Republicans are running away from Project 2025. let’s make the bastards own it
they can run, but they can’t hide
Little Donny Convict loves to brag about how he hires only the best people. big, strong men with tears in their eyes, who come up to him and say ‘sir! sir! this is the best way to implement immigration policy.’
but of course, Donny doesn’t hire the best people. he hires random goofballs who he happened to see flattering him on Fox News, and decided on the spot that they looked like they came out of ‘central casting.’
this is how Donny ended up with the clownishly unqualified Matthew Whitaker as his Acting Attorney General. Matty’s prior job was selling — and I’m quoting here — “a toilet for people with enormous dicks” — but Donny liked what he saw on Fox, and boom — for three whole months this sleazy conman was the top guy at the DOJ.
it’s inevitable that a kook like the Big Dick Toilet Salesman will shit the bed in some spectacular fashion — and when he does, all of a sudden Trump never met the guy, okay? he was just a low-level staffer whose only task was to fetch coffee.
get ready for Donald Trump’s newest low-level coffee fetcher who he has absolutely never met — and this time, it’s not a person, it’s a thing.
“I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they’re saying and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them.”
“I have no idea what Project 2025 is but I’m against it” is pure Trumpian doublespeak, right up there with “the FBI planted those documents that I took because they belong to me.”
and he wishes them luck? what the fuck?
words, how do they work? it’s like the time Donny offered his “warmest” condolences to the victims of a mass shooting.
78 years on Planet Earth and the stupid fuck still hasn’t learned how to pass for human.
but back to Project 2025, and Donny’s sudden disavowal of it.
if you haven’t heard about Project 2025, read on — and be prepared to be terrified.
Project 2025 is the Heritage Foundation’s 900-page blueprint for turning the United States into a Christian Nationalist dictatorship with Donny Convict permanently installed as King Fuckface the First.
it’s Mein Kampf meets The Handmaid’s Tale meets 1984, all rolled up into one big christofascist wet dream — and make no mistake: every fucking Republican is totally on board with it.
they plan to fire every civil servant and replace them with Trump loyalists.
they’re going to let the corporatists to destroy our system of government. goodbye Social Security. goodbye, regulations. goodbye, Department of Education. goodbye, EPA. goodbye, elections.
Putin’s useful tools will be running foreign policy. goodbye, NATO. goodbye, Ukraine.
they’ll allow the christofascists to run totally fucking hog-wild and implement their entire god-bothering agenda: a national abortion ban. religious indoctrination in the schools. a ban on contraception. the outlawing of marriage equality and the shitcanning of LGBTQ+ rights. the abolition of no-fault divorce.
and they’re not hiding any of this. they have a web site. they’re actively recruiting loyalists right now who will be installed on Day One of the next Republican administration.
when Donny Convict claims to know nothing about Project 2025 — or the people who run it — he’s lying his fucking face off.
The Project 2025 playbook was written by more than 20 officials who Trump himself appointed during his first term. If he has “no idea” who they are, he’s showing an alarming cognitive decline.
One of the leaders of Project 2025 is Russ Vought. Vought was Trump’s director of the Office of Management and Budget, a key position in the White House. Vought is also drafting Trump’s 2024 GOP platform.
Another Project 2025 leader is John McEntee, another of Trump’s top White House aides. (McEntee recently went viral with a video in which he claimed he gives counterfeit money to homeless people to get them arrested.)Project 2025’s director, Paul Dans, and both of its associate directors, Spencer Chretien and Troup Hemenway, were in charge of personnel in Trump’s White House.
even Nosferatu McGoebbels is up to his Nazi eyeballs in Project 2025. his unpleasant face is all over their recruitment videos.
oh, and by the way — Donny has his own version of Project 2025. he calls it Agenda 47 and it’s right there on his web site. it’s the same grab-bag of authoritarianism, corporatism and god-bothering zealotry. so how can he profess ignorance?
so all this fascist fuckery is right up Donny Convict’s alley — especially the part where he gets to be king for life. so why is he suddenly backing away from the whole enchilada?
well, it’s finally dawning on Donny and his henchmen that the whole Project 2025 agenda is toxic as fuck.
the American people don’t want any of the shit they’re peddling. they like having clean air and water. they like knowing their hamburgers have been inspected by the FDA, and their their pharmaceuticals won’t kill them.
and the average American sure as hell doesn’t want religious zealots policing what goes on in their bedroom.
the more Americans hear about Project 2025, the less they like it.
here’s Amanda Marcotte in Salon:
There hasn't been new polling data yet, but this spike of interest suggests there’s a strong chance that the sands are shifting. If the chatter about Project 2025 continues in both the press and social media, the knowledge of Trump’s plans might start to influence the election — and in ways he will not like. Trump cannot win without a large percentage of voters backing him under the false belief he’s “not so bad.” The more they find out about what he intends to do in office, the more will have second thoughts about risking another Trump term.
it’s amazing that the Heritage Foundation has been arrogant enough to operate Project 2025 out in the open for this long. don’t be surprised if at some point their web site suddenly disappears.
Republicans count on voters being dumb as fuck. they count on voters being uninformed. they count on voters being in deep denial, going “oh come on, they wouldn’t really do that, would they?”
Republicans are counting on a lazy, corporate-controlled media being too obsessed with taking down Joe Biden to spend any time reporting on y’know, the end of democracy.
so once again, it’s up to us to spread the word.
we can’t count on the media. yesterday, Kamala Harris gave a speech where she spoke extensively about the dangers of Project 2025. here’s how the Washington Post framed it.
forget about Project 2025. why didn’t Kamala talk shit about her boss?
fuck straight off, Washington Post. we don’t need this right now.
oh, and check out what The New York Times has been up to.
the Times is so far up Donny’s ass that they’re now trying to convince us that being a convicted felon is cool.
we have our marching orders. we all need to be beating the drum.
we need to be warning everyone we know, and making sure they’re registered to vote — and that they go to the polls this November and vote Democratic all the way up and down the ballot.
a good resource for keeping current with the latest in authoritarian powergrabbery is the American Autocracy Threat Tracker.
bookmark it. check in on it often.
it’s up to us. we are the cavalry.
as Thom Hartmann likes to say, tag. you’re it.
and as I like to say, we can do this. we have to do this.
folks, a word on a different subject before I let you go: we’re doing some quarterly fundraising at my other venture, The Smirking Chimp. I’m leery of even mentioning it because if you’re one of the people paying to support my own writing here, you’re already doing god’s work and you’re already doing more than enough to help out. but if you’ve got five dollars that you absolutely wouldn’t miss and you do feel like supporting the Chimp, well, that just makes you twice the hero. the donation link is here, or you can go straight to paypal if you need no further convincing. and if you don’t care to donate, that’s totally cool, too, and we will not speak of this again. in fact, we never had this conversation. thanks for listening and that’s it from me for now.
It’s impossible for me to believe that the loony right wing Fascists would ever be taken seriously here, but holey fucking shit, they’re suddenly a bee’s dick away from controlling every level of government AND the type of toilet you can use to shit yourself over their plans for world domination.