maybe there's no conspiracy. maybe you're just a gullible dipshit
conspiracy dipshits are all the fuck over the place. what the fuck is going on
used to be, pre-internet, that just about the only time you’d run into a conspiracy nut would be when you’d be walking through the town square and some dodgy character would sidle up alongside you and press a badly-mimeographed multi-page manifesto into your hands. you’d grimace and glance at it as you hurried away to toss it into the nearest trash can.
these days, conspiracy dipshits are all the fuck over the place. they’re in your face. you can’t get rid of them.
what the fuck is going on?
back in the quaint guy-ranting-in-the-park days, conspiracy types were pretty much all cut from the same cloth: take a general mistrust of government, add a dash of confirmation bias and mix in a basic human need to make sense of a sensless world, and voila, there you are, bugging the shit out of random passers-by who have absolutely no interest in reading your manifesto.
and now we have the internet, where like-minded nutballs can find each other and compare notes, and conspiracies have exploded. and become a hundred times more dangerous.
one reason is that conspiracies are profitable. the internet has made it possible for cynical shitheads like Alex Jones and his ilk to rake in million of dollars from the rubes. it’s highly doubtful that your Alex Joneses or your Tucker Carlsons believe the bullshit they peddle, but they sure as fuck believe in the power and fame it brings them.
a more insidious reason is that now that the maniacs have taken over, believing in deranged bullshit has become part of the right’s tribal identity. it’s the price of admission to be a Republican in good standing; anyone with a firm grip on reality is quickly shown the door.
it’s the natural outgrowth of 30 years of wingnut propaganda. repeat it often enough and eventually it becomes second nature that the people you disagree with aren’t just political opponents, but adrenochrome-guzzling, baby-eating monsters.
from there, it’s just a short step to violence.
and, as always, the standard Republican playbook is at work: keep the horse-paste-guzzlers enraged about and, more importantly, distracted by Dr Fauci’s whatever-the-fuck-he’s-supposed-to-have-done, and they won’t notice that you’re picking their pockets.
and, also as always, cruelty is the point. if you’re a cocaine-addled shithead who has never known his father’s love, how fun is it to post this and trigger the libs:
oh, and while we’re on the subject of Paul Pelosi ….

so much for the ‘left wing nudist gay lover’ theory
Reality testing and interest in knowledge and facts has dropped precipitously since the GQP figured out many years ago that it gleans sway over the weak minded by simply fabricating and lying. Then comes right wing talk radio that spread to network TV with programs designed to increase the viewers blood pressure and keep them watching. Apparently, this is half of the country’s only method of increasing their heart rate. I can understand the ‘getting sucked in’ feeling that comes over sometimes when watching the media scream the same story over and over - not like giving the news but making a Netflix series out of it. That is the same lure that has brought all these rubes down the shitty shit hole of conspiracy crap - the addictive feeling of the excitement watching a scary movie - never mind that it’s all made up and we know it is. They don’t care anymore that it’s a crummy, completely implausible, poorly written murder mystery. They live by it as if it was handed down from God or should I say GQD.
Another masterpiece as usual, Jeff