elderly rage-baby melts down when called out for massive abuse of deportees
Brazil, Colombia and Mexico condemn Donny’s fuckery
“give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”
those words, written by Emma Lazarus and inscribed onto the base of the Statue of Liberty, have been an inspiration to immigrants for one hundred and twenty-three years. ‘come to America. we have this shit called freedom and liberty. it’s fucking awesome.’
yeah well, that was then. Donny Convict’s goons have spent the last week jackhammering that inscription off of old Libby, and putting up a new one.
it now reads ‘fuck off, masses. go huddle somewhere else — and stop breathing Dear Leader’s air.’
since Inauguration Day, Donny’s storm troopers have been rounding up so-called ‘undesirables’ and shipping them off to who the fuck cares, just get them out of Dear Leader’s sight. it hasn’t been a cakewalk, though. Team Donny is learning that treating migrants like shit and herding them onto planes is easy — but finding a destination country willing to be a party to a massive abuse of human rights is hard.
Brazil’s government expressed outrage on Saturday after dozens of immigrants deported from the United States arrived by plane in handcuffs, calling it a “flagrant disregard” for their rights. The foreign ministry said it would demand an explanation from Washington over the “degrading treatment of passengers on the flight.”
Edgar Da Silva Moura, a 31-year-old computer technician, was on the flight. “On the plane they didn't give us water, we were tied hands and feet, they wouldn't even let us go to the bathroom,” he told AFP. “It was very hot, some people fainted.”
Luis Antonio Rodrigues Santos, a 21-year-old freelancer, recounted the “nightmare” of people with “respiratory problems” during “four hours without air conditioning” due to technical issues on the plane.
Colombia’s President Gustavo Petro got wind of what was happening and was all what the fuck is wrong with you, America? don’t even think about landing your planes here — not until you clean up your act.
Petro earlier on Sunday said he had denied entry to US military deportation flights. He said he would “receive our fellow citizens on civilian planes, without treating them like criminals” and migrants must be returned “with dignity and respect.”
predictably, Donny shit a massive brick.
“Emergency 25% tariffs on all goods coming into the United States. In one week, the 25% tariffs will be raised to 50%.”
tariffs, because Donny only has one tool in his box — cross him, get slapped with tariffs. Putin won’t end his war on Ukraine? tariffs. Denmark won’t give up Greenland? tariffs. so here he is, threatening to punish Colombia by raising the price of coffee — for Americans. because — one again — tariffs are a tax on imports, paid by the importer, and passed along to you and me, in the form of higher prices.
eggs remain unaffordable, when you can even find them — and now Donny’s threatening to jack price of coffee sky high. what the fuck does Donny have against breakfast?
and then the infantile little shit actually posted this.
the truculent toddler-in-chief really does see himself as a mob boss. it’s so embarrassing.
next, the White House put out an official statement — in which they misspelled Colombia, because of course they did.
Jesus H. Fuck, we’ve being governed by ill-tempered imbeciles and illiterates.
the thing is, Donny created this problem — where none had previously existed — just by being a dick. the Biden Administration had been sending deportation flights to Colombia for years, without incident.
Colombia accepted 475 deportation flights from the U.S. from 2020 to 2024, fifth behind Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico and El Salvador, according to Witness at the Border, an advocacy group that tracks flight data. It accepted 124 deportation flights in 2024.
the Biden people, of course, treated their deportees with respect. but showing kindness and dignity to fellow human beings is a bridge way too fucking far for Team Donny — because cruelty, as always, is the point.
President Petro responded to the tariff threat by offering Donny his own steaming mug of go fuck yourself.
Mr. Petro hit back on social media. In one post, he announced retaliatory tariffs of 25 percent on U.S. imports to Colombia; in another, longer post, he said those tariffs would hit 50 percent.
after that, shit got way entertaining. Petro started posting long, angry screeds to social media.
(note: these screen shots are translated from the original Spanish.)
then, late last night, Petro announced that deportation flights would once again be allowed to land — because Donny had agreed to his demands. just don’t fucking handcuff them, and let them use the bathroom, asshole — that was all Petro wanted.
Colombia’s foreign ministry released a statement soon afterward that said “we have overcome the impasse with the United States government.” It said the government would accept all deportation flights and “guarantee dignified conditions” for those Colombians on board.
Team Donny was all nuh-uh, Petro blinked first.
on Sunday night, the White House released a statement in which it said that because Mr. Petro had agreed to all of its terms, the tariffs and sanctions Mr. Trump had threatened would be “held in reserve.”
so, which version of reality is accurate? I have no fucking clue. all I know is that one side lies about everything, and nothing they say should be taken at face value.
the White House, of course, is misreading the situation and taking an unearned victory lap — and the worthless scribblers of the corporate-controlled media are only too happy to play along.
“Today’s events make clear to the world that America is respected again,” White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt said in a statement on Sunday announcing that the Colombian government had agreed to accept flights of deported migrants from the U.S. after President Donald Trump threatened steep tariffs.
you’re not respected, you insolent fucking bullies. you’re loathed — and not just by Colombia.
welcome to the opposite of diplomacy. say hello to governance by hissy-fit and tantrum.
since taking office, Donny has given the finger to our staunchest allies, and created chaos up and down the western hemisphere — just because he can. because he gets off on creating chaos, and being the biggest asshole in the room. the last seven days have been an absolute fucking foreign policy nightmare.
Mexico denied a U.S. military plane access to land Thursday, at least temporarily frustrating the Trump administration's plans to deport immigrants to the country, according to two U.S. defense officials and a third person familiar with the situation.
Some steelmakers in Canada and Mexico are telling customers that they are refusing new orders to the U.S. on concerns that President Donald Trump soon will reimpose duties.
Greenland and Denmark are furious and freaked out.
Trump made a phone call to Danish Premier Mette Frederikson last week to discuss his desire to “buy” or otherwise take over Greenland. The call was described to the Financial Times as “fiery,” “horrendous,” “a cold shower,” and “potentially dangerous” by multiple serving and former “senior European officials” who had been briefed on the call. “[Trump’s] intent was very clear,” one of the officials said of the call. “They want it. The Danes are now in a crisis mode.”
Speaking with current and former officials in Panama, as well as analysts, activists and rights watchdogs, it’s clear this country of just 4.5 million people at the southernmost tip of Central America is holding its breath as it tries to figure out what Trump wants and how far he is willing to go to get it.
not everyone is losing their cool, however. apparently, England has been laughing its jolly old arse at Donny off for years.
President Donald Trump’s phone conversations with the two British prime ministers who served during his first term were apparently so madcap that they left staff at Number 10 Downing Street in tears.
One former Downing Street source described the conversations as “extraordinary” and “brilliant” — the latter meant more sarcastically — and said those present were there “with tears [of] laughter” because the calls were “hilarious.”
Trump would reportedly go off on wide-ranging and long-winded tangents on a variety of subjects close to his heart but not exactly germane to the Anglo-American Special Relationship, including his hatred of wind turbines, his Scottish golf property, or matters that prime ministers simply could not discuss because they were the subject of court proceedings.
we truly live in the stupidest possible timeline.
it’s only been a week, and we’ve already broken the world record for idiocy.
here’s your daily reminder that I can be found on Blue Sky at this link.
this is going to be my closing message for the foreseeable future:
practice self-care. do what you need to do to keep sane. if that means you need to disengage with my daily posts for a while, I get it. this community of ours will still be here when you return.
to all the people who have signed on in the days since the election, welcome aboard. settle in as we all try to deal with the shitfuckery that’s ahead of us.
we are all in this together, and we are all here for each other.
here's a thing I bookmarked days ago and set aside to use when I finally wrote about the deportations — and then couldn't find it this morning until AFTER I posted, NATURALLY.
"Insanity: The deportation flights Trump used military jets for—that Mexico refused to accept—cost the U.S. up to $852,000 per flight to attempt to deport just 80 migrants at a time. To compare, flights directly chartered by Immigration and Customs Enforcement cost just $8,577."
of course, we only have computer-generated translations to go by, but Colombia's Petro seems to have his own issues with grandiosity