holy shit, Donald Trump’s co-conspirators are ratting him out
shocker: nobody wants to go to prison for Trump
this is so delicious.
Little Donny Fuckface’s co-conspirators in the Big Georgia Election Fuckery Trial are throwing him under the bus.
to absolutely no one’s surprise, it turns out that the low-level dipshits who forged electoral certificates and harassed election workers really really really don’t want to go to prison for Donald Trump.
In court documents and hearings, lawyers for people in Trump’s orbit — both high-level advisers and lesser known associates — are starting to reveal glimmers of a tried-and-true strategy in cases with many defendants: Portray yourself as a hapless pawn while piling blame on the apparent kingpin.
what’s even better is that it’s not just the harassers and the forgery fucksticks who are turning on Trump.
And last week, Trump’s former White House chief of staff, Mark Meadows — also charged in the Georgia case — signaled that his defense is likely to include blaming the former president as the primary driver of the effort.
Mark Fucking Meadows. shoot that shit straight into my veins.
It’s a strategy that could sharpen as the Georgia case moves closer to a jury. The case includes numerous defendants with much smaller alleged roles than those of Trump or his top aides. If a jury primarily blames Trump for the events that played out in the aftermath of the 2020 election, the lower-profile co-defendants may seem less culpable by comparison.
oh, and speaking of Mark Meadows, there’s this delightful bit:
Meadows made clear in his own testimony at last week’s hearing that Trump viewed the false electors as a significant part of his strategy to remain in power. He said he sent an email pushing the campaign to assemble those slates because he feared a tongue-lashing from Trump.
“What I didn’t want to happen was for the campaign to prevail in court action and not have this” lined up, he said.
“Why?” prosecutor Anna Cross asked him.
“Because I knew I’d be yelled at by the president of the United States,” he said.
lovely, just fucking lovely. imagine committing crimes because you didn’t want some ketchup-hurling psychopath ruining your day.
a lot of other good shit happened yesterday as well …
Anarchy Princess 2, Peter Navarro 0
our friend Anarchy Princess was at it again yesterday, absolutely harassing the shit out of Peter Navarro.
you’ll recall that last week, she was chiding Executive Privilege Pete for his lack of situational awareness.
well, she’s back, and this time she brought a friend. she’s so good at this. and Pete’s so overmatched, even he had to crack a smile.
Letitia James has had just about enough of Donald Trump’s shit
Trump’s legal strategy has always been to be the biggest time-wasting diaperload imaginable.
in the case of Letitia James’s suit against Trump and his larcenous children, Trump’s lawyers have made the same arguments for dismissal five times. lose, refile. lose, refile. rinse and repeat.
Tish has finally had enough of this crap.
New York Attorney General Letitia James is asking the state Supreme Court to sanction former President Donald Trump, his sons Eric and Don Jr., others related to the family business and Trump's attorneys for a total of $20,000.
Court records filed Tuesday showed that James' office wants to sanction them because they've continued to raise “previously-rejected arguments” in their motions. The attorney general called them “frivolous and sanctionable” because “sophisticated defense counsel should have known better."
shit gets realer for Ken Paxton
Texas currently-not-Attorney-General Ken Paxton’s impeachment trial is underway, and things are not going swimmingly for Ken.
Paxton had filed a motion to have all his charges dismissed and the Texas Senate was all nah, bro.
The Texas Senate on Tuesday decisively rejected all of Attorney General Ken Paxton’s efforts to dismiss the articles of impeachment against him, moving forward with the first removal proceeding against a statewide elected official in more than a century.
The rapid-fire series of votes on 16 pretrial motions made clear that senators want to at least hear the evidence against Paxton before deciding his fate. And the vote counts provided an early gauge of how willing GOP senators may be to remove a fellow Republican from statewide office.
Enrique Tarrio finds out
the Proud Boys have a motto: “fuck around and find out.”
well, the Boys did a lot of fucking around on January 6, and they’ve spent the last two and a half years finding out.
yesterday was ringleader Enrique Tarrio’s turn.
The former national chairman of the far-right Proud Boys was sentenced to 22 years in prison. Tarrio had been convicted for seditious conspiracy for his role in the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.
remember when Trump told these guys to stand back and stand by? well, stand back and stand by to spend a huge chunk of your life behind bars, Enrique.
and, 15 minutes after I clicked "publish" on this post. https://substack.com/@ejeancarroll wins in court. https://twitter.com/lawofruby/status/1699423598648209508
And E. Jean Carrol (sp?) just won her SECOND defamation case!
Amount is pending.
So much losing.