will the media finally shut the fuck up about Joe Biden’s age? don’t hold your breath
Ezra Klein is really, really sorry about all the mean things he said
Sleepy Joe sleeps no more!
last week, Joe Biden defied the ridiculously-low expectations that had been set by the DC press and delivered a barn-burner of a State of the Union address.
the speech was so powerful — so full of fire — that all the GOP could do in response was pout and whine that it wasn’t fair. how dare Joe be partisan and angry! he must be on drugs!
Biden put on such a good show that even the mainstream media had to grudgingly agree that Biden had knocked it out of the park, and maybe he’s not so sleepy after all.
but how long will this clear-eyed dose of reality from our worthless scribblers of the press last?
folks, Ezra Fucking Klein is really, really sorry about all the mean things he said about Joe Biden.
a few weeks ago, Klein jumped on the Joe is too old bandwagon and published a gratuitous hit piece in the Times calling for Biden to drop out of the presidential race.
Klein’s column was full of industrial-strength hand-wringing about how Joe had declined to the point where he couldn’t do the job of presidenting any more.
it was all based on the flimsiest of innuendo. everybody was whispering to Klein about Biden’s obvious frailty — but he didn’t name a single source, and he wasn’t able to cite a single bit of evidence for Biden’s “obvious” decline.
it was circle-jerk conventional-wisdoming at its worst. Joe Biden is decrepit because Joe Biden is decrepit — everyone says so, so it must be true! boo-yah!
and Ezra was so sorry — so teary-eyed and regretful — about having to call on Biden to step down, because —
I want to say this clearly: I like Biden. I think he’s been a good president. I think he is a good president.
it was fucking infuriating, because there was no reason for the piece to have been written.
Klein wrote it because calling on Biden to step down was a zeitgeisty thing to do — all the cool kids were doing it — and Klein wanted a piece of that sweet, sweet zeitgeist action.
it was all the media needed to self-validate and engage in a fresh round of see? we told you so — even liberal Ezra Klein says so!
well, what a difference four weeks makes — because Old Ez is out with a mea fucking culpa for the ages.
except … well, look how he frames it:
Fine, Call It a Comeback
If the Joe Biden who showed up to deliver the State of the Union address last week is the Joe Biden who shows up for the rest of the campaign, you’re not going to have any more of those weak-kneed pundits suggesting he’s not up to running for re-election. Here’s hoping he does.
no, Ezra, it’s not a comeback. Joe Biden didn’t go anywhere. Joe Biden wasn’t decrepit four weeks ago when you wrote your hit piece, and he didn’t magically get better.
“weak-kneed pundits,” indeed. Ezra, take a good fucking look in the mirror.
a few weeks ago, I likened the New York Times’ coverage of Biden’s age to that of an arsonist, standing in middle of the street, gas can in hand, wondering aloud how all these fires got started.
well, Ezra Klein is an arsonist, standing in middle of the street, gas can in hand, denouncing all arsonists and calling for an end to arson.
Ezra, fuck off. fuck all the way off. fuck off all the way to Fuckoffistan — and when you get there, keep fucking off.
you’re not helping.
the media atrocities continue. check this Bloomberg headline:
“A strong jobs report is good news, right? Not if you’re Joe Biden”
what the fucking fuck?
no, it isn’t the Onion, and it isn’t the Pitchbot. it’s Bloomberg Goddamned News, handwaving away the 275,000 jobs the economy added in February.
even the Pitchbot — a twitter account that parodies lazy ‘bad news for Joe Biden’ reporting — had to admit they’d met their match.
the Bloomberg piece was authored by Tobin Harshaw. let’s have a gander at his bio:
Tobin Harshaw is a Bloomberg Opinion senior editor and columnist on national security and military affairs. Previously, he was deputy editor at the op-ed page of the New York Times and the newspaper’s letters editor.
ohhhhh, he’s a former Times guy. that explains a lot. folks, the contagion is spreading.
during last night’s Oscars broadcast, a certain 91-count-criminal-fuckface-slash-media-critic took to his crappy app to post this batshit rant:
Has there EVER been a WORSE HOST than Jimmy Kimmel at The Oscars. His opening was that of a less than average person trying too hard to be something which he is not, and never can be. Get rid of Kimmel and perhaps replace him with another washed up, but cheap, ABC “talent,” George Slopanopoulos. He would make everybody on stage look bigger, stronger, and more glamorous. Also a really bad politically correct show tonight, and for years - Disjointed, boring, and very unfair. Why don’t they just give the Oscars to those that deserve them. Maybe that way their audience and TV ratings will come back from the depths. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
in response, Kimmel — in the middle of the broadcast — took out his phone, read Donny’s post aloud and quipped for the ages:
“thank you for watching. I’m suprised you’re still up. isn’t it past your jail time?”
“Fuck off. fuck all the way off…fuck all the way to Fuckoffistan-and when you get there, keep fucking off!” hahahah THE BEST use of the F-word EVER!
Kimmel was right on to ask that question…why the hell aren’t journalists doing it?!!
I played Jimmy kimmels come back line at least 20 plus times.
I can't wait for the day to hear
Trump who?