I can’t say if Jimmy Carter was the most fundamentally decent person ever to be president. I’ll leave that judgement to the historians. but Jimmy Carter was without question the most fundamentally decent president of my lifetime.
and there is no doubt that Jimmy absolutely set the standard for how to spend a post-presidency. he didn’t try to make a quick buck. he didn’t hawk autographed bibles. he didn’t slap his name on an endless succession of ever-shoddier trinkets.
he didn’t whine about how unfairly he’d been treated, despite having been ratfucked out of the presidency by Reagan campaign operatives who cut a secret deal with Iran not to release their American hostages until after the election.
Jimmy Carter just quietly went about his business, making the world a better place.
Jimmy didn’t just talk the talk — he walked the walk, and he wielded a hammer.
in addition to bulding houses, Jimmy Carter traveled the world as a humanitarian, diplomat and defender of human rights.
the Carter Center, the oganization he founded, monitored elections, and promoted peace and democracy all over the world.
The Carter Center has supervised elections in more than 100 countries, has helped farmers in 15 African countries to double or triple grain production, and has worked to prevent disease in Latin America and Africa. In 1986, when the Carter Center began a program to eradicate infections of the meter-long Guinea worm that emerges painfully from sufferers’ skin and incapacitates them for long periods, 3.5 million people a year in Africa and Asia were infected; in 2022 there were only 13 known infections, in 2023 there were 14. So far in 2024, there have been 7, but those will not be officially confirmed until spring 2025. In a 2015 interview, Carter said he hoped to outlive the last case.
Jimmy Carter’s was a life well-lived.
last night, Little Donny Fuckface posted the following message to his crappy app. as you read it, you need to keep one thing in mind: Donny absolutely did not write it.
“I just heard of the news about the passing of President Jimmy Carter. Those of us who have been fortunate to have served as President understand this is a very exclusive club, and only we can relate to the enormous responsibility of leading the Greatest Nation in History.
The challenges Jimmy faced as President came at a pivotal time for our country and he did everything in his power to improve the lives of all Americans. For that, we all owe him a debt of gratitude.
Melania and I are thinking warmly of the Carter Family and their loved ones during this difficult time. We urge everyone to keep them in their hearts and prayers.”
I don’t know which of Donny’s usual gang of flunkies wrote this for him. it’s too low-key to be Nosferatu McGoebbels, and it’s too coherent to be the Space Nazi.
it sure as hell wasn’t Donny — because here’s what the deteriorating old homonculus really thought about Jimmy Carter.
“my wife attended the funeral two months ago of Rosalyn Carter and it was beautiful. and Jimmy Carter was there. and I thought to myself, Jimmy Carter is happy now because he will go down as being a brilliant president by comparison to Joe Biden.”
what a crappy thing to say. Jimmy Carter is happy — at his wife’s funeral — because he’s no longer the worst president. what kind of sick, twisted husk of a shitgoblin would say this out loud, much less think it? meanwhile, Donny’s idiot sons stand there, grinning like the brainless fools they are. fuck straight off, the whole worthless lot of you.
when he was 99, Jimmy Carter said that he hoped to live long enough to vote for Kamala Harris. he got his wish.
and now, in passing before the inauguration, Jimmy Carter spares us all the nightmarish indignity of having Donny preening like some fucked-up peacock as he presides over a state funeral.
Jimmy Carter will be laid to rest on January 9th. Joe Biden has proclaimed it a national day of mourning.
tell me, is there a more offensive way to shit all over the legacy of Jimmy Carter than by saying he paved the way for Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump?
go fuck yourself, Wall Street Journal.
now let’s give the final word to the man himself, election-integrity expert James Earl Carter.
“[Russian] interference, though not yet quantified, if fully investigated, it would show that Trump didn’t actually win the election in 2016. he lost the election and he was put in office because the Russians interfered on his behalf.”
in a world of Donald Trumps, be a Jimmy Carter.
here’s your daily reminder that I can be found on Blue Sky at this link.
this is going to be my closing message for the foreseeable future:
practice self-care. do what you need to do to keep sane. if that means you need to disengage with my daily posts for a while, I get it. this community of ours will still be here when you return.
to all the people who have signed on in the days since the election, welcome aboard. settle in as we all try to deal with the shitfuckery that’s ahead of us.
we are all in this together, and we are all here for each other.
I turned 18 in 1975, and am proud to have cast my first presidential ballot for Jimmy Carter
Jimmy Carter was intelligent, compassionate, humble, and capable. The thing coming in on January 20th is none of those things. How did America go from that to this?