Ms. Spouse, who subscribes to our local NextDoor, reminds me that half the posts there boil down to "there was someone wearing a hoodie walking on my street. I cleaned my gun"

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Yep. And I resigned by position as a lead because I was tired of reporting my “neighbors.”

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a friend is the administrator for the local NextDoor here. she spends about half her life deleting posts.

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I reported so many that a Review Team member (those above “leads”) targeted me with posts. I was actually scared because he was actually creepy. Nextdoor retained him in his position.

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Wackos have been around for a long time...the orange baboon opened the toilet lid and let them all out...


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That is right Liz. I have been saying since at least 2017 that the agitated know nothing creeps of our country were let out from under the basement by Der furor trump and now they are running the streets with their caustic ideas and hatred for anyone and everyone not like them.

It will take hard effort at the ballot box to drive them back into their holes!!! But it must be done.

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This has got to be one of the saddest developments in this country! Who does that?? Seriously? When have you EVER heard of someone ringing the doorbell before they "break in"???

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Why was he in a white neighborhood. From the same wonderful folks who blame the victims every time. It wouldn’t have happened if he hadn’t passed a bum $20, or sold cigarettes on the street, or walked through the neighborhood with a can of ice tea and a bag of skittles or had a burned out tail light or needed help and knocked on the door, or gone for a morning jog. I’m sick of these gun-addled white people and cops who are itching for an excuse to kill black people. Some they they are preparing for a race war. They don’t seem to realize we’re already in one.

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I'm so sad. So sickened by all this. Jesus fucking Christ.

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Same. I cried yesterday I was so distraught.

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I've lived in the Kansas City metro area all my life, on both sides of the state line. The shooting of Ralph Yarl took place in KCMO's "north of the river" suburbs. I lived up there for five years in the 90s and it's the one place I've ever lived that I will flat out say NEVER AGAIN. The Northland is full of fucking racists who will tell you point blank that they moved up there to get away from the blacks and Latinos. I've lived in KCK, the "poor" side of town, for nearly 26 years in mixed neighborhoods. I would never go white bread suburbia again.

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Elaine you are definitely safer where you live.

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If someone is gonna break into ur house they are gonna try and make sure ur not there. They wont pull up in driveway and probably wont ring or knock cuz they think u arent there. Used to be the criminal had to be in house b4 u could shoot. I hope these shooters live the rest of their lives with the thought they SHOT AN INNOCENT CHILD

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Nextdoor is quickly becoming a vigilante organizing hub. I left my neighborhood group when they tried to organize patrols. When those posts/group were shut down they made it group fitness walk; with regular scheduled intervals so that some group was always walking the neighborhood from 3pm-8pm. I ain't got no PhD or nuthin', but I know no good will come of nervous, old, white homeowners walking around asking people they don't recognize, "What are you doing here?".

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Didn’t the Nazis in Germany do the same? How long before we have a “Night of Broken Glass”?

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I’m thrilled to share a word that’s so useful; it’s my new favorite word:

BACKPFEIFENGESICT: A face in need of a fist.

Today’s backpfeifengesicht is Jim Jordan. I’d like to smack that smirk off his face.

(Bonus face: Martin Shkrelli, aka *pharma bro*. He raised drug prices by a million percent and spent a million bucks on a one-of-a-kind Wutang Clan record. Because who needs insulin when you can have Old Dirty Bastard??

I’ll post a new face every day. It’ll be fun.

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Oh please do! I’m not a violent person but some faces need punching.

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I feel like my young grandchildren might not have the chance to grow in to adults; but if they were black, that chance would diminish substantially. What turned this country in to a shithole country? Was going to say the election of #45 but to be fair; these shitheads existed all along, 45 just gave them permission to be themselves, openly. This includes the morally corrupt legislators in our Congress and Senate. Do you think if one of their kids was knocking on the wrong door and was shot through 2 doors, would they decide to do something about their precious guns? Yes. It's similar to a homophobe 's child coming out as gay. But, on the other hand, these are folks who think drag queens are dangerous. Who think even in this day and age one's child can still "catch gay." These are people who believe if a child wants to be another gender they should ignore it and suicide be damned. Sorry for the rant, but I truly feel sick about our country....even more than I did during the Vietnam era.

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FFS! As a former member of law enforcement, I know the importance of treating a handgun with respect.

Every stray bullet is on me, and I know it. Where is the danger if the suspected intruder can't enter your house?

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Agree 100% with ALL your opinions!

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Shoot then ask questions later is the.. “I didn’t know it was a crime” bullshit that DJT had put into peoples head. He thinks if he can get away with doing Ungodly things, so can other goons of his.. and they are! Greg Abbott pardoning the POS that shot a protester in Austin will be let free off MURDER CHARGES!! Holy fuck…

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I'm just not sure which group to worry about most? My children inheriting this bullshit scheme, or having the deluded (unfortunately not diluted) wacko with a shotgun next to his front door being someone in my huge extended family.

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I have a friend who is a shooter. He does completion shooting reloading etc. I don't worry about him using his gun irresponsibly, but he definitely has fascist tendencies against Hispanics that frankly cloud his judgment. Not too sure all the second amendment fetishists don't have that. After all it is why we got the south to sign on to the second amendment in the first place.

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It’s a fucking nightmare

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