MAGA goes to war with itself over how much racism is enough
let’s all settle in and enjoy the shit-show
the MAGAverse has cleaved itself in two.
on one side are the white supremacist absolutists. these ur-racist shitweasels will tell you that America is for white people only — with no exceptions. are you an immigrant with a steady job, who pays taxes? don’t care, get the fuck out. did you come here as a child, and have never known any other country? boo fucking hoo. get on the deportation bus.
on the other side are the oligarchs who make up MAGA’s ruling class. they’re all yeah sure, racism is super fun — but if we can import skilled workers, and exploit and mistreat them, and grow ever-wealthier off their hard work, why the fuck wouldn’t we?
this is also the week that we found ourselves occasionally nodding in agreement with the worst people in the world. ugh. what the fuck is going on?
check out one-man leper colony Steve Bannon.
“we’re not going to become some anarcho-libertarian state run by big tech oligarchs—that’s not happening. we didn’t fight all these wars and get to this point just to hand it over to a bunch of geeks who were stuffed in lockers in high school.”
here’s Rotty Steve, in a clip from 2023.
“when we cut [Musk] off [from subsidies], he went begging the CCP, and that’s why they have the joint venture in Shanghai, the Tesla, which is 100% of his value, right? this guy lives on government contracts and taxpayer subsidies. Elon Musk … you are a war profiteer, you’re sleeping with the enemy … you’re not even an American, all you are is a globalist. you will go where anybody writes you a check. you would take it from Adolph Hitler himself.”
oh fuck — Little Stevie Three-Shirts just became the living embodiment of this old Onion meme.
thing is, the Space Nazi is as white supremacist as they come. he’s neck-deep in “great replacement” bullshit, this quote-unquote ‘theory’ that white people need to out-breed the swarthy hordes that the Jews are bringing into America.
that’s why he’s made it his life’s mission to have eighteen thousand children with seventeen thousand different women. hey lady, I’ll buy you a horse if you squirt out a white kid for the cause.
but because the Space Nazi also is willing to exploit the labor of immigrants in order to cement his position as the world’s richest asshole, he fails the MAGAverse’s racism purity test.
so, can MAGA look to Donny Convict for any leadership on this issue? no, of course MAGA fucking can’t — because Dear Leader isn’t actually a leader. he supports the policies of whoever flattered him most recently.
in 2020, he was firmly against using H1B to take jobs away from American workers.
“as we speak, we are finalizing H-1B regulation so that no American worker is replaced ever again. H-1B should be used for top highly paid talent to create American jobs, not as inexpensive labor program to destroy American jobs.”
on June 22, 2020, Donny issued an executive action suspending H-1B visas.
but today? President Musk apparently ordered Donny to toe the line, fuck-o.
“I have many H-1B visas on my properties. I’ve been a believer in H-1B. I have used it many times.”
I’m sorry, Donny’s been doing what? he’s using the H-1B visa program to bring over highly-skilled tech workers and … give them jobs as servers and groundskeepers at his vermin-infested golf motels?
as usual, this addled old fuckhead has no clue what he’s gibbering about. Donny’s been using the H-2B visa program to import low-skilled workers.
Forbes found that Trump's businesses hired at least 1,670 temporary foreign workers since 2008. In 2023, Mar-a-Lago requested H-2B visas for: 53 waiters and waitresses, seven hotel desk clerks, 17 housekeeping cleaners, five first-line supervisors of food preparation and serving workers, 24 cooks and five bartenders per the Department of Labor.
so add Donny to the long list of hypocritical overlords who talk out of one side of their mouths about how we have to get rid of all the immigrants because they’re criminals who are EATING THE DAWGS — but out of the other side of their mouths defend programs they can use to exploit immigrant labor.
meanwhile, the online battle rages on.
the Space Nazi is still mass-suspending the twitter accounts of MAGAs who disagree with him — a purge that Justin Baragona brilliantly calls ‘the night of the dead frogs.’
the worst people in the world are still the worst people in the world.
“I don’t really care about the economy that much I just don’t want to live in a country that looks like India”
the dumbest fucking imbeciles on the planet are this close to almost figuring it out.
no shit, Sherlock.
the usual dipshit suspects are blaming the media.
“First, the media tried to create a battle between Elon Musk and President Trump. Now, the media are trying to create a battle between Elon Musk and certain MAGAites. It’s all nonsense. The vast majority of MAGAites don't give a damn about these online, media-promoted ‘fights.’”
Laura Loomer is still a delusional nitwit.
“How can we feel comfortable with @elonmusk having close proximity to the Department of Defense and government money when he declared war on dissenters and is now calling those he doesn’t agree with Al Qaeda? This is not acceptable. And I'm going to take this to the US Senate.”
you do that, Laura. you bring it to the Senate. maybe handcuff yourself to their doors. we’d all love to see how that plays out.
and as for President-Elect Musk? despite being the jackass who touched off this whole conflagration by saying that Americans are too dumb and lazy to educate, he now claims that he’s been for H-1B visa reform all along.
“Easily fixed by raising the minimum salary significantly and adding a yearly cost for maintaining the H1B, making it materially more expensive to hire from overseas than domestically. I’ve been very clear that the program is broken and needs major reform.”
oh look, the gazillionaire who for years has been flagrantly exploiting a government visa program in order to underpay workers is now telling us I’ve always been for higher salaries, what’s everyone so upset about?
President-Elect Musk is an arsonist, standing in the middle of the road with an empty gas can and a book of matches, wondering aloud about how did all these fires get started?
here’s your daily reminder that I can be found on Blue Sky at this link.
this is going to be my closing message for the foreseeable future:
practice self-care. do what you need to do to keep sane. if that means you need to disengage with my daily posts for a while, I get it. this community of ours will still be here when you return.
to all the people who have signed on in the days since the election, welcome aboard. settle in as we all try to deal with the shitfuckery that’s ahead of us.
we are all in this together, and we are all here for each other.
I guess because of posts like this one, I've been accused on social media of being "anti-immigrant." so, for the record: fuck no. that's flat-out wrong. we're a nation of immigrants, for fuck's sake, and I'll never be anti-immigrant
The face eating leopard party is having a party! More popcorn, please!