hey media, what the fuck are you doing normalizing nazi moms and fascist judges
one week, two atrocities
two things happened in the media recently that have me once again gluing together all the pieces of my exploded head.
the first atrocity had to do with the Moms for Liberty. you know these shitheads — they’re that bunch of far-right extremist book-banning transphobic busybodies who put an actual goddamned Adolf Hitler quote into the top of one of their newsletters and then wondered what all the fuss was about when decent people pitched them a well-earned shit-fit.
this is all pretty newsworthy stuff, and so naturally the press started paying attention to these fascist moms.
ABC News got into the act. I hope you’re sitting down right now, because here’s their tweet promoting their coverage.
oh my god. oh my fucking god. “joyful warriors.” what — not to put too fine a point on it — IN ACTUAL FUCK?
the article itself was just as bad.
They’re mad at their teachers, their principals, their president. And now they’re fighting back through school boards, local elections and — if they get their way — their next president.
This weekend’s Moms for Liberty conference showcases how local issues like education can have tremendous, galvanizing national influence, as Gov. Ron DeSantis, former President Donald Trump, and former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley tried to woo nearly 700 attendees of the over 150,000-member group Friday.
got that? just some perfectly normal concerned moms, out doing perfectly normal concerned moms things, nothing to see here, let’s all move on.
oh, by the way, what are they mad about? is it after-school hockey practice?
no, they’re mad about the usual extremist bullshit: drag performers, trans people, and, as always, woke. woke is a noun now, by the way.
the article eventually gets around to mentioning this, but in passing, as if it were the least-important thing that anyone needs to know about these Hitler Fans for Liberty.
come on, ABC.
this type of reporting would be bad enough if it were from an understaffed and underfunded community newspaper, but for fuck’s sake, you’re ABC News. you’re our national media. we depend on you to keep us informed, not to print verbatim from whatever press release these Libety Dipshits sent you.
the second atrocity happened yesterday afternoon, as I was driving down to Mt. Kisco (name-checked as fanservice to my Westchester County readers. hi there!) to run some errands. I had the radio tuned to WNYC, the New York City public station, and I didn’t catch the name of the woman who was being interviewed about the Supreme Court, but she said
“… well, sure, there were a few conservatives rulings right at the end of the session, but there were also a lot of decisions that should make the left happy—”
I didn’t hear what she said after that because I reflexively stabbed the off button so hard that I sprained my index finger.
NPR, ladies and gentlemen, your so-called liberal media.
media, what in god’s own actual fuck are we doing here?
America is sliding ever-rapidly towards authoritarianism. we’re about to hit a tipping point from which there will be no return.
you can’t be out here tippy-toeing around extremist activities, and both-sides-ing judicial malpractice.
do some reading about what happens to your beloved freedom of the press under fascist regimes. believe me, you don’t want to go there.
do you really imagine that the leopards are never going to eat your face?
wake the fuck up. do better. for your own good, if not for ours.
note: yesterday’s post ended with a fundraising appeal for my other project, The Smirking Chimp. today, the Chimp’s server is crashed so hard that we have currently have tech support trying to sort things out. it may take a couple of days before we’re back up and running, so fundraising is suspended until then. right now, there isn’t even a donation page that I could send you to. (ok, the paypal link still works, if you’re the type of person who would donate to a cause they can’t check out beforehand, but that would be heroism above and beyond the call of duty.) thanks for listening and that’s it from me for now.
[As a subscriber to both Smirking Chimp and you here] I feel I can say this: you are the voice inside the heads of so many and we are here for it.
When I think about what has weakened the United States, it is challenging to know how much of the destruction has been caused via “trickle down” extreme wealth concentration, and how much has been willful ignorance of groups like this. They will not be happy until women are relegated to the kitchen and maternity wards -while gender studies, race studies, science, and history are eliminated from the education system. Welcome to the dark ages, round two.