America’s racists are getting louder.
failed former football coach and current worthless doorstop of a senator Tommy Tuberville just spent an entire week tying himself into a fucking pretzel trying to explain that white supremacists are just a bunch of normal freedom-loving dudes who in no way believe in the supremacy of whites.
check out twerpy little shit-stirrer Charlie Kirk:
“Three weeks ago, if we would’ve said that Joy Reid, and Michelle Obama, and Sheila Jackson Lee, and Ketanji Brown Jackson were affirmative action picks, we would’ve been called the racist,” Kirk said Thursday on his talk show.
“But now they’re coming out and they’re saying it for us,” the far-right commentator continued. “They’re coming out and they’re saying, ‘I’m only here because of affirmative action.’ Yeah, we know. You do not have the brain processing power to otherwise be taken really seriously.”
He added: “You had to go steal a white person’s slot to go be taken somewhat seriously.”
Eli Crane went from “obscure representative from some jerkwater district” to “America’s top racist” in the span of about five seconds when he blurted out “colored people” during remarks from the floor of the House.
when I was a kid, racists had to hide their faces under hoods. now they speak freely from the halls of Congress.
Florida continues its bid to be named America’s Most Racist State by going after teachers and librarians for daring to educate our children about diversity. a book about Roberto Clemente was removed from shelves because of a section that dealt with discrimination. a textbook publisher was forced to remove references to Rosa Parks’s race from its history books.
Alabama is being forced to redraw its district maps after the Supreme Court ruled that the current map had been created to deliberately dilute the power of black voters.
imagine being too racist for our current Supreme Court.
and on and on it goes.
welcome to our modern-day Republican Party.
Donald Trump didn’t invent Republican racism. the GOP has been the party of bigotry ever since the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Nixon’s ‘southern strategy’ of 1968.
but when Donald Trump waddled down that escalator in 2016 and started yammering about Mexican rapists, a light bulb went off over every racist's head.
because Donald Trump gave them permission. he told them that they no longer had to hide under hoods. they could just blurt out loud whatever the fuck they had been dying for decades to say.
and the gates of hatred burst open.
hate is an easy sell.
our lizard brains are hard-wired to fear “the other.” it’s how we survived back when we lived in caves, and really did have to live in terror of anything unfamiliar.
the plutocrats and the power-hungry know this, and they exploit it.
Lyndon Baines Johnson understood this, too, when in 1960, he famously said,*
“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."
and that’s your Republican Party of 2023: cynical racists picking the pockets of ignorant racists.
*wingnuts use this quote to prove that LBJ was the real racist. nuh-uh, dipshits. context matters.
folks, a word on a different subject before I let you go: we’re doing some quarterly fundraising at my other venture, The Smirking Chimp. I’m leery of even mentioning it because if you’re one of the people paying to support my own writing here, you’re already doing god’s work and you’re already doing more than enough to help out. but if you’ve got five dollars that you absolutely wouldn’t miss and you do feel like supporting the Chimp, well, that just makes you twice the hero. the donation link is here, or you can go straight to paypal if you need no further convincing. and if you don’t care to donate, that’s totally cool, too, and we will not speak of this again. in fact, we never had this conversation. thanks for listening and that’s it from me for now.
The worst thing that happened to me was when I found out that my country was populated with a never before anticipated huge number of people who would have felt right at home in 1930’s Nazi Germany.
Charlie Kirk pontificating on Black women of intellect, of strength....receiving an education that “should have been reserved for White folks” at various universities. Well ...please give us Charlie’s educational background... a community college dropout... That says it all about Charlie, his educational record, his anti everything that is not about supporting Whites, Christianity, male dominance, and superiority..yeah that Charlie who is just another grifter taking money from the White Wing grievance victimhood machine... a disgusting little little man.