As much as I hate hearing about the GOP's ever-increasing man's inhumanity to man - as much as it hurts my heart and brings me to tears, as much as I'll never understand a person's need to be so amazingly cruel - I think it's important that we know about these events, especially now. There have to be more of us who hate this than who propagate it, right?? So I, for one, thank you for continuing to let us know about this horrific bullshit, even if there's nothing funny about it. (And you always make up for the funny in your other posts, which I love too.). Thank you for being so brilliant and so courageous.
Strongly agree, I think "not-funny Friday" could just be what it is... the colorful language and excellent descriptions helps highlight the outrageousness of the happenings.
Because it sadly is and this will be like a Cancer that eats the R's from the inside. Hideous cruelty compounded with believing that Commander Crazy Pants is a worthy Presidential pick destroys everything they stand for, as it should.
Thank you Jeff. Another opportunity to reveal these horrendous actions which they perpetuate with glee. Always know in my heart that when someone identifies as an R, they have immediately lost my interest because theyre following a party with nothing but absolute vitrial and hatred of others who do not agree with their lunacy. By intermixing their hatred with religion, they've made their cause all the more detrimental to this glorious Nation.
Sadly, there’s really nothing funny about any of this. Thanks for being there with the language that more fully describes these despicable (deplorable was way too nice, Sec. Clinton) magats.
You are describing a NIGHTMARE! How many steps are we away from Shitler? Never apologize, Jeff. You are doing the right thing. (Thanks for the Go Fund Me information, Vickie, for the pastor to cover his legal fees. See "Dad's Place". Absolutely mind-blowing that this is happening.)
And telling it like it really is which is beyond awful. These GOP heartless fucks keep taking big steps backwards and it's only going to get worse if that shameless despicable biggest fuck of them all gets reelected.
The cruelty, anger, and hate is what drives the present-day GOP. They aren't a party any more, they're a hate group. We need to know about and amplify every's the only way to get rid of them!
it helps enormously to make fun of the assholes, but as John Prine observed, some humans ain't human. Hard to laugh at what the non-humans do to actual people who are just having a tough time surviving.
Nothing is funny anymore. i mean, the shitboxes in utah and missouri are proposing bills to ban the public existence of trans people. The GOP shiteaters in wisconsin are trying to force women with doomed pregnancies to get invasive surgery (C-section or induced labor) Rather than a fucking abortion. Meanwhile Mike "micro" johnson (the weener of the house) is on the chopping block for kinda sorta doing the bare minimum required to stay employed. But the house "freedumb caulkis" is already tossing out threats to kick him to the curb. I'll be watching that with popcorn. The only thing that truly brings me joy is laughing at the stupidity of these fucking morons. and your daily posts. Otherwise, as a woman in a shithole bleeding red state, I'd cry myself to sleep daily.
Thank you for all you do. In answer to, “What the *uck have We become?” I would like to propose not all of us have “become” what far too many have. There are still kind hearts and honest souls among us. Together we can prevail. We have been given a task, and failure is not an option.
Not fun, but with the Right trying to out-Trump Trump at every turn? Sometimes humor alone doesn't cut it.
I have to say I'm stunned the cops agreed to this, because this arrest sounds like swatting in the First Degree. Let's hope a judge has enough compassion in his/her heart to tear the complainants a new asshole for this one....
I'm not sure what we should expect from a party that embraces the likes of Donald Trump, an anti Christ if there ever was one. Why anybody would be a Republican today is beyond me but that's where we are. Millions and millions of disgusting people in this country now. Killing food programs for poor children, but can't abide abortion. It's a massive cult of hate.
Right-not funny and thoroughly disgusting. My Dad’s Republican party is no longer---it’s for shitheads who only care about themselves. This shit better stop soon. Once again-this entire post should be HEADLINES ALL OVER SOCIAL MEDIA AND NEWS!
You're telling me I can't give a thirsty human being water. Fuck you. Just go ahead and arrest this grandmother and see the great publicity that will get your MAGAt asses.
I’m with ya Wanda. I live in Arizona. I sure as hell won’t hesitate to give anyone a drink of water. Like you said, Fuck you! Come and arrest this grandma too! I’m ready for it
My god. Even Richard Nixon gave water to undocumented immigrants passing by his house and recounted that he felt so bad for them. As terrible as he was, he still had a flicker of compassion and also shame. Some human emotions that certain others do not.
Oh I know, but I can't worry about getting "busted" for being humane! Bring it on! It's just absolutely disgusting how cruel people can be. Especially ones in power who should know better.
A few years ago, Representative Grayson (D-FL) made the comment regarding the GOP version of healthcare: “Don’t get sick. If you do, die quickly.” The outrage from the Right was immediate, how dare you. But here we are. A woman in TX dies due to pregnancy complications, law prevents medical intervention. Illegal immigrants put on a bus and sent North into near zero temperatures with inadequate clothing or lodging. We may sacrifice a country—Ukraine—to sate a would-be dictator’s ego. Some states will deny care due to one’s orientation. A mother and her two children crossing the Rio Grande drowned as those nearby watched. A woman faces prison time for a miscarriage. These episodes may foreshadow a systemic national failure where faux morality trump’s humanity.
These people make me sick with their false morality and see my big shiney membership token? Cross.
And the Ted Cruz and Mike Lee types, soulless ghouls. Such cowards on the AR15 type weapons, they refuse to look photos of films from especially the child massacres. But make laws to increase their sales much less protect innocent children. No problem! Shameless.
Dirty Boulevard is the perfect accompaniment to today’s GOP. How sad that we live in a world where people are falling over themselves to see who can be the biggest shit.
I’d like to see some stats (if even possible) for how many people have become atheists or agnostics in the last 7 years. My guess is a whole hell of a lot.
I’ve been an atheist since religion made zero sense to me while I was attending a catholic high school. Our headmaster was sexually abusing the boys in our school and no one was doing a damn thing about it. That’s when I hung up the religion hat. Never looked back. Married an atheist and we raised our kids as atheists.
My experience exactly. The priests were creepy perverts and the nuns were child-hating sadists. I’m not sure I’m an atheist bc I do believe in a higher power and having a spiritual connection. But I totally understand why people run from organized religion. I support this Pastor 100% and ‘pray’ higher and more intelligent minds prevail in this case.
So true. I was lucky I got "out" by the 3rd grade, both Catholicism and their schools and on to public school! Just the hang-ups people have by embracing traditional religion! I read an article in NYT magazine a few years ago where gay men denied who they were because of the conflict it presented by practicing their faith. Truly Sad.
I’m not smart enough to claim I’m an atheist,so agnosticism is the answer for me,keeps my chips in the game ,never know ? Just covering all the bases !
Ditto. I didn't believe through the luck of birth you were excluded from heaven. Either God loved people or he didn't- half the global was SOL? Even as a kid that made no sense but it explained racism of the church or authoritive positions pretty well and I got that message, too!
I grew up in a 98% Moslem country; my parents were really not into religion, both lived/traveled extensively in Europe so it was not hard to question the crap. Although back then, Islam was not at all like it is now.
My Italian mama sent me to Catholic grade school and I made it all the way to 7th grade when they finally expelled my little ass for refusing to get a hair cut. Even after 4th grade teacher Mrs Henigan caught me talking in class and put me under her desk as she continued teaching. And there I was, looking up at her vagina and her fat thighs opening and closing. And you know what was going through my mind right? My only thought was, should I reach up and touch it or not. And my stand up comedy kicks in now as I relate that I touch it. Mrs Henigan screams and calls the principal Father Emerling and he suggests to “march little Billy Katz right down to my office so I can put him under my desk.”
For a minute there I thought you had stumbled across a commando nun! Even so, the visual of a commando 4th grade teacher has me LMFAO. Thanks for that.
Glad to oblige. Wish I could collect a fee for a smile.😀 But Mrs Henigan was the only lay teacher in the school with a peculiar method of punishment. Other forms were having tape over my mouth, cardboard Donkey horns placed on my head with a warning from Mr Macken the janitor that a permanent set could be made if I was sent back for another round of punishments. Hey you know, I have enough material to do a piece for my own blog on substack. Come on over.
Sadly, churches like mine that open its Youth Center during freezing temps, holds weekly hot meals for our unhoused neighbors, does monthly drives for things like bottled water and diapers, proudly flies the Pride Flag at the youth coffee bar, and packs hygiene bags for low-income and unhoused neighbors gets no attention while those modern-day zealots who claim to be Christian but wouldn't know His teachings if Jesus came down and told them to their faces get all of the visibility.
I was raised with no religion. Made it a point to go to various houses of worship to see if I was missing anything. Nope. I can’t say I was always an atheist, maybe more agnostic when I was much younger, but now I can say I’m a full blown atheist (who only wishes there was a hell for some folks).
I'm atheist, but it has been a whole lot longer than 7 years. Raised Mormon by parents that never went to church, became Catholic after I'd married, very young, and had three children. I never believed a word of any of it, and got sick of going along with it just to please others - way too hypocritical! Once I was able to believe my own truth, there was and is absolutely no going back! I'm almost 76 now and I would gladly compare the compassion and empathy I feel for others -all others- with any of these so called "good christians".
There have been recent stats to your point, Lorraine. Growing numbers consider themselves “unaffiliated.” It is not mainstream religions and congregations that are attracting followers.
To rewrite them they would need to read them. They just made up their own version, because reading the original (most of them haven't) makes them feel icky and ashamed.
I hated to push the like button... but damn. What's it going to take for people to find some humanity? I use the word primitive a lot but thats what these hateful people are. Thanks for telling it like it is, painful or not. This is squarely on the shoulders of the Fascists who call themselves Republicans and their orange monster who has unleashed their deep seated vitriol.
Susan: what I am struggling with, is just what in this country has been a reason or a factor for this group of people to be so blatant and out there. It is easy to say TF G emboldened them, but there is some thing in the soul of the country that has made this possible as well.
Some of the inhumanity is innate. We are animals, lacking instinct, and often controlled by hormones. I realize that more so now that I am older and have less hormones. We mellow. Social intelligence comes from education, culture, community, but those important institutions have been declining as wealth, apathy, as increased populations devalues life. Then, a testicular charismatic narcissist comes along, and bingo, you have gullible, under-educated 1st world people having their grievances whipped up. Humans really require a lot of love, education, and socialization as children, or we end up like this.
I would agree... and I need to give that a lot of thought because I believe it’s a collection of things that combine to bring out the worst in people. I cling to the hope we can turn our collective attitudes around 😢
no words. Biden needs to be ready to push the envelope out of the water when $CROTUS issues their opinion. and that's all it is, an opinion. I will never understand the abject fealty to this rump antebellum revanchist $CROTUS.
We can either strive together toward a “more perfect Union” or be destroyed by the “let them die” mentality of the wealthy, the willfully ignorant , and the GOP.
These FOAD christians have always been there, but they only said this stuff to like-minded people in private. tRump and the reaching media have given them license to say these wonderful things out loud. I only wish I believed in a Hell for them to go to.
It comes down to this: The existence of better people makes shitty people feel bad about being shitty people. But they don't want to stop being shitty people. So instead, they attack the better people.
That's why the right is so hell-bent on extinguishing any impulse towards greater kindness or fairness in the culture.
Thanks for the link. Just finished watching Al(who I really admire)show how to be an effective pusher backer. Also just subscribed to Terrible Swift Sword.
"not funny Friday" seems to be becoming a thing here, sorry
As much as I hate hearing about the GOP's ever-increasing man's inhumanity to man - as much as it hurts my heart and brings me to tears, as much as I'll never understand a person's need to be so amazingly cruel - I think it's important that we know about these events, especially now. There have to be more of us who hate this than who propagate it, right?? So I, for one, thank you for continuing to let us know about this horrific bullshit, even if there's nothing funny about it. (And you always make up for the funny in your other posts, which I love too.). Thank you for being so brilliant and so courageous.
Strongly agree, I think "not-funny Friday" could just be what it is... the colorful language and excellent descriptions helps highlight the outrageousness of the happenings.
Totally agree with you.
It’s as though their cruelty and power are the only things that matter.
Because it sadly is and this will be like a Cancer that eats the R's from the inside. Hideous cruelty compounded with believing that Commander Crazy Pants is a worthy Presidential pick destroys everything they stand for, as it should.
Thank you Jeff. Another opportunity to reveal these horrendous actions which they perpetuate with glee. Always know in my heart that when someone identifies as an R, they have immediately lost my interest because theyre following a party with nothing but absolute vitrial and hatred of others who do not agree with their lunacy. By intermixing their hatred with religion, they've made their cause all the more detrimental to this glorious Nation.
Sadly, there’s really nothing funny about any of this. Thanks for being there with the language that more fully describes these despicable (deplorable was way too nice, Sec. Clinton) magats.
You are describing a NIGHTMARE! How many steps are we away from Shitler? Never apologize, Jeff. You are doing the right thing. (Thanks for the Go Fund Me information, Vickie, for the pastor to cover his legal fees. See "Dad's Place". Absolutely mind-blowing that this is happening.)
Good for you Dad ! A good heart beats in your chest!
All good. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
And telling it like it really is which is beyond awful. These GOP heartless fucks keep taking big steps backwards and it's only going to get worse if that shameless despicable biggest fuck of them all gets reelected.
It's not your fault that this shit is goin on. And if orange menace gets back into the White House, it will only get worse :-(
The cruelty, anger, and hate is what drives the present-day GOP. They aren't a party any more, they're a hate group. We need to know about and amplify every's the only way to get rid of them!
How can it be unless you review some Monty Python skits.
it helps enormously to make fun of the assholes, but as John Prine observed, some humans ain't human. Hard to laugh at what the non-humans do to actual people who are just having a tough time surviving.
Nothing is funny anymore. i mean, the shitboxes in utah and missouri are proposing bills to ban the public existence of trans people. The GOP shiteaters in wisconsin are trying to force women with doomed pregnancies to get invasive surgery (C-section or induced labor) Rather than a fucking abortion. Meanwhile Mike "micro" johnson (the weener of the house) is on the chopping block for kinda sorta doing the bare minimum required to stay employed. But the house "freedumb caulkis" is already tossing out threats to kick him to the curb. I'll be watching that with popcorn. The only thing that truly brings me joy is laughing at the stupidity of these fucking morons. and your daily posts. Otherwise, as a woman in a shithole bleeding red state, I'd cry myself to sleep daily.
Thank you for all you do. In answer to, “What the *uck have We become?” I would like to propose not all of us have “become” what far too many have. There are still kind hearts and honest souls among us. Together we can prevail. We have been given a task, and failure is not an option.
Don't be sorry just keep shining a bright light on these fu*kers
Not fun, but with the Right trying to out-Trump Trump at every turn? Sometimes humor alone doesn't cut it.
I have to say I'm stunned the cops agreed to this, because this arrest sounds like swatting in the First Degree. Let's hope a judge has enough compassion in his/her heart to tear the complainants a new asshole for this one....
Is it any wonder that by all accounts, January 20th has been called the saddest day of the year?
I'm not sure what we should expect from a party that embraces the likes of Donald Trump, an anti Christ if there ever was one. Why anybody would be a Republican today is beyond me but that's where we are. Millions and millions of disgusting people in this country now. Killing food programs for poor children, but can't abide abortion. It's a massive cult of hate.
Right-not funny and thoroughly disgusting. My Dad’s Republican party is no longer---it’s for shitheads who only care about themselves. This shit better stop soon. Once again-this entire post should be HEADLINES ALL OVER SOCIAL MEDIA AND NEWS!
So agree. Despicable.
You're telling me I can't give a thirsty human being water. Fuck you. Just go ahead and arrest this grandmother and see the great publicity that will get your MAGAt asses.
I’m with ya Wanda. I live in Arizona. I sure as hell won’t hesitate to give anyone a drink of water. Like you said, Fuck you! Come and arrest this grandma too! I’m ready for it
They have already arrested people.
Yup. Disgusting!
I mean... they are already arresting women for miscarriages - is anyone surprised about the extent of their vileness?
My god. Even Richard Nixon gave water to undocumented immigrants passing by his house and recounted that he felt so bad for them. As terrible as he was, he still had a flicker of compassion and also shame. Some human emotions that certain others do not.
Tricky Dick also created the EPA. Repugs would love to get rid of that govt agency so people can die from polluted air and water etc
As Jeff wrote above, 'being a heartless shithead is now a GOP badge if honor'.
This is so sickening.
Oh I know, but I can't worry about getting "busted" for being humane! Bring it on! It's just absolutely disgusting how cruel people can be. Especially ones in power who should know better.
Fin A Gran Ma !
Fucken A
A few years ago, Representative Grayson (D-FL) made the comment regarding the GOP version of healthcare: “Don’t get sick. If you do, die quickly.” The outrage from the Right was immediate, how dare you. But here we are. A woman in TX dies due to pregnancy complications, law prevents medical intervention. Illegal immigrants put on a bus and sent North into near zero temperatures with inadequate clothing or lodging. We may sacrifice a country—Ukraine—to sate a would-be dictator’s ego. Some states will deny care due to one’s orientation. A mother and her two children crossing the Rio Grande drowned as those nearby watched. A woman faces prison time for a miscarriage. These episodes may foreshadow a systemic national failure where faux morality trump’s humanity.
The new religion is money and hate while carrying a Bible and spouting g a few verses.
Don’t forget the prominent crosses all worn by the women of Christ: MTG , bobbin’ head Boebert, Kair Lake and Casey DeSantis.
mom's for Liberty...more false Christian BS.
These people make me sick with their false morality and see my big shiney membership token? Cross.
And the Ted Cruz and Mike Lee types, soulless ghouls. Such cowards on the AR15 type weapons, they refuse to look photos of films from especially the child massacres. But make laws to increase their sales much less protect innocent children. No problem! Shameless.
Dirty Boulevard is the perfect accompaniment to today’s GOP. How sad that we live in a world where people are falling over themselves to see who can be the biggest shit.
This is not a safe place to live. It's fucking scary to be an american right now.
What the actual fuck is wrong with these people?
I truly do not understand ...🤷♀️
Oh how the right has rewritten the Gospels...
I’d like to see some stats (if even possible) for how many people have become atheists or agnostics in the last 7 years. My guess is a whole hell of a lot.
I’ve been an atheist since religion made zero sense to me while I was attending a catholic high school. Our headmaster was sexually abusing the boys in our school and no one was doing a damn thing about it. That’s when I hung up the religion hat. Never looked back. Married an atheist and we raised our kids as atheists.
My experience exactly. The priests were creepy perverts and the nuns were child-hating sadists. I’m not sure I’m an atheist bc I do believe in a higher power and having a spiritual connection. But I totally understand why people run from organized religion. I support this Pastor 100% and ‘pray’ higher and more intelligent minds prevail in this case.
So true. I was lucky I got "out" by the 3rd grade, both Catholicism and their schools and on to public school! Just the hang-ups people have by embracing traditional religion! I read an article in NYT magazine a few years ago where gay men denied who they were because of the conflict it presented by practicing their faith. Truly Sad.
O.M.G. Talk about anti-Christs in "religious" teaching places.
I’m not smart enough to claim I’m an atheist,so agnosticism is the answer for me,keeps my chips in the game ,never know ? Just covering all the bases !
That made me smile!
Yeah, me too
Jodi: I was in fourth grade, I couldn’t accept some of the myths and stories that were being told.
Ditto. I didn't believe through the luck of birth you were excluded from heaven. Either God loved people or he didn't- half the global was SOL? Even as a kid that made no sense but it explained racism of the church or authoritive positions pretty well and I got that message, too!
Yeah…as stories they were fine. As “true events” nope, not buying it.
I grew up in a 98% Moslem country; my parents were really not into religion, both lived/traveled extensively in Europe so it was not hard to question the crap. Although back then, Islam was not at all like it is now.
As a fallen catholic myself, I’d imagine the stats are HIGH
Caroline: not fallen. We've risen.
My Italian mama sent me to Catholic grade school and I made it all the way to 7th grade when they finally expelled my little ass for refusing to get a hair cut. Even after 4th grade teacher Mrs Henigan caught me talking in class and put me under her desk as she continued teaching. And there I was, looking up at her vagina and her fat thighs opening and closing. And you know what was going through my mind right? My only thought was, should I reach up and touch it or not. And my stand up comedy kicks in now as I relate that I touch it. Mrs Henigan screams and calls the principal Father Emerling and he suggests to “march little Billy Katz right down to my office so I can put him under my desk.”
For a minute there I thought you had stumbled across a commando nun! Even so, the visual of a commando 4th grade teacher has me LMFAO. Thanks for that.
Glad to oblige. Wish I could collect a fee for a smile.😀 But Mrs Henigan was the only lay teacher in the school with a peculiar method of punishment. Other forms were having tape over my mouth, cardboard Donkey horns placed on my head with a warning from Mr Macken the janitor that a permanent set could be made if I was sent back for another round of punishments. Hey you know, I have enough material to do a piece for my own blog on substack. Come on over.
Wow. Thank you for this reframing!
Let's support one another.
We've been FREED.
A dear old F/friend once referred to herself as a recovering Catholic.
First an agnostic, currently and completely atheist.
Came here to say exactly this! I was kind of “hedging my bets”, as my recovering Catholic mom says, but now, I don’t want any part of it!
Heading in that direction.
Sadly, churches like mine that open its Youth Center during freezing temps, holds weekly hot meals for our unhoused neighbors, does monthly drives for things like bottled water and diapers, proudly flies the Pride Flag at the youth coffee bar, and packs hygiene bags for low-income and unhoused neighbors gets no attention while those modern-day zealots who claim to be Christian but wouldn't know His teachings if Jesus came down and told them to their faces get all of the visibility.
I was 7, in Catholic school. Prayed my little heart out that my father would stop abusing me & my younger sisters.
I wasn’t brought up with religion. I always felt organized religion is cultish. 🤷🏼♀️
Count me in.
I was raised with no religion. Made it a point to go to various houses of worship to see if I was missing anything. Nope. I can’t say I was always an atheist, maybe more agnostic when I was much younger, but now I can say I’m a full blown atheist (who only wishes there was a hell for some folks).
Since wBush through teaparty to now, my atheist leaning agnosticism has been reinforced.
I'm atheist, but it has been a whole lot longer than 7 years. Raised Mormon by parents that never went to church, became Catholic after I'd married, very young, and had three children. I never believed a word of any of it, and got sick of going along with it just to please others - way too hypocritical! Once I was able to believe my own truth, there was and is absolutely no going back! I'm almost 76 now and I would gladly compare the compassion and empathy I feel for others -all others- with any of these so called "good christians".
There are stats on church membership tanking. Something I did 10 years ago.
There have been recent stats to your point, Lorraine. Growing numbers consider themselves “unaffiliated.” It is not mainstream religions and congregations that are attracting followers.
Minority rule is their goal.
To rewrite them they would need to read them. They just made up their own version, because reading the original (most of them haven't) makes them feel icky and ashamed.
Who knew death, cruelty, mind-numbing stupidity and nazis would be such vital aspects of "making America great again?" Quite a plan........
I hated to push the like button... but damn. What's it going to take for people to find some humanity? I use the word primitive a lot but thats what these hateful people are. Thanks for telling it like it is, painful or not. This is squarely on the shoulders of the Fascists who call themselves Republicans and their orange monster who has unleashed their deep seated vitriol.
Susan: what I am struggling with, is just what in this country has been a reason or a factor for this group of people to be so blatant and out there. It is easy to say TF G emboldened them, but there is some thing in the soul of the country that has made this possible as well.
Some of the inhumanity is innate. We are animals, lacking instinct, and often controlled by hormones. I realize that more so now that I am older and have less hormones. We mellow. Social intelligence comes from education, culture, community, but those important institutions have been declining as wealth, apathy, as increased populations devalues life. Then, a testicular charismatic narcissist comes along, and bingo, you have gullible, under-educated 1st world people having their grievances whipped up. Humans really require a lot of love, education, and socialization as children, or we end up like this.
I would agree... and I need to give that a lot of thought because I believe it’s a collection of things that combine to bring out the worst in people. I cling to the hope we can turn our collective attitudes around 😢
no words. Biden needs to be ready to push the envelope out of the water when $CROTUS issues their opinion. and that's all it is, an opinion. I will never understand the abject fealty to this rump antebellum revanchist $CROTUS.
Evil motherfuckers!! Throughout history, many have suffered and died at the hands of religious fanatics. LEAVE PEOPLE THE FUCK ALONE!!!
👏👏👏👏👏👏 And we never learn... thousands of years later, we're still here. 🤦♀️
So much for evolving as a civilization.
We have not evolved.
So true...💯👍
America; no place for the decent.
Thank you Jeff.
We can either strive together toward a “more perfect Union” or be destroyed by the “let them die” mentality of the wealthy, the willfully ignorant , and the GOP.
Here’s an article from 12 years ago ...
These FOAD christians have always been there, but they only said this stuff to like-minded people in private. tRump and the reaching media have given them license to say these wonderful things out loud. I only wish I believed in a Hell for them to go to.
I wrote a piece about this phenomenon:
It comes down to this: The existence of better people makes shitty people feel bad about being shitty people. But they don't want to stop being shitty people. So instead, they attack the better people.
That's why the right is so hell-bent on extinguishing any impulse towards greater kindness or fairness in the culture.
That is whay racists hate being called racists.
Thanks for the link. Just finished watching Al(who I really admire)show how to be an effective pusher backer. Also just subscribed to Terrible Swift Sword.
You’re welcome! Would you mind posting that video link?