Our country is like a supermarket, all the healthy foods with nutritional value are on the perimeter aisles. All the junk food is located in the center of the market.

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I taught HS for a time. The biggest takeaway was that it's nearly impossible to teach anything that challenges previously held beliefs. And if we could simply teach that, it'd be a good start. But the insulated networks are so populated with idiotic bigotries and bigoted idiots -- and so constantly demanding -- that all we should hope for is, as you highlight here, that students (at least) learn something about statistics.

Oy, vey iz mir.

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120%? That's nearly all Americans. 🤔

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One thing is apparent. Most of them have things read to them. If they had paid attention in English class, they'd know how to read and spell when they write. But I guess 2nd grade was just too hard.

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I don't see being read to as inherently bad. You can enjoy the context without reading it and think critically.

But when kids are just "taught the test," like in Texas, there is zero critical thinking. It is all just about funding.

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No doubt it isn't CRT that the DeSantis -types of the right are worried about. JUST Critical Thinking-of those that can and do and to make sure the base never does.

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The Rs are diabolically brilliant. First, Reagan economics led to 40 years of defunding everything but wars (and tax breaks for the rich), including public schools. Then W, with a complicit Ted Kennedy (a fact that defies comprehension), passed every child left behind & pushed school vouchers, further defunding public schools, and dropped passing civics as a requirement to graduate from high school. Then the Rs and their celebrity mouthpieces turned their followers’ rage on critical thinking, ‘cause, you know, critical thinking is a way “liberal” teachers brainwash “your” children into — horror of horrors — thinking. My question is, was it all planned in advance, or has it evolved as each piece worked for them?

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How else can the right stay petrified? Their numbers support their fear.

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Love it Jeff!!! Maybe I should not worry about this seemingly vast array of disagreements between us. Just maybe the imbeciles on both sides of the political spectrum will wash each other totally out and then just you and I and a few thousand other like minded souls can rule from Tahiti and all will be as it should.


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As a data freak I came across this chart earlier and was blown away that the Rs have made major culture fights about things that effect a teeny tiny portion of us. But even as a tiny group they deserve the same protections as the rest of us but the Rs are ignoring them. They are not exclusions to the rules. And although I am a strong supporter of Veterans issues they are also a very small group who take up an enormous amount to talking space when politicians run for office. With these groups being so small why is it we can not fix their problems in a blink of an eye and move on to policies needed by the remaining 95% of us? Those are not so easy to solve. The first data point of households with an annual income of over $1M also shows that most of the people in federal elected positions are in that group but they think they understand the needs of the average wage earner and use us as a talking point to push their agendas. It hardly ever trickles down to us.

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My nephew corrected me a few years back saying that I should be calling the orange pustule an idiot rather than a moron. Apparently this (politically incorrect) scale would start with idiot then imbecile to moron. Although none of these terms should be used in any clinical or diagnostic sense, they still feel very expressive when being surrounded by dumbfucks.

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Oh My God this a brain opener even for me on some of them. Seriously, brilliant that you are talking about the fear the Goper wingnuts are instilling into the general population. It has to stop. this is amazing information. I had no idea that only 34 % of American own weapons.

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Give or take, yep. Here's how Pew Research breaks down the demographics: https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2017/06/22/the-demographics-of-gun-ownership/

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and finally, we know our country is screwed 12 ways to stunday, the real question is WHO is the $$money$$ behind the republican push for a fascist corporatocracy and why is getting all that money OUT of POLITICS not everyone's number one priority.

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but gas stoves....

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cont. the ending stats. if 42% are dems and 42% are obese does this imply that the obese are all fat stupid repugikants? what about the remaining 36% of the 120% of Americans who are dumbfucks? does that include us or are we in a seperate but equal catagory? or did you mis-speak. in any event the real and serious problems of our country will never be addressed by the republican fascists. they will only continue to make things worse, which is their stated goal.

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More hate, please. I am paying to read hate of Republicans. I don't like Twitter.

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"the average American knows nothing about the society in which they live"

Not the most auspicious sentence to put in a column about how stupid people are.

"American" is singular, "they" is plural. This is the only grammatical requirement English makes of its speakers.

How difficult is this:

"average Americans knows nothing about the society in which they live"

Dont bother giving me that Smile shit about gender-neutral singular, it's garbage. "They" is plural.

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A rounding error 🦉

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