope, but I am old enough to know where we've been as a nation and a culture and to have a feel for where we're going, and it's hard for me to believe that we are about to abruptly change course...and if we don't and that vile ignorant hateful grotesque tangerine slob gets another shot at POTUS - which is mind numbingly unthinkable to me - our democracy will be over and we will usher in the era of authoritarianism and white supremacy...I know that there are still many of us who believe in what America could be, I guess we will see next November just how many of us there are

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I am one who actually believes, and strongly believes (based on nothing concrete) that we are going to blast them into smithereens on Election Day

It is all coming together now.

Your descriptive words describing the slob are satisfying.

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I like your optimism and hope you are right!...and I will continue to be vocal and point out the insanity of giving "it" another chance to end our democracy...happy new year to you

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Best wishes for your upcoming best year on record, MountainBoyMike.

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MBM— I disagree with the shithole country comment. I have family/friends who have paid dearly in blood /lives for this country. Sadly, they did not know how fucked up the retrumplican party would become and the threat to our democracy these alleged “patriots “ would be. I am just as sick of these mf’ers as you are— my solution is to work every waking moment that they do NOT succeed in 2024!

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Chet, no disrespect to ANY American who has put their ass on the line for this country, I have the utmost respect for our military...I am simply saying that when the citizens of a country are being slaughtered in their classrooms, slaughtered in movie theaters, slaughtered in shopping malls and grocery stores, and absolutely NOTHING is being done about it - that somehow we are supposed to believe that this is the price we must pay for our "rights" to own weapons of mass death - how can anyone have respect for that country??....I am sickened to my core by this continuing insanity each and every time it happens...it's a uniquely American epidemic...I vote, I am vocal, and I do my part, but I don't really believe that ANYTHING I do will make any real difference in this ***fill in the blank*** country...we're supposed to be better than this, but we aren't, we're not even close...and now, a portion of our populous embraces full on fascism - the leading candidate for the republiKKKan party is fucking quoting hitler, and he's still the leading candidate!!!...maybe you can help me with an alternative word for "shithole", but it's become deeply difficult for me to see it any other way

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MBM— I agree with your assessment 100% in that our country is a mess. Ever since the Sandy Hook massacre I have been at a complete loss why NOTHING has been done. We were at the Jersey shore today (Asbury Park) and there is a playground dedicated to one of the murdered Sandy Hook teachers. We were with our grandchildren who were a bit younger(then) than the children killed that day. A stark reminder of how precious life is.

The continuing slaughter of innocent people because of some lunatics second amendment rights just baffles me ad nauseam. When is enough killing enough?

I feel your frustration with about 70 million people who think this neo-Nazi , kkk loving mf’er is the answer to our nation’s problems.

Consequently, I agree with you using the word “shithole” to describe our country’s post- Sandy Hook political climate to now. I may have over reacted , initially, to your post. No harm, no foul …..stay safe, be well and let’s hope 2024 is the year we overcome these Retrumplican zealots!

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I like this community that Jeff has created...we obviously share the same frustrations, and maybe there is a better term that I could use for the current state of our nation that would be more constructive...I will consider it going forward, but I'm also guessing we will continue to be completely enraged by the ongoing insanity in today's 'Murica...I am hopeful - but not necessarily confident - that 2024 will be the end of drumpf's dream to be 'Murica's first führer

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MBM— never in my lifetime did I ever think in our country’s history we would be where the country is now: on the brink of electing our own version of Adolph Hitler. How the hell do 70 million people think this goose-stepping wannabe can lead this country?? I have read Project 2025– these retrumplican idiots are dead serious about deconstructing the USA. They don’t give a fuck about the common person. It’s all about THEM and their agenda. And I certainly don’t fit into that agenda. Consequently, I will do whatever is necessary to make sure the mango maniac is not elected. Am I confident— not so much but, I plan on going down swinging……our children, grandchildren and the country depend on us to use whatever means necessary to make sure that does happen. Remember, the world ( especially our adversaries) are watching.

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Amen Chet,Better to meet the bastards head on ! I’m not going any further down ! I don’t intend to see this country in the hands of manically deranged Nazi Motherfucking traitors!! My intention is to piss on their graves except Pigman he’d like it the fucken freak!

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Kind of saw that coming with the coronation of Kyle Rittenhaus.

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This should be an annual article.

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When you ask me why I think the 2nd Amendment is outdated? My response is “because fuck you that’s why.” The right-wing hate machine likes to say we are the greatest country on earth but mass shootings put a terrible strain on that phrase.

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I’m sick of the Gun Nuts R Us lobby

I’m sick of the RWNJ Congress

I’m sick of states loosening laws

I’m sick about mass killings

I’m sick about mass shooters

I will never be sick of hearing about gun idiots that accidentally but literally shoot themselves in the foot, arm, leg.

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A few of them have actually shot their dicks off. I love Karma.

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I prefer shooters who get the order right: themselves FIRST.

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Yeah, props to the amusement park guy who offed himself first after writing “I’m not a killer”: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/10/31/diego-medina-colorado-amusement-park-shooter-suspect/71394306007/

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I am bitter, too, Jeff. This issue of the proliferation of weapons has been crawling up my sleeve since the 1960's! I used to think that the populace was drowning in Westerns and cop shows that ended in shootings and other violence. But it's not just the entertainment we subject ourselves to; it's the very culture we live in. Rectal individuals toting long guns at Walmart and at libraries are trying to intimidate us. In the slave states, they're out to make unlicensed concealed carry a thing. Why bother arguing if you have a weapon? Why put the time in to reason with your fellow humans? You can just plug 'em and plant 'em like a TV cowboy!

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I was just thinking of the term "wingnut" this morning...

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One wonders if this fever of hatred is ever going to break, all because your own life is shitty and you have no kind answers and no intelligent introspection. I hate to say it, but they've spread the hate. I hate them.

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Oh, I will. I do not linger in bad places long but there are terrible moments. Unlike them, I do not choose to dwell there any amount of time. But I also do not want to be in their presence anywhere for five minutes.

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The negative messaging needs to stop. Peace and love please!

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Hi Tess, I’m not a fan of negative messaging either--I’m a fan of the plain truth. Jeff’s post is an example of the latter much more than the former.

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I don't think Tess was directing her comment at me

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Gosh! NO WAY was it directed at Jeff! I love this guy!!!!!!😊

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No I don’t think so either. But it may have seemed so.

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In fact the way I see it is peace and love IS the truth.

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Jeff, your name didn’t need to be brought into it anyway. My bad for not being more thoughtful.

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Totally agree!

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They’re making these monsters every second of every day and we’re going to see more of them as time goes on! The MAGA cult, in itself, is the ultimate monster machine! Free speech doesn’t equate to free hate rhetoric, however, this appears to be the new normal for our country. There’s days I have to step back from social media because I get so angry & tired of the hate/racist comments I receive from a lot of people. I don’t allow myself to be too angry or sensitive to what is being said because of my multi-racial background.

Here’s a little story: People tend to see me based on the color of my skin, however, that’s just one coating my identity (a.k.a. cake frosting as I call it). I’m noticeably Black, I’m indigenous, and finally White; all wrapped up in one! My families journeys, under all of their cultures, were difficulties, that only strengthened me when I feel the pressure of today’s world, especially when it comes to the hate machine!

Would any of you believe that; along with my multi-culture background that my ancestors were part of the first 80 slaves to be brought to the United States? Well we were and there’s nothing to be proud about knowing this fact.

With all that said; we can’t erase what happened in the past, however, we have the ability to make our future better! So, I’m going to continue to work on that future because I know we will evolve into a better society/world! Have a wonderful day! 🙏🏾💙

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