They are just playing all along the storyline in the Nazi and NSDAP book in Germany before and after 1930, in every detail, and they are going to take the country away from you, and put the whole world at stake along with it, if you don't stop them and let them go on doing it.
What’s it gonna take? You realize, of course, that our American political cycle is a story of Republicans shitting the bed and Democrats doing the laundry. Clinton cleaned up after Reagan and Bush. Obama had the Herculean job of cleaning up after Bush/Cheney’s war and recession. Uncle Joe had to fix the place after a mismanaged pandemic response killed a million of us while the rich got obscenely richer and everyone else suffered. Now, we’ve got that asshole clown and his deranged cult threatening to reprise their reign. If the electorate can’t (collectively) recoil in horror and reject this oncoming train wreck, then it richly deserves the consequences. And those consequences will be ugly. Ugly indeed. And that’s maybe what it’s gonna take.
It's already getting ugly and beyond belief that we have to live this way and the media continues to not do their job. It's almost like a gag order has been put on them by the corporate assholes who call the shots. What's even worse is that despicable shit-stained mango monster remains free on bail to be the catalyst of more of these terrorist acts with no end in sight.
Absolutely! But we've seen there is no equality in the eyes of the law! Ask any black person about "equality ". Ask any gay, Hispanic , or Asian , same answer.
It does seem like the legacy journalists are under a gag order, but I think it is one imposed by their own lazy ignorance. The number of intelligent, well educated, curious, diligent journalists is small compared to the lazy mediocre C- types who cannot recognize a new narrative even with said narrative's teeth firmly planted in their assess. Their corporate bosses are the same. Not particularly talented, largely ignorant, and lazy. That's a danger to democracy no matter where it exists. There's no reason to expect journalists to be better on the whole.
Yes. And...what's it going to take for the readership/listening audience/viewers to shut down their accounts, cancel their subscriptions, turn away from the tv, and communicate their displeasure with the MSM and social media sites in all ways? Money talks. Hitting them in their wallets will get their attention.
Don't forget to complain to your service providers about propping up Fox news, OAN, etc. Flood their customer service accounts and phone lines with complaints! Go to the comment sections and challenge their language around stochastic terrorism and supporting the Grand Orc Party, and their constant drumbeats concerning Biden's age and policies.
Most of all, find ways to support those fighting for us in the halls of power. Give $ to their campaigns directly. Don't give blanket $ to the organizations who spread that money to both the deserving and the undeserving alike, for they helped people like Kristen Sinema get where she is. Help everyone to see what's at stake, and register people to vote (or write/call to get them there). We are the ones we've been waiting for!
That's the thing: If the voters are so ignorant or destructive to vote for a fascist reign of terror under Trump-- AFTER TRUMP HAS ADMITTED TO DICTATOR TENDENCIES-- there isn't much hope for our nation. The D students win and everyone loses.
Unfortunately, the "consequences" will be played out on all of us, or at least all of us who are not insanely rich and uncaring...which means "most" of us.
Not gonna be pretty for shit sure ,we all better get ready for How to say it? A Fucken Bloody horror show ! The Palestinian fluff up will look like a trip to Disney in comparison!
HAMAS, no I mean ISIS, uh, no wait -- checks notes, yes MAGA. MAGAts are locked and loaded, women are home barefoot and pregnant, the children are homeschooled because CRT might teach them that slavery was bad.
A 72 year old male in Floriduh (of course) was arrested for repeatedly leaving death threat voice mails to Eric Swalwell. This deranged monster said he’d kill Swalwell’s family. It’s gonna get way worse, folks. This year is already starting off on a horrifying note.
They should find the location of these threateners, arrest them for threatening murder and hate speech and whatever else, jail them for 10-20yrs, and post their photo-name&shame them!
Agree. Any threat to any politician or government official should be punished with jail. On another note, this weekend, our GOP Rep's home was threatened. I only learned of it via the Nextdoor app when people were wondering why the street (where he now lives) was shut down and police and SWAT barricading the street. Two people who lived on the street said it was because Gallagher's (Mike Gallagher of WI) home was threatened. To date - there has been no update, no news, no story about it locally or nationally so I guess Gallagher shut it down or used his clout to not have it published. Not sure what happened, but hope the people who live on that street were informed. Oh and btw - he's a massive dick who has done NOTHING for our district or WI but has fully embraced the MAGA cult.
Just an FYI, I live in this MAGA central state. There was NO mention of the arrest on local news, & no pics of this sicko (Michael Shapiro, 72, Green Acres, FL) on any website I checked. I hope Congressman Swalwell doesn’t quit, but I wouldn’t blame him for a nanosecond if he did. Like so many other Democrats, he’s had multiple, daily threats like this. Sickening.
😂😂😂 actually, I thought Green acres was close to the Villages (aka STD capital of FL), but it turns out it’s closer to a blue area south of West Palm Beach. This state used to be such a nice place to live and now it’s loaded with MAGAs. If the orange menace wins again, I’m pleading with my husband to sell his business & get the hell out of here.
We could all learn Pig Latin ! That’s what we’ll be speaking if Arnold’s boy ukefn face gipyobay is elected ,l know I need a refresher class ! Til then Eat Shit and begone to the sty from whence ye came you ovine spawn of Satan! Hey 👋 couple years you’ll need a house boat in the Submarine State,Go North Go North ! 🇨🇦 Canada’s filling up quick ,I’ll be the guy in front of the line ,just going home 🏡 to see the cousins Officer .
Well clearly since the assholes who assisted in dumb ass’s plot to overtake the capital are STILL in congress.......I guess my birthday wish on the 6th is not happening. RISE UP PEOPLE-in a good way! lol (I’m not a violent person) :)
Indeed. That DoJ was paralyzed in acting immediately and taking the pardon beggars in at least for questioning and making a statement shows how reluctant they are to to take action. Inversely, the MAGAts have little restraint and can be galvanized into mob action. This not a time to sit on our hands. Sheesh.
I saw a trailer for a movie called Civil War coming out sometime this year. Just what we need. Who greenlit this project? Honestly wtf already! Journalism is missing in action but some can't wait to make a buck on displaying this bs.
We need the media to sort out their deep problems and IN A HURRY. The actual reporting of truth without the gaslighting both sidesisms is long overdue. At the very least, since the orange zit showed up there should have and needs to be constant bold declarations in our news of what a pathological, dangerous liar he is. Everything he and his followers says is a hypocritical, bald faced lie meant to confuse the public and hang onto undeserved power. The media on all fronts needs to correct their behavior. I’ve been wondering since 2015 why the Democrats don’t seem to have a ‘think tank’ of brilliant, honest, constitution bound, creative, problem solvers who have joined together to address these devastating issues. Psychologists did this immediately to deal with orange fuckface’s mental illness and to make it clear what we are dealing with. It’s way overdue for our great minds to join together and have meaningful planning conferences to help us get through this year where we vanquish the sick hopes of a dying GQP.
They will do something about Trump about the same time they do something about mass shootings. Better not to publicize it because that is what they want. But I hope they can figure out where these emails came from and arrest some people. People seem to be afraid that if they put him in jail, his cultist followers will go nuts. They are ALREADY nuts, and there is no scenario I can think of where this doesn't end in more violence.
Agree, Lori. No one wants to take the first step to apply tough pushback out of fear. Those with this power are “kicking the can” to voters. Very risky with the Maga megaphones screaming misinformation 24/7. We “rational” voters could use some help. More courageous journalists would help. If they are being muzzled, I hope there’s a whistleblower.
Just knowing that there are so many ticking time bombs among the populace is frightening. Trump in his selfishness somehow communicates to these on-the-edge balls of hate. I trace almost every act of political violence to the Great Enabling, the state of Trump's Influence over Justice. He is getting away with murder! (I mean that figuratively. He IS guilty of rape, though.)
You mean the natural cause of falling downstairs? And did he not get some sort of tax break from planting the poor woman on his golf course? Just another gentle point by this timid observer. Haha.
Indeed - what's it going to take? And at the same time, even though I definitely DO NOT WANT to see more violence, if these idiots keep it up they will be handing the Dems the winning votes. Even while the media is asleep at the wheel, more than enough people are not ok with how this is going down. So - if the dipshits are stupid enough to continue their asinine behavior, the hope has to be that more and more regular people like us will not let them get their hands on our democracy in 2025. One can hope.
When Trump was elected in 2016, most of us knew it would be bad. But I don’t think any of us could ever have imagined just how tragic a Trump presidency would turn out to be. The ramifications seem to be infinite. That sociopathic piece of shit has unearthed and emboldened the dregs of society. They represent the worst of humanity, and by legitimizing their fears, hatred and violence, they now feel liberated—and they won’t ever retreat under their rocks willingly. Long after Trump is reunited with Ivana (and his classified docs) in Bedminster, we’ll still be dealing with the chaos he set in motion. And I’m just so fucking angry!
I heard about it on ABC news last night. Also the S.O.S. from Maine talked about the swatting at her home, but I agree that there is little to no coverage from MSM about all of the shit that goes on and in regards to orange Jesus. I think it's corporate officials at the media organizations that are the problem and not necessarily the journalists themselves though. It's still fucked up either way.
I think you may be right.The msm is corporate owned so maybe the big guys there are the problem and not so much the journalists.But , come on! We are in the process of turning into a dictatorship and the media is still not getting it right.If Cheetolini gets to be POTUS again, he will come after the media and anyone who writes about him in a negative light.He will never abide by the decisions of any of the courts and he likewise will not agree with the results of the election unless both of these show him as the winner.He really isn’t eligible to run due to Section 13 of the 14th Amendment of our Constitution.I am at wits end about this all of the time.
I’m having a hard time believing so many of you dissing the MSM. Have you not heard Cheetolini specifically saying msnbc should be shut down bc they call him out on his dictator crap every single day.
Maybe all of us sane people need to start putting pressure on the people who can lock up Trump and shut down his motor mouth, he needs to be bound and certainly gagged! God knows he gags me every time I see him or hear him..
Thank you Jeff. I’m reminded of a quote by Isaac Asimov from his “Foundations” book series.
“Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.”
“Two things are infinite. The universe and man’s stupidity. And I’m not sure about the universe. “ Einstein
They are just playing all along the storyline in the Nazi and NSDAP book in Germany before and after 1930, in every detail, and they are going to take the country away from you, and put the whole world at stake along with it, if you don't stop them and let them go on doing it.
This is likely the last chance anyone who aspires toward equity, justice, and democracy will have to stop them at the ballot box.
And he never met George W. Bush.
Was it "incompetent?" I Thought he accused the violent of a lack of creativity in so many words.
It has been many years since I read the series, but a number of sources attribute the exact quote to Asimov.
I believe they used it in the TV series based on his work.
Salvor Hardin, Mayor of Terminus, Foundation 1st book. Excellent choice of a quote.
Excellent research, thank you!
Actually remembered it from reading it in the 70s. :D
What’s it gonna take? You realize, of course, that our American political cycle is a story of Republicans shitting the bed and Democrats doing the laundry. Clinton cleaned up after Reagan and Bush. Obama had the Herculean job of cleaning up after Bush/Cheney’s war and recession. Uncle Joe had to fix the place after a mismanaged pandemic response killed a million of us while the rich got obscenely richer and everyone else suffered. Now, we’ve got that asshole clown and his deranged cult threatening to reprise their reign. If the electorate can’t (collectively) recoil in horror and reject this oncoming train wreck, then it richly deserves the consequences. And those consequences will be ugly. Ugly indeed. And that’s maybe what it’s gonna take.
It's already getting ugly and beyond belief that we have to live this way and the media continues to not do their job. It's almost like a gag order has been put on them by the corporate assholes who call the shots. What's even worse is that despicable shit-stained mango monster remains free on bail to be the catalyst of more of these terrorist acts with no end in sight.
Exactly, anyone one of us would have been hauled off to the slammer moths ago! I hate that he gets preferential treatment..😡
"Equal justice for all"? Really??
Absolutely! But we've seen there is no equality in the eyes of the law! Ask any black person about "equality ". Ask any gay, Hispanic , or Asian , same answer.
It does seem like the legacy journalists are under a gag order, but I think it is one imposed by their own lazy ignorance. The number of intelligent, well educated, curious, diligent journalists is small compared to the lazy mediocre C- types who cannot recognize a new narrative even with said narrative's teeth firmly planted in their assess. Their corporate bosses are the same. Not particularly talented, largely ignorant, and lazy. That's a danger to democracy no matter where it exists. There's no reason to expect journalists to be better on the whole.
Yes. And...what's it going to take for the readership/listening audience/viewers to shut down their accounts, cancel their subscriptions, turn away from the tv, and communicate their displeasure with the MSM and social media sites in all ways? Money talks. Hitting them in their wallets will get their attention.
Don't forget to complain to your service providers about propping up Fox news, OAN, etc. Flood their customer service accounts and phone lines with complaints! Go to the comment sections and challenge their language around stochastic terrorism and supporting the Grand Orc Party, and their constant drumbeats concerning Biden's age and policies.
Most of all, find ways to support those fighting for us in the halls of power. Give $ to their campaigns directly. Don't give blanket $ to the organizations who spread that money to both the deserving and the undeserving alike, for they helped people like Kristen Sinema get where she is. Help everyone to see what's at stake, and register people to vote (or write/call to get them there). We are the ones we've been waiting for!
That's the thing: If the voters are so ignorant or destructive to vote for a fascist reign of terror under Trump-- AFTER TRUMP HAS ADMITTED TO DICTATOR TENDENCIES-- there isn't much hope for our nation. The D students win and everyone loses.
Democrats have been cleaning up Rethuglican's shit since 1933.
Truth! Although Eisenhower and Johnson ran counter to the norm.
Unfortunately, the "consequences" will be played out on all of us, or at least all of us who are not insanely rich and uncaring...which means "most" of us.
Reminds me of a neighborhood bumper sticker here:
"Democrats: cleaning up Republican messes since 1933"
Can’t say it better than this.
Not gonna be pretty for shit sure ,we all better get ready for How to say it? A Fucken Bloody horror show ! The Palestinian fluff up will look like a trip to Disney in comparison!
HAMAS, no I mean ISIS, uh, no wait -- checks notes, yes MAGA. MAGAts are locked and loaded, women are home barefoot and pregnant, the children are homeschooled because CRT might teach them that slavery was bad.
A 72 year old male in Floriduh (of course) was arrested for repeatedly leaving death threat voice mails to Eric Swalwell. This deranged monster said he’d kill Swalwell’s family. It’s gonna get way worse, folks. This year is already starting off on a horrifying note.
They should find the location of these threateners, arrest them for threatening murder and hate speech and whatever else, jail them for 10-20yrs, and post their photo-name&shame them!
If they actions don't have consequences people will be absolutely unruly.
Agree. Any threat to any politician or government official should be punished with jail. On another note, this weekend, our GOP Rep's home was threatened. I only learned of it via the Nextdoor app when people were wondering why the street (where he now lives) was shut down and police and SWAT barricading the street. Two people who lived on the street said it was because Gallagher's (Mike Gallagher of WI) home was threatened. To date - there has been no update, no news, no story about it locally or nationally so I guess Gallagher shut it down or used his clout to not have it published. Not sure what happened, but hope the people who live on that street were informed. Oh and btw - he's a massive dick who has done NOTHING for our district or WI but has fully embraced the MAGA cult.
Just an FYI, I live in this MAGA central state. There was NO mention of the arrest on local news, & no pics of this sicko (Michael Shapiro, 72, Green Acres, FL) on any website I checked. I hope Congressman Swalwell doesn’t quit, but I wouldn’t blame him for a nanosecond if he did. Like so many other Democrats, he’s had multiple, daily threats like this. Sickening.
Swalwell won’t quit. He is one of our state’s brightest reps! Dad and uncles were all cops. He knows his back is protected c
Green Acres how appropriate! Any relationship to Mr Haney ,fat boy’s role model,or Arnold ,his genetic father?
😂😂😂 actually, I thought Green acres was close to the Villages (aka STD capital of FL), but it turns out it’s closer to a blue area south of West Palm Beach. This state used to be such a nice place to live and now it’s loaded with MAGAs. If the orange menace wins again, I’m pleading with my husband to sell his business & get the hell out of here.
We could all learn Pig Latin ! That’s what we’ll be speaking if Arnold’s boy ukefn face gipyobay is elected ,l know I need a refresher class ! Til then Eat Shit and begone to the sty from whence ye came you ovine spawn of Satan! Hey 👋 couple years you’ll need a house boat in the Submarine State,Go North Go North ! 🇨🇦 Canada’s filling up quick ,I’ll be the guy in front of the line ,just going home 🏡 to see the cousins Officer .
Michael Shapiro is his name. If he turns out to be Jewish, he does none of us any favors!
Well clearly since the assholes who assisted in dumb ass’s plot to overtake the capital are STILL in congress.......I guess my birthday wish on the 6th is not happening. RISE UP PEOPLE-in a good way! lol (I’m not a violent person) :)
I am with you.We The People need a revolution.I am all for non-violent peaceful resistance.But one thing is sure as sh*t, we gotta do something.
Indeed. That DoJ was paralyzed in acting immediately and taking the pardon beggars in at least for questioning and making a statement shows how reluctant they are to to take action. Inversely, the MAGAts have little restraint and can be galvanized into mob action. This not a time to sit on our hands. Sheesh.
I saw a trailer for a movie called Civil War coming out sometime this year. Just what we need. Who greenlit this project? Honestly wtf already! Journalism is missing in action but some can't wait to make a buck on displaying this bs.
I saw that. All about the $$$$.
Weird, or what?
I swear people think this is a joke!
We need the media to sort out their deep problems and IN A HURRY. The actual reporting of truth without the gaslighting both sidesisms is long overdue. At the very least, since the orange zit showed up there should have and needs to be constant bold declarations in our news of what a pathological, dangerous liar he is. Everything he and his followers says is a hypocritical, bald faced lie meant to confuse the public and hang onto undeserved power. The media on all fronts needs to correct their behavior. I’ve been wondering since 2015 why the Democrats don’t seem to have a ‘think tank’ of brilliant, honest, constitution bound, creative, problem solvers who have joined together to address these devastating issues. Psychologists did this immediately to deal with orange fuckface’s mental illness and to make it clear what we are dealing with. It’s way overdue for our great minds to join together and have meaningful planning conferences to help us get through this year where we vanquish the sick hopes of a dying GQP.
I've been wondering about this too!
“If the universe is infinite, how can it be expanding? And if it is expanding, why is it still hard to get a parking space downtown?”
-A series of unanswered letters to Einstein
😂😂😂😂 Excellent.
They will do something about Trump about the same time they do something about mass shootings. Better not to publicize it because that is what they want. But I hope they can figure out where these emails came from and arrest some people. People seem to be afraid that if they put him in jail, his cultist followers will go nuts. They are ALREADY nuts, and there is no scenario I can think of where this doesn't end in more violence.
Agree, Lori. No one wants to take the first step to apply tough pushback out of fear. Those with this power are “kicking the can” to voters. Very risky with the Maga megaphones screaming misinformation 24/7. We “rational” voters could use some help. More courageous journalists would help. If they are being muzzled, I hope there’s a whistleblower.
Just knowing that there are so many ticking time bombs among the populace is frightening. Trump in his selfishness somehow communicates to these on-the-edge balls of hate. I trace almost every act of political violence to the Great Enabling, the state of Trump's Influence over Justice. He is getting away with murder! (I mean that figuratively. He IS guilty of rape, though.)
I wouldn't put murder past him, he may not have done it personally, but ordered it done like a mob boss. I find Ivanas sudden death a bit suspicious.
You mean the natural cause of falling downstairs? And did he not get some sort of tax break from planting the poor woman on his golf course? Just another gentle point by this timid observer. Haha.
“Bring us all home”? Dude, you are either in jail which is your home for the time being or you’re asking to be raptured.
Alex, I'll take Rapture for $500!
Exactly just another deluded "patriot" as this folk see it.
How many of those Secretaries of State were Democrats...and/or women?
Great question!
Michigans S.O.S. is a democrat, a woman, but she would not take the orange pig off the ballot.
Only three women held that position: Hillary Clinton, Madeline Albright, and Condoleezza Rice.
Ginni meant State secretaries of state, not the Federal ones.
Indeed - what's it going to take? And at the same time, even though I definitely DO NOT WANT to see more violence, if these idiots keep it up they will be handing the Dems the winning votes. Even while the media is asleep at the wheel, more than enough people are not ok with how this is going down. So - if the dipshits are stupid enough to continue their asinine behavior, the hope has to be that more and more regular people like us will not let them get their hands on our democracy in 2025. One can hope.
Yes, What's it going to take? I keep saying that about everything, including gun violence after Sandy Hook. Our country is a mess.
When Trump was elected in 2016, most of us knew it would be bad. But I don’t think any of us could ever have imagined just how tragic a Trump presidency would turn out to be. The ramifications seem to be infinite. That sociopathic piece of shit has unearthed and emboldened the dregs of society. They represent the worst of humanity, and by legitimizing their fears, hatred and violence, they now feel liberated—and they won’t ever retreat under their rocks willingly. Long after Trump is reunited with Ivana (and his classified docs) in Bedminster, we’ll still be dealing with the chaos he set in motion. And I’m just so fucking angry!
I can’t believe I knew nothing about the State Capitol evacuations. Thanks Jeff.
one person in my not-twitter feed was talking about. if I had blinked I would have missed it completely. it's maddening that it's not a bigger story
I heard about it on ABC news last night. Also the S.O.S. from Maine talked about the swatting at her home, but I agree that there is little to no coverage from MSM about all of the shit that goes on and in regards to orange Jesus. I think it's corporate officials at the media organizations that are the problem and not necessarily the journalists themselves though. It's still fucked up either way.
I think you may be right.The msm is corporate owned so maybe the big guys there are the problem and not so much the journalists.But , come on! We are in the process of turning into a dictatorship and the media is still not getting it right.If Cheetolini gets to be POTUS again, he will come after the media and anyone who writes about him in a negative light.He will never abide by the decisions of any of the courts and he likewise will not agree with the results of the election unless both of these show him as the winner.He really isn’t eligible to run due to Section 13 of the 14th Amendment of our Constitution.I am at wits end about this all of the time.
I’m having a hard time believing so many of you dissing the MSM. Have you not heard Cheetolini specifically saying msnbc should be shut down bc they call him out on his dictator crap every single day.
It’s just the beginning,it’s going to get a whole lot worse!
Yes, the best!!
What news are you ppl who are slamming journalists watching??
I watch msnbc & THEY talked about it, a lot.
Maybe all of us sane people need to start putting pressure on the people who can lock up Trump and shut down his motor mouth, he needs to be bound and certainly gagged! God knows he gags me every time I see him or hear him..