HAPPY 4th 🇺🇸 to EVERYONE *NOT* PLEADING the 5th ABOUT the 6th ‼️


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clever post

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Omg - jonnistwocents bio: “Hauling trash is my career, but talking trash is my passion”. 😃

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-Politically active garbage man. *Loud and proud Lib from the Land of Facebook*... :)

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-Social Media Influencer

-Facebook.com / jonnistwocents

-Joined (twitter) November 2020

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A *black swan*, indeed...😑

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(Or maybe not - I don’t get out much, tbh...)

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*Credit: Jonnis Two Cents

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Yes. Yes it is.

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If this site allowed pics, would have posted the whole meme🇺🇸

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btw, I'd be cool with pics in comments, but the substack software doesn't allow for it

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You win todays best comment. Btw there should be a reward for that.

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In case I replied to the wrong comment-you won todays posting. It’s 11:59 PCT. Still today

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Happy to share a meme when I find one ;) 🇺🇸

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Thank you

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Love this! 🇺🇸 🌊

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I'm pretty comfortable with living in reality. I'm gonna die. The US was founded on slavery and genocide. Santa Claus is bullshit. But we have beautiful aspirations, and sometimes wonderful things happen. The planet is fucking amazing. I'm still proud of what America tries to be, even if it isn't. Other countries don't even try, or give a shit. I hate the New York Yankees, but the whole world wears their baseball caps. Good for us.

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So far, still a good place to live. It would be even better if the Republican MAGA party would implode. People who vote Republican (who aren't wealthy) vote against their own self-interests. Cruelty and repression are not stellar qualities in public servants. I'm still hoping there are more of us who DO live in reality and are paying attention.

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BC I believe that there truly are more of us and we can double that number many times by simply talking for a super majority ss our target!

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Some states though are so rigged district wise it’s impossible for the blue to beat the red. It’s great that Judges all over the country seem to be on top of it like never before but it’s to late for the already rigged states. Also, in what world does the candidate with the most votes lose. That’s what happened to Gore and Hillary. They won but they didn’t.

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Wonderful comment !!!100% agree re: YANKEES... (need to have a word abt Santa though 😬😏)...

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Hate the Yankees, signed, a Brooklyn kid from the 50s.

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Bwahahaha, signed, a Mets fan from Jersey ⚾️

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That must hurt - my son loves those idiots and suffers for it ☹️

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Nah - tough times just show who the REAL fans are - everyone turns out when they’re winning…😒

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Totally get it. Phillies fan now and have known pain.

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I like the Mets. When I was a teen and my father worked the second shift they did the betting blocks at work so I watched every game and kept score, how many runs for what team in each inning etc etc and found I enjoyed it-me a 14 year old girl. Later he was a Braves only fan.

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My favorite teams are the Dodgers and whoever is playing the Yankees ;)

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Haha nice

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And it’s still all blamed on the south

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Plenty of messed up white Christian nationalists all over the country. But the South is their heartland, and it keeps sending some real doozies to Congress.

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The loudest mouths. If you’re paying attention, yes politically the south has much house cleaning to do but look at Georgia, I’ve lived in my home state of North Carolina, once the most progressive state in the south, I’ve lived in Maryland, and Georgia, and Virginia. If you’re paying attention even though the politics of many southern states look extremely right winged, most of the protest and outrage at real tragedies are not in the south, I recall two in the past ten years. So many more are in the mid and north west. It’s the New South and when these die hard evangelicals, who don’t truly represent, die off it will be free of that poison. Except for Alabama and Mississippi I’m looking for others to go blue. There are good people there but the ugly ones get the attention. I learned there are more white nationalist in California, where I now live, than any other state, also more guns were sold here last year than in Texas. Yes the actual worst of the worst are all over. I meet people here that think they know black people because there were a couple or three in their high school. Back home it was about 50/50. We lived together, worked together, played together. Here they separate by choice. I just shake my head.

Unless you’ve lived it you can’t know it. There’s work to be done yes, but the stigma will linger unfairly a long time. Linsey Graham should go yes but he’s just a hanger on, he has no pull.

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You make a very good point. Montana, Idaho, and South Dakota are places where brilliant and progressive public servants have been replaced by knuckle dragging troglodytes. I should include Wisconsin.

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Wisconsin WAS progressive. Milwaukee actually had a socialist mayor. But $$ and gerrymandering and probably FOX did the damage there and elsewhere. It might be a slow go but we have to keep the light & hope going. The cost is to great too great!

Personally, I think in the 50s at a time when we had a large middle class was when conservatives got nervous and by Reagan/80s they did something about it. Blow up the middle class, make everyone worried about THEIR jobs and misdirection about blaming others and that worked out pretty good for the donor class. So, the fight continues and a new day tomorrow.

I would miss democracy if it disappeared. And my hope is it won't.

Love the values

Hate the injustice. Happy 4th you all!

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Oh yeah. Going from Russ Feingold to Ron Johnson follows the same trajectory as going from Lincoln to Trump.

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True that!

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IIRC, Boise iD is pretty blue, it’s the rest of the state that’s red.

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Same everywhere. Missoula is blue.

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Look at Wisconsin, Liz Cheney. Sad but history, hopefully will nite it b

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Right and usually the loudest and unfortunately that’s what they’re judged on. The loudest ugliest.

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Watch Happy Shiny People. It is very eye-opening.

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I did. That’s what made me use that in a comment, somewhere, I think about Facebook.

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Happy 4 th in America- where we’ve truly learned everyone isn’t free. Just the rich, white, male 1%! 🎆🎇

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I once lived in Monongahela, PA. Where one on the oldest Revolutionary War cemeteries is located. Located in the old section where trees are very tall giving constant shade from even the hottest days.

The headstones are what you’d expect, old, mossy, many crumbled on the corners, but many still legible. There are old walkways probably as old as the headstones where parts have been washed away from weather and drainage, while others are firmly in place. Placed on top of a hillside that probably dropped straight down to the Monongahela River at one time, before it was graded back for business, railroads, then Route 88, Monongahela is a very old, charming river town.

It is a peaceful resting place for our country’s oldest soldiers. It is cared for because people took care to not forget them. You can’t walk among those headstones and not wonder what it must have been like for these men. That 248 years ago, this group stood their ground, in most likely not far from the very spot your standing, and held it. From one of the most formidable forces, they did their part to free America from British rule. To have the bravery to establish a new nation. Their dream was to establish rights for everyone. We are still working and will always work towards that dream.

At this point in time, there’s a minority of Americans who’ve been hoodwinked, indoctrinated with hate, been fed upon by a group of men and women traitorous lawmakers not upholding their oaths. It’s not a good idea to put any faith into their beliefs as they flip and flop like fish on a boat deck.

Anyone who tries to take away rights rather than protecting them is not your friend.

These traitors are in for themselves only. Just like the Confederacy, it was all about the wealthy plantation owners and slavery was their route to that wealth, human rights were just nonsense to them. They considered themselves American royalty even after we established our independence from any royalty. They refused follow America’s laws, they were traitors to this country.

We’re at this place again in our history, sadly.

It’s Independence Day in America. There’s many, many more true Americans than this latest batch of traitors trying to tear up our Constitution.

I believe true Americans know the value of their freedom. We’re not handing it over to fascists anytime soon. We created this democracy with all its fits and starts. I believe in America, as I’m sure the soldiers 249 years ago did. So much so they gave their lives so we could be free.

Happy Independence Day everyone.

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Have you read 1776? So detailed, starts before and goes in after the revolutionary war. Reading of the sufferings and hardships, and “hardships,” isn’t strong enough a word to describe it, and when I think of all I read and re-read I’m that book years ago and what trump following MAGA’s are doing now, destroying it, attempting to redefine it, not even acknowledging it, the war that won our freedom. They only know of books with the famous picture of Washington crossing the Delaware, that one picture and that’s it.

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Happy Fourth of July to you too Jeff! Thanks for what you do. It’s scary to speculate even one year from now and predict what our situation will be. Between our international concerns and domestic civil-war....combined with DAILY MASS shootings (woke up today to TWO of them in the news!), it’s anyone’s guess. Today, what I’m most impressed with are these DRONE-July 4th displays...they’re cool, quieter, and even cost-effective (they don’t blow-up in smoke)! Gotta appreciate these little things to take our minds off of all the crazy-shit going on out there!

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As screwy as we can be and I’m talking batshit level I love this country. As strange and mean but also generous and brave. Despite megalomaniacs we don’t bow down. We’re churning right now but have before. We won’t stop fighting to raise each other up. We stand against bad policy and will work to fix it. We keep trying to do better though just as often we punch each other in the face. We curse, but often give a hand up to those we curse. We’re young in the greater world and have much to learn but have heart as well.

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Time to walk the walk...🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Or as Jeff would say: ‘walk the f*cking walk’

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I love every word here. Same, all counts.

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I've rarely felt this pessimistic bout 'murica during my decades breathing...well, there was VN, Raygun, Shrub. But none that really gave me pause abut the whole 'for the common good' concept like the last 8 years. The public lies, animosity, hatred, lies, racism, misogyny, xenophobia, lies, Faux, CU, the extreme court, and poor quality elected officials have trashed our international image and believe-ability. It will take decades to repair the damage the federalist society and their bought and paid for sycophants have done to stare decisis and standing. Here is a good read on that:

Congressional Control over the Supreme Court

January 11, 2023

Congressional Research Service



here's to us today!! may we have the wisdom and the will to fix this mess

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My husband is one of 4. His eldest brother, Ricky, has always been my favorite. He lived in Iowa so we didn’t get to see him often enough. He was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s six years ago and the last time I saw him, my husband thinks Ricky knew him; he didn’t know me.

He was hospitalized with a pulmonary embolism and he never bounced back, which often happens with Alzheimer’s patients. He stopped eating and passed last night. My husband is going to Iowa tomorrow - he’s too late to say goodbye but he’ll be there to support the rest of his family. He’s being stoic but I’m struggling. He’s been part of my family for nearly 50 years and I’m having trouble letting him go. And every future 4th will be a sad reminder of this terrible loss.

Sorry for the rant; I have to stay positive for my husband’s sake but when he leaves tomorrow I’ll probably fall apart.

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oh Lesley, my condolences. all of our condolences

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Losing a family member and friend is truly one sorrow that needs to mend one it’s own time. I’m very sorry for your loss, Lesley. May your fond memories take the edges off your grief all in good time.

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Best for today, everybody. And perhaps one day someone with a gift (like Mr. Tiedrich clearly has) will consider writing a Pledge of Allegiance for our time. Or maybe not. I'm not keen on collective display or scripted routine. But something that puts people above strips of colored cloth.

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The what-ifs are endless; what if the rich white men had put into practice their ideals? If they had ended slavery then, so much would have been different, better. We truly would have been that beacon of freedom. If they had declared women as full beings who could own property, be educated and vote, so much would have been better. But here we sit 247 years later, still fighting the rich white men.

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Great piece, Jeff - gotta love our daily dose of *context* ;)

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Happy 4th to you all! UnFuck America! Could be sung to the tune of God Bless America, Thanks Jeff.

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happy 4th -- im trying to remain a patriot and believer --much of our legacy sucks, as does our republican maga toxified present --we'll see how i hold up

our Achilles heel is our democracy -- and our democracy is at serious risk

i still believe that well-regulated capitalism, where the necessities of civilization are collectively operated (think war, health, crim justice, education, infrastructure, taxation, etc), and where public markets operate a robust economy of goods and services, is the least bad way for us to organize

but without a decent democracy pulling the important levers that shit dont work for shit

citizen's united, blatant gerrymandering, lobby money, trips with harlan crowe for all, etc etc -- it's pretty ugly already --

much as we gotta vote our way through this, gon be tough with all the fascistic subversion from repubs and maga

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Happy Independence Day! May we continue the fight that the founders fought and improve upon it by being more inclusive. No kings! No billionaire rulers! No sold out courts! No religion overtaking religious freedom! No keeping women in second class citizenship! No charging exorbitant tuitions for universities--their own form of segregation! Health care for all, including abortion and for the LGBTQ+ community in all its forms! Let the children prevail on the environment! Let us save our wetlands! Let us clean our air, and give stewardship of forests back to indigenous people who have the traditions of managing them so that they don't burn out of control! Let us support our families! Let us support our allies! Let us say NO TO FASCISM no matter who is offering i! Let us support free and independent presses and voices that speak truth to power! Let us take care of our planet and the people on it and treat both with kindness!

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Well today Independence Day in a NYT article announced that a federal judge just limited Biden on what he can say and do on social media. And not just him but his “government.” How’s that for independence and first amendment rights. Republicans have the right to do this? Why didn’t democrats shut the motherfucker’s media rights down then?

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Democrats won’t take off the gloves and fight.

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