dumpster fire blames plane crash on ‘diversity’
disaster on two legs opines on disaster in the sky
yesterday, our Waking-Nightmare-in-Chief tarted himself up in his patented fucked-up-Oompa-Loompa facepaint and held a press conference — ostensibly to update the nation on why a passenger jet collided with a military helicopter just ten days into his presidency. he didn’t actually do that, though. what he did do was use a national tragedy as an excuse to push his racist and misogynistic agenda.
once again, Donny proved that not only is he unfit for office, he’s unfit to be out anywhere in civilized society.
the first thing Donny did was to admit that no one fucking knows anything about what happened. we’ll be getting back to that.
“we do not know what led to this crash but we have some very strong opinions and ideas, and I think we’ll probably state those opinions now.”
now here come those very strong opinions — and oh boy, they’re fucking doozies. first, any time anything bad happens, it’s always Obama’s and Biden’s fault.
“… job that had to be superior intelligence, and we did(n’t?) really have that, and we had it. and then when I left office and Biden took over, he changed them back to lower than ever before. I put safety first. Obama and Biden and the Democrats put policy first. they put politics at a level that nobody has ever seen, because this was the lowest level. their policy was horrible and their politics was even worse.”
okay, let’s fact check Donny’s claim that he got rid of Obama’s diversity programs, and Biden brought them back. nope, not even close to true. in fact, Donny created his own DEI program at the FAA in 2017 — it was called Diversity Takes Flight.
so, whenever Donny tries to tell you about how he ended DEI programs during his first term, remember that he’s full of shit.
now, let’s get back to the lies — oops, I mean the strong opinions.
“they put a big push to put diversity into the FAA’s program. then, another article. the Federal Aviation Administration — this was before I got to office — recently, second term, the FAA is actively recruiting workers who suffer severe intellectual disabilities, psychiatric problems, and other mental and physical conditions, under a diversity and inclusion hiring initiative spelled out on the agency’s website. can you imagine? these are people that are, I mean actually their lives are shortened because of the stress that they have. brilliant people have to be in those positions — and their lives are actually shortened, very substantially shortened because of the stress, when you have many, many planes coming in to one target.”
(I don’t have a clip of it, but Donny also blamed the crash on ‘dwarfism’ — which is just a big bowl of what the fuck are you even gibbering about.)
Donny is using a rhetorical technique here known as pulling ‘facts’ out of your ass. let’s do another reality check. no, they’re not taking anyone off the streets and letting them up into control towers. that would be fucking insane. just look at the qualification process for becoming an air traffic controller.
To qualify for training, you must pass a selection process. First, you must pass an exam that measures your ability to learn a controller's duties. After passing the exam, you go through a week of screening at the FAA academy. At the academy, you take aptitude tests on computer simulators. You also take physical and psychological exams. All of these tests and exams are to determine your suitability for controller's work. After passing this initial screening, you take a drug-screening test.
After passing the screening process, you train for seven months at the FAA academy. At the academy, you study the airway system, FAA rules, controller equipment, and aircraft performance. You must pass a series of exams and show you can recognize and solve problems quickly. In addition, you must make sound judgments based on spatial relationships. You also must apply FAA procedures and rules to many air traffic situations.
oh, and —
Only an estimated 2.5-6% of the candidates pass the ATC test.
but because Obama and Biden allegedly failed to hire white men — presumably, the big strong kind that Donny likes, the with ones massive biceps and tears of gratitude in their eyes — and instead, apparently staffed our nation’s control towers with homunculi, everything supposedly went to shit.
let’s give that ignorant assertion ten seconds of critical thinking — because that’s all it takes to slap down this racist, misogynistic and ableist bullshit.
this week’s air disaster was the first one in SIXTEEN YEARS — since before Obama put diversity programs in place. whatever you think of DEI policies at the FAA, they’re actually working. if they weren’t, planes would be falling right the fuck out of the skies every fifteen minutes.
in fact, we didn’t get an air crash until the current crop of dipshits came into office twelve days ago and fired the entire Aviation Safety Committee — and then forced the head of the FAA to resign, without replacing him.
what a weird coincidence, am I right?
now, about this claim that air traffic controllers’ live shortened lives? again, this is another ass-pull.
USA TODAY found no record of studies showing air traffic controllers in particular have “substantially” shorter lifespans because of their profession.
I guarantee that everything Donny imagines he knows about air traffic controllers comes from watching the movie Airplane!
oh, and check out this vile clownfuckery. Donny also blamed the crash on Mayor Pete.
“I assume this is the reason. the FAA, which is overseen by Secretary Pete Buttigieg — a real winner. do you know how badly everything has run since he’s run the Department of Transportation. he’s a disaster ... he’s just got a good line of bullshit.”
Mayor Pete responded by opening up a big can of fuck straight off with this nonsense.
then it was time to take reporters’ questions.
I told you we’d be getting back to that “no one knows anything” moment, and sure enough —
reporter: “today you have blamed the diversity elements, but then told us that you weren’t sure that the controllers made any mistakes, you then said that perhaps the helicopter pilots were the ones who made the mistake. I’m trying to figure out how you can come to the conclusion that diversity right now had something to do with this crash.”
Donny: “because I have common sense and unfortunately a lot of people don’t.”
ohhhhhh. okay.
hey everyone, the guys who thinks windmills cause noise cancer and exercise is bad for you and magnets don’t work if they’re wet has common sense — and you don’t. once again, Donny knows what he knows — diversity is baaaaaaad — and no fact that might change whatever is left of his mind will ever penetrate his skull.
back in the Oval Office, Donny did something that I’m still trying to wrap my mind around.
this is a thing now? Donny is issuing executive orders that codify his bigoted hallucinations into facts? that’s not an executive order — that’s a proclamation from a king. what other executive orders based on fantasies will Donny be signing? one that redefines up as down? it’s fucking insane.
now check out this crowning moment of unfit for office.
reporter: “do you have a plan to go visit the site?”
Donny: “you tell me, what’s the site? the water? do you want me to go swimming?”
the heartless shit said this while bodies were still being pulled out of the water. and then he said,
“I will be meeting with some people who were very badly hurt.”
for fuck’s sake, there were no survivors. does Donny not understand what dead means? what “very badly hurt” people does this hallucinating dotard imagine he’s going to be meeting with?
let’s give the final word to Donny’s new Transportation Secretary, Sean Duffy.
no, wait — before we do that, let’s check out Sean’s main qualification for the job: he was a reality show star, just like Dear Leader.
here’s another fun fact about Sean Duffy: when he was a congressman, he voted to defund the FAA.
now let’s check out Captain Obvious’ words of comfort to an anxious nation, because they have to be heard to be believed.
“obviously, it is not standard to have aircraft collide. I want to be clear on that.”
oh gee, thanks for clarifying that, Secretary Pantload. you’re a huge fucking comfort.
here’s your daily reminder that I can be found on Blue Sky at this link.
this is going to be my closing message for the foreseeable future:
practice self-care. do what you need to do to keep sane. if that means you need to disengage with my daily posts for a while, I get it. this community of ours will still be here when you return.
to all the people who have signed on in the days since the election, welcome aboard. settle in as we all try to deal with the shitfuckery that’s ahead of us.
we are all in this together, and we are all here for each other.
TRUE FACT: the intended headline of this piece was "dumpster fire blames plane crash on the gay" — and then, just as I was finishing up writing, Wonkette published -their- piece, titled "Did Trump's War On Competence Cause DC Plane Crash, Or Was It The Gay?"
*shakes his fist at the sky* curse you, Wonkette!
here's a fun story: apparently, every air traffic controller at the San Carlos Airport in northern California QUIT after "the Federal Aviation Administration reassigned controllers' contracts to a firm that pays less." so yeah, Team Donny is keeping us safe.