Trump praised Hitler, and every Republican stuck their head in the sand
if you can’t denounce Nazis because doing so would anger your base, you’re on the wrong side
“did Donny Convict lose the 2020 election?”
for four years, that question has been the litmus test for loyalty to Dear Leader. answer it truthfully, and watch your career as an elected Republican go fuckity-bye. just ask former lawmakers Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger how having integrity worked out for them.
but if you can stand in front of a camera, stare unblinkingly and say “of course Donny won,” you’ll go far — you might even get to be the vice presidential candidate.
well, move over, “did Donny lose?” — your moment in the sun has passed. there’s a new loyalty question in town. it goes like this: “is praising Hitler bad?”
after John Kelly went public with his stories of Donny insisting that “Hitler did a lot of good things,” the press spent the day asking the GOP if lavishing praise on old Adolf H. was a bad thing — and Republicans pretzeled themselves into impressive fucktangles to avoid answering.
here’s Fox & Friends found object Brian Kilmeade, taking the Dear Leader didn’t mean what he said tack.
“I can absolutely see him go now, ‘you know what? it’d be great to have German generals that actually do what we ask them to do,’ maybe not fully being cognizant of the third rail of German generals who were Nazis or whatever.”
ohhh, I get it: Donny Convict didn’t mean to praise Hitler, he’s just an ignorant fucking idiot who can’t help it when he says stupid shit.
seriously, Brian? Donny didn’t know that Hitler’s generals were Nazis? Donny’s an old man? he’s confused?
how about the fact that Hitler’s generals wore swastikas? might not that have been a dead giveaway that they were the baddies?
don’t you love it when the people who say “I support Donny because he says what he means” turn on a dime, and insist that “Donny didn’t mean what he said”?
New Hampshire governor Chris Sununu took a different tack: Donny says a lot of shit, so what?
CNN: “hearing that, does that change how you feel about Donald Trump?”
Sununu: “no ... we’ve heard a lot of extreme things about Donald Trump, from Donald Trump. it’s par for the course. it’s unfortunate. with a guy like that, it’s kinda baked into the vote.”
what’s the big deal?, asks Chris. we know Donny sucks all ass. we just don’t care. hey, at least you have to give Sununu credit for his honesty.
here’s Nick LaLota, running for reelection in New York’s first congressional district, in a debate last night with Democratic challenger John Avlon.
Avlon: “I couldn’t help but notice that my opponent’s chosen political candidate, the one he enthusiastically endorsed, told his chief of staff, General John Kelly, that he admired Hitler. said he did a lot of good things. said he wanted generals like the ones Hitler had. that seems pretty urgent. that seems pretty relevant to the choices facing our nation, and to the judgement my opponent observes.”
LaLota: “what you hear is totally wrong.”
fake news! Donny never said it!
pro tip: if you can’t denounce praise of Hitler because doing so would anger Dear Leader and his cultists, congratulations — you’re on the wrong fucking side.
right now, the only Republican on record with the courage to call Donny “America’s Hitler” is JD Vance — except for Couchfuck McGee, it’s a feature, not a bug.
hey, you know who is unafraid to call Donald Trump a fascist? Kamala Harris, that’s who.
Anderson Cooper: “you’ve quoted General Milley calling Donald Trump a fascist. you yourself have not used that word to describe him. let me ask you tonight, do you think Donald Trump is a fascist?”
Kamala: “yes, I do. yes, I do.”
hey, did you hear about the time Donny stopped a war with France?
“you have no idea what I did in the White House. I stopped wars. with France. you know the France story?”
no, we don’t know ‘the France story,’ Sundowning Grandpa Befuddlepants. tell us how you stopped this great war with France. tell us how without your awesome foreign policy expertise, right now the French Army would be occupying our cities and towns, forcing us to eat their stinky cheese and smoke their stupid little cigarettes — and, worst of all, making us pronounce “croissant” as “kwa-son.”
the horror. the fucking horror.
ok, what the fuck is the press not telling us?
Mark Halperin: “I can tell you, without going into detail, that I’ve been pitched a story about Donald Trump now for about a week, that if true, would end his campaign … I’m not the only one who’s been pitched it.”
oh really. huh. so nice of the worthless scribblers of the corporate-controlled media to have suddenly grown a pair of ethics.
I keep thinking back to how eager the press was in 2016 to run with every spurious allegation against the email lady, no matter how badly sourced it was. remember how Hillary coughed and for two whole weeks, the press assured us that she was on death’s door? remember the fucking email story, six days before the election?
even if the stuff Halperin is sitting on is true, color me skeptical that anything could end Donny’s campaign. for fuck’s sake, Donny just praised Hitler, and the press is ready to move on to the next thing.
let’s give the final word to CNN’s Jake Tapper who, in a rare moment of clarity, tells it like it is.
“you know, it strikes me what’s interesting about the moment right now that we’re in, is that we in the media are treating Vice President Harris like we treat a normal politician, and we’re critiquing her answers and we’re talking about, well she could have said this differently, she could have that differently. meanwhile, the Republican nominee literally is talking about liberals being the enemy within, talking about using the military to go after these people. his defenders say ‘oh no, he’s talking about illegal immigrants, or he’s going after mobs in the street,’ and Trump will say ‘no, no, no, I mean going after the Pelosis, going after Adam Schiff, going after Democrats.’ and these campaigns are in two different universes.”
bravo for stating the obvious, Jake — but how about doing something about it?
Tapper didn’t exactly cover himself in glory back when he co-moderated the Donny-Biden debate. he and Dana Bash sat their with their mouths closed as Donny spewed lie after lie, and the best response they could come up with was thank you, let’s move on.
right now, Jake Tapper is an arsonist, standing in the middle of the street with a book of matches and an empty gas can in his hand, wondering aloud, “how did all these fires get started?”
sorry if this piece seems rushed — I have an 11:00am medical appointment today that I absolutely could not reschedule (don't worry, it's nothing serious). so at the very least, this post will probably have more typos in it than usual
I am so fucking tired of him getting a fucking pass on every fucking thing. VOTE!