fuck the New York Post and the Republican Party — and Fox News, too
how these lying liars spread their bullshit lies
what do you do if your guy is a narcoleptic gas-factory who just spent two entire months sleep-farting in a courtroom?
what do you do if your guy is now a convicted felon and facing sentencing in three weeks?
what do you do if your guy is in real danger of having to miss his party’s nominating convention because the judge could sentence him to home confinement — or worse, jail?
what do you do if your guy is also stumbling and lost in an ever-thickening fog of dementia?
what do you do if your guy can no longer string five coherent words together and devotes the bulk of his speeches to incomprehensible batshit babbling about sharks and batteries?
what do you do? it’s a no-brainer: you lie your fucking face off about the other guy.
Joe Biden was in Italy last week for a G7 meeting. the Republican National Committee’s official twitter account posted this clip of the G7 leaders taking in a skydiving exhibition.
what we see in this clip is pretty fucking alarming — because holy shit, it appears to show Sleepy Brandon wandering off and giving a thumb’s up to nobody — and needing to be fetched back to reality by Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.
that clip would be alarming, if it were true — but it’s not. it’s been deceptively cropped. here’s the full, unedited video.
this video is 14 minutes long, so let me save you some time and show you what the RNC cropped out.
oh look — Sleepy Brandon isn’t getting chatty with ghosts. there’s a second group of paratroopers whom Joe turns to and interacts with — but we don’t see any of that, thanks to the RNC’s fuckery. we just see an apparently feeble old man who no longer knows which end is up.
now check out what the New York Post — that trashy Murdoch-owned tabloid that isn’t even fit to pick up dog shit with — did with the video.
they cropped it even tighter, making Biden look more out of it than the RNC clip did.
oh, and then the Post went and slapped the deceptive images all over their front page.
then, of course, Fox News got into the act. Hannity devoted an entire show to how “Biden spent the day humiliating himself.”
and, finally, Little Donny Convict ends up working the non-incident into a speech.
“the one beauty was here’s a parachute landing, everybody’s watching and he’s turned around in the other direction. the new leader of Italy did a great job, she said ‘turn around, you fool.’”
and that, my friends, is how a lie spreads from political operatives to a newspaper to a cable channel to a convicted felon running for office to keep himself out of prison — all before the truth, as Mark Twain never said, can get its pants on.
oh, but the New York Post isn’t finished lying.
this past weekend, Biden headlined a fundraising event in Los Angeles, along with Jimmy Kimmel and Barack Obama.
here’s how the NY Post reported it, complete with doctored video.
“Biden appears to freeze up, has to be led off stage by Obama at mega-bucks LA fundraiser”
the unedited video, naturally, shows no such thing.
words to live by.
and now there’s an all-new bullshit lie.
what do you do if your guy is looking for any pretext to drop out of the upcoming debate with the other guy?
Donald Trump acts first and thinks never — and so he’s agreed to a debate format that he can’t possibly abide by: a two-minute question-and-answer session where one’s mic is muted when one’s time is up.
so what do you do? you lie — and say it’s the other guy who wants out.
“SCOOP: Per two sources, including one at CNN, the Biden Campaign is trying to renegotiate the debate rules to allow Biden to be seated. This would be a major format change from what was agreed to.”
note that the Washington Reporter is not a real news source. it’s an anonymous twitter account with less then two thousand followers. it’s one of hundreds of such accounts that tweet out deliberate disinformation all day long. they can’t even afford to pony up eight bucks to the Space Nazi for a fake blue check.
they’re just making shit up — but thanks to the entire wingnut outrage-industrial complex amplifying this so-called “scoop,” the tweet has now gotten 2.7 million views.
and, naturally, all the usual suspects are getting into the act.
“He can’t stand for 90 minutes - but he’s 100% able to be President? Have fun explaining that”
hey, here’s a fun cool thing that Josh Hawley can do: fuck straight off.
Hawley knows that Joe Biden can stand for 90 minutes. Biden just gave a rousing 90-minute State of the Union speech, and then hung around for 45 minutes after that, making sure that everyone got a handshake. Hawley knows this, because he was there.
Josh shouldn’t be worrying about Biden’s stamina — he should be worrying that Trump won’t be able to deal with having his mic muted and will melt down into a puddle of rage on live TV.
both CNN and the Biden campaign have denied this dumbfuckery, but nobody on the right is listening.
they’re fascists — and fascists can only achieve power through lies and deception.
the election is just over four months away. look for the right-wing noise machine to grow louder and uglier as their guy continues to visibly deteriorate — because flimflammery and lies are all they have.
in fact, as of this morning, they’re still at it — two new doctored videos have just surfaced.
buckle up, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.
It is absolutely remarkable that I haven’t had a stroke yet. Deep breathing exercises might get me to November but I just get so angry.
Whenever I think it’s impossible to hate these scum of the earth, rat shit excuses for human beings, they do something that makes me hate them more. Make them STOP, I don’t like hating this much-it’s unhealthy.