(be sure to read all the way to the end because I conclude with some hopeful news about The People Vs Rapey McForehead)
I know, I know. my head is exploding, too.
per CNN and elsewhere: “DOJ officially decides not to charge Matt Gaetz in sex-trafficking probe.”
oh come the fuck on. seriously? but what about the Venmo receipts? WHAT ABOUT THE PART WHERE HE BEGGED FOR A FUCKING BLANKET PARDON, for fuck’s sake?
I’m right there with you. But unfortunately, there are serious problems building a provable case against Gaetz and his big stupid forehead. and most prosecutors won’t bring an indictment unless they’re 100% certain of winning in court.
and, from an optics standpoint, bringing stupid smirking insufferable Gaetz to trial and losing would be worse letting him skate.
let’s get into the nuts and bolts of this.
Joel Greenberg is Gaetz’s main accuser. but Joel Greenberg would be a shitty witness, because aside from being a garden variety scumbag, he has in the past falsely accused people of sex trafficking.
During the reelection campaign in 2019, he is also alleged to have created fake Facebook accounts and sent falsified letters making claims of sexual misconduct against an opponent
this destroys his credibility makes him useless on the stand. this is the very first thing Gaetz’s defense lawyers would bring up.
another problem is the victim at the center of the case. she lied about her age, which makes her a shitty witness.
Prosecutors say Greenberg met the girl online, where she was posing as an adult, then met her on a boat, paying her $400.
put it all together and you have a case that’s very difficult to win.
yes, this is America, where the rich and powerful escape justice. but sometimes there are actual reasons for it. it sucks out loud and it’s frustrating as fuck, but what can I tell you?
OK, up top I promised you some hopeful news. here it is: everything we know about Gaetz avoiding sex trafficking charges come from his lawyers blabbing to the press.
The Department of Justice has, as is their wont, said nothing about the case. and Gaetz is still facing three more charges, including violation of the Mann Act, which makes it a crime to transport women across state lines “for the purpose of prostitution or debauchery, or for any other immoral purpose.” for all we know, these investigations are still active. the Feds ain’t talking.
so there may still be hope that Matty Gee will someday face some kind of justice.
here’s hoping.
SPECIAL EVERYTHING IN AMERICA IS RACIST BONUS CONTENT: the original name of the Mann Act was White Slave Traffic Act.
aren’t you glad you asked?
by the way, if you want to hear actual experts discussing this case, let me point you toward today’s (Feb 15th) Daily Beans podcast, which includes an interview with Dave Aronberg, State Attorney for Palm Beach County.
I’m still hoping he gets nailed for whatever he wanted thar Blanket Pardon for....J6 most likely
Proof our Country is not “Justice for all” when a scum bucket like Matt Gaetz gets away with crimes against women! A regular person would be jailed. But Matt has a wealthy, influential family! This is not fair or right!