
and George Santos got expelled from the House, just as I was finishing this post

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And 100 GOP sided with the Dems when only 70 were needed.

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But none of these people thought it was a good idea to impeach Trump. Suddenly they’ve been gifted with moral standards?

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Lol, not at all. Just tired of the embarrassment

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And taking away airtime from their own stupidity.

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Amazing, isn't it?

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Charlie, I’m amazed that over 100 Republicans voted to expel this buffoon, thus putting their slim majority in danger. I didn’t think it was going to happen, for the simple reason that it might then put them in the position of not being able to defend Trump’s behavior anymore.

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I don’t know what happens next. Does the governor then appoint another Republican representative to represent that district until the next election?

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There's going to be a special election. It will probably be in March.

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We all know Donny is a very special boy & not subject to consequences that other politicians are

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And after maga mike said yesterday he’d vote no. Time for someone to step up and call a vote to end his “speakership.” It’d only take a few of the 114 Rs who voted to expel voting with Dems for someone who seems to be hiding a bit less crazy and a bit less criming.

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If George, the bullshiting botox fraudster can be shown the door, so can MAGA Mike. Way too much cookoo for Cocoa Puffs and not a damn bit of sensible, sane or realistic governing. While they're at it, the very delusional Higgins should be escorted out and taken straight to the cracker farm.

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Throw him to the gators.

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Gators would probably get sick from all of that botox and bullshit.

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Yay, and thank god for you! I just had breakfast with some friends who are on the complete opposite side of things, we all hold near and dear....they are lovely lovely ladies...how can they be so fucking clueless? ...they are pro gun, anti choice, the economy is sooo terrible, blah blah blah that the can’t see what’s happening right in front of their eyes! They think Biden is doing nothing and is as crooked as tRump...I am in fear..we are totally fucked if nice “Christian” ladies, who I call my friends, can’t see or won’t believe the truth..😔

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

Just remember, they all voted for tRump last time, and he lost. And if you're not in a swing state their votes don't matter (nor does yours, but I know you will still vote!) Not one of my presidential votes has ever mattered, but I will still continue.

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Arizona! As swingy as they get!

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

I'd always heard there are a lot of swingers in Arizona : ). Seriously though, all you can do is make sure your non-Trump friends stay engaged and plan to vote. Good luck with them

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Thank you. It's just really hard to realize that nice normal, so I thought, people can use their "values " as reasons to support the likes of tRump and basically all republicans. What I wanted to ask was, exactly what are those values? How does a sweet, mild mannered, quilter, church lady support these people. It just makes me sad bc they think their "values" (gun and abortion) outweigh their logic and they blindly support the one person who is the least christian among us. Sad sad days ahead.

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It’s so frustrating, they must mainline 🦊 they are all around me, too.😤

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And he's on the first available flight to Moscow.

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I would pay his Uber bill.

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Can't wait for tomorrow night's SNL cold opening.

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But fear not, Rep. Tim Burchett is still on his side. Burchett dismissed concerns about Santos's conduct and said he will vote against his expulsion: "We're a bunch of sinners."

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And they think they’ll “be forgiven”. Talk about a genius marketing plan 2000 years old.

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Republican mottos: Doesn't matter what you do as long as you are a Christian and claim to ask for forgiveness. Trump is a complex man, and God often chooses complex men to do His will, just like King David. Trump really IS a lot like King David, in fact. And will probably go down in Christian history as a hero.

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Oh yeah - I can't wait to read Tim Alberta's new book...

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I hadn't heard about that, thanks, I'm looking for it now

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The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory

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How many Scarmuccis was that?

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Scaramuccis* Phone, if you're going to auto-correct me, don't forget the correct part.

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And Santos is threatening to spill all of the house Republicans’ secrets--not that this pathological liar ever does what he says. But just to be safe, I’m going to be ready with a Costco-sized bag of popcorn.

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Oh, believe me...he'll write a book. He's already talking about booze parties with lobbyists. The book might not contain one ounce of truth, but Santos (or whatever his name is) will have to earn some money, so I have a feeling his 'Tales From The House' could be a real doozy!

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Well, maybe some of them are crazy. He still got what he wanted.

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I whooped at this.

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Here’s the deal about Georgia Santomoratorium: He will now go on Fox or NewsMax and spills the beans about what Repubs are doing drugs or screwing underaged children. Will he believed? Maybe not but he will make an impression on people’s minds. That is, of course, if he is allowed to remain alive.

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I just heard that before he left he managed to scam one of the other congressional reps and the person's mother out of a lot of money. JFC? Someone trusted the dude and loaned him money? WTF?

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“Tugjob Annie”? Love it!

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It is perfectly hilarious!

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I bet she hears snickers in the hall and lots of laughs as she passes. What a moron!

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I’ve begun to explain just how Trump’s insane policies would ultimately affect average Americans to acquaintances, friends, and on Threads. I worry that people lack the imagination or will to understand what enormities are guaranteed if he ever returns to office. I feel that those of us who are willing to face the truth have a duty to wake people the fuck up. Just one example: getting rid of Social Security would mean that a significant portion of the 54 million Americans over the age of 65 would become homeless. Which would mean witnessing their deaths on the street. Is everyone really okay with that?

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The Republicans are.

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Republicans are fine with their own voters dying in the streets, as long as there's enough of them left to vote them back in.

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Kevin McCarthy’s fuck you to Chump is too little too late. Santos getting shitcanned is better later than never. Higgins should have gone to Oz for a brain.

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He tried; he was on one of those ghost buses, but it mysteriously disappeared on its way to the wizard.

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Yeah, in the linked article, Kevin's spokesperson said that he didn't swear at Trump in the call so he's probably just trying to look tough after the fact. Weasel til the end.

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Didn’t you hear? Higgins DID go to Oz for a brain. He took the Scarecrow’s place in line.

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The only way Kev-Kev said, "Fuck you" was in his dreams later that night.

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What he really said could not be transcribed, because he was crying too hard.

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"Could not be transcribed, because...". This made me smile.

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Every time a Republican cries, an angel gets their wings 🪽

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So true. If it comes out of a Repub. politician's mouth, it's a lie. Period.

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Or under his breath as he was slamming down the phone!

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I can say, I do not believe he uttered any such thing.

My head cannon goes more like, K.M.-“Why won’t you be my friends anymore?”

Republicans in unison; “Because your head is full of mush, Kevin. Eastern European mush fried in bacon fat, you dumbass British Isle peasant!”

They then predicted they’d reach the mentality of the late 19th century just before the unions and women’s rights activists took hold.

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Who is worse for the state of Louisiana: Clay Higgins or Foghorn Leghorn Kennedy?

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Answer - MAGA Mike Johnson!

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drowning in stupidity

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Yes - quite the state!

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No contest- both bad

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I thought Higgins was saying “Asians” instead of agents and “asshats” rather than assets. It would have made just as much sense. He talks like he has his mouth full of shit, which I guess he does.

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I too thought Higgins was saying Asians. Higgins sounds like he’s playing a small town corrupt sheriff in some movie. 😉

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Oh, good, I wasn’t the only one.

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I agree the mainstream media is on rinse and repeat, and the average American population (however defined) is also seemingly inured by the daily barrage of craziness coming at us. It’s becoming a survival mechanism to get through each day clinging to some semblance of mental health. Sanity has slipped through the matrix in most cases. I am increasingly frustrated by those around me who consciously choose not to engage in current events, people who are otherwise highly intelligent and high functioning people in society. Feelings of powerlessness become overwhelming, and that’s the goal of this fascist violent movement. The rule of law is basically our only hope for demanding accountability. Hence the ugliest attacks on our justice systems and the people therein. '

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In 35+ years of doing therapy, politics was never a topic until 2016. Since then, every session bc everyone is upset... of course I live in a blue state but still...

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Here's an exchange I saw online five years ago that I found so striking I saved it. I think it speaks to the same thing you're saying.

5:28 PM • 14 Oct 18

First person’s post:

Me: "I feel like my life is pointless.


Me: "Impending fascism and climate change mean I probably won't live to see 60"

Therapist: "Are you sure that’s rational?"

Me: *looks at camera like Jim on The Office*

Second person’s response:

this point in history sure is a really wild time to be trying to manage mental illness

Third person:

Honestly, in my work as a therapist, I'm seeing this A Lot, and tbh I still don't have a satisfactory approach to it. A heavy dose of Existentialist "create your own Purpose" tempered with "when the plane's going down, put your own oxygen mask on first", but... yeah, there is no ethical way to work on individual emotional distress without acknowledging the systemic socioeconomic, geopolitical fuckery going on at the moment, and the sheer grief that comes with it.

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My own note here. Not many people say this online to therapists, but I will. Thank you for your service!

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Well said! Also, I hope you’re recovering from your viral infection.

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

Awesome picture of Baby Trump in a high-chair! (And oh yeah, your column was fantastic, as always)

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It is true that Trump's rhetoric is getting out of hand. On the campaign trail he has said that he would "eradicate" everyone who didn't vote for him. As most of the world is "disloyal" to him, just how will he be able to "eradicate" everyone?

We are all being held hostage emotionally and mentally by this bastard and his ilk. I was younger in the 60s when similar crap was going down. My only prayer is that good will triumph in the "final battle" that Trump speaks of.

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Sadly, many of us have been in a abusive relationship. The threats, the lies, the theft, and all the rest. It is America that has been in a abusive relationship with Trump. We all know what has to be done. America can't take any more abuse.

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You want to eradicate me??? BRING IT!!!

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I interned at the Congressional Research Service in 1997, and was rolling in the aisles laughing at the stupidity of the requests THEN (e.g., "what is being done about the epidemic of women giving birth in bathrooms and discarding their newborns in the garbage can?" (stet)). I can scarcely imagine life there NOW.

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Love CRS, used them frequently

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The disparity in the intelligence level of the House is vast, from Jamie Raskin to Boebert and MTG. Wow!

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I can only imagine the expression on Raskins face whenever BoBo opens her trap! 🙄. He’s a treasure.

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Susan; Agree 100%. I’d love to see him be President at some point. Hopefully his cancer experience is over!

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You bet! 👍🏻 raskin is not only brilliant he’s a genuinely good human. More of that please. ✌️

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He exudes humility.

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Who monitors Boebutt to be sure she is not wasting her employers' time? Yup.

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I wish they were crazy. They do seem crazy to people who could not in their wildest dreams imagine replacing a democracy with fascism but unfortunately they are not crazy. They are Fascists. Their intent is determined, sincere and real. They are well on the way to success because good people across the country keep treating them as a joke, or crazy. They are not crazy. They are not funny. They are not stupid. They are not harmless. They are fucking BAD and they mean business.

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I think a few of them are literally crazy, but I do get your point.

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Speak the truth and shame the devil, gurrrl! Thank you 🙏 Thank you 🙏!!

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

I'm no Constitutional scholar, but I DO know that there is no mechanism to "expunge" an impeachment. What does that even mean? Does Donny want it taken off his Permanent Record? It won't be, and unless Congress does some Trump-fluffing bullshit, it will never be. What a fucking dumbass. In the words of Nancy Pelosi, "he's impeached FOREVER!"

Clay Higgins needs a shutdown order. All he's doing in his mismatched three-piece suit is stoking more violence. "Peacefull and legally" are words with about as much meaning as "thoughts and prayers" to these fucking assholes. When a Republican says something like, "his days are numbered," it's not just a rhetorical statement, it's a call to violence because it's all these insurrectionists have left. You'll note too that whenever they talk about it, it's never a peaceful coexistence with "Leftists," it's always THEIR country that they're going to keep/take away from everybody they don't like. I now assume that every Republican has a dark heart and bad intentions, no matter what they say or do.

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Agree! And why is it always the “leftists”?! Another means of stoking his followers, making it sound like the WW 2 Italian mafia coming after them. In reality it is OUR country and we will also “peacefully and legally” keep it from the crazy “rightists” 🙄

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It's not possible to express what I really think about these mugs. Now I'm wondering if the failure might be the English language. Is there a deeper arsenal of vituperatives and diminutives in another tongue? Something with more consonants or punctuation marks? Esperanto?

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I've seen some fine and hilarious examples from Scotland, and don't forget what Shakespeare was able to express in English. Jonathan Pie has provided some good examples too, and of course there are good reasons why we eagerly scarf up and share what Jeff fires off every day. (Jeff, thanks for your help in keeping us all sane!)

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Indeed, the Shakespearean repertoire is unmatched in our language.

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I do think the Scots are very fine at this, but many of their current expressions have been absorbed into football insults. Not that that diminishes their force.

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David Sedaris has said that Romanian has an impressive array of curses and insults. Maybe we should look to Romania?

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Perhaps. My sister-in-law is of Romanian background, but her repertoire is mostly stares. Long, terrifying stares.

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Neal watch The Daily Word by Don Huely. Your vocabulary will be greatly enhanced and you’ll love the format! 😂. YouTube or Instagram.

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