Donald Trump’s Nazi hate-rally was pure Grievance Bubble clownfuckery
MAGA turned Madison Square Garden into a floating island of bigotry
what kind of reckless dipshit stands up on one of the world’s biggest stages and announces that Puerto Rico is a floating island of garbage?
a reckless dipshit who lives inside a bubble, that’s who.
specifically, one who lives inside the Wingnut Grievance Bubble — the self-enclosed feedback loop where lunatic fantasies, feverish delusions, nutty conspiracies, repugnant behavior, harebrained notions — and shitty, racist jokes — are amplified. these people watch themselves on Fox News and Newsmax all day long. whatever crackpot ideas rattle around in their heads are never challenged.
naturally, any time a cultist steps outside of the Bubble and into the real world, they end up stepping on an endless series of rakes.
the most famous self-inflicted casualty of the Grievance Bubble is Scott Adams, who took his multi-million-dollar Dilbert empire and fucked it straight into nothingness. one fine February morning in 2023, out of the clear blue, Adams tweeted out a video in which he doled the following sage counsel:
“the best advice I would give to white people is to stay the hell away from black people.”
and just like that, Adams found himself holding the wrong end of the career-ending shit-stick.
sayonara, newspaper syndication. au revoir, book contracts.
why would Adams say such an obviously racist thing? because he’d been in the Bubble too long. inside the Bubble, everyone knows that white people should stay away from black people, because everyone knows that white people should stay away from black people. that’s the kind of vile shit they say to each other.
Adam had been inside the Grievance Bubble for so long that he forgot that out in the real world, there are consequences for being a racist asshole.
here’s the heartwarming tale of another racist who stepped out of the bubble and fucked not just his own self, but his entire party — one week before an election. feast your ears on the comedic stylings of the MAGA laugh-factory known as Tony Hinchcliffe.
“it is absolutely wild times. it really, really is. and uh, you know, there’s a lot going on. I don’t know if you guys know this: there’s literally a floating island of garbage in the middle of the ocean right now. yeah. I think it’s called Puerto Rico.”
those weren’t just the groans of the cultists you heard after Tony’s joke. the entire fucking world let out a mass groan — and then the shit really hit the fan.
Puerto Rican superstar Bad Bunny signaled support for Vice President Kamala Harris on Sunday, sharing a clip on social media of the vice president’s plans for the island moments after a speaker made an offensive joke at Donald Trump’s New York rally, sparking outrage.
Bad Bunny has 45 million followers on Instagram.
congratulations, Tony Hinchcliffe, you kicked a hornet’s nest — one that’s full of angry voters.
how bad was it? so bad that Team Trump immediately launched into damage control mode.
A Trump campaign adviser sought to distance the former president and his operation from a racist joke about Puerto Rico delivered by a speaker at former President Trump’s New York City rally Sunday, amid swift backlash from both sides of the aisle.
wrap your mind around that. these are the people who refused to apologize for desecrating the graves of war heroes at Arlington. nor would they apologize for assaulting the Arlington employee who tried to stop them. she had it coming to her, they said, and besides, it never happened.
dead war heroes can go fuck themselves — but insulting live voters? that’s a bridge too far.
imagine being such a racist dumpster fire that the people who accused Haitian immigrants of EATING THE DAWGS think you need to tone it the fuck down.
speaking of apologies, don’t expect one from Tony Hinchcliffe. he’s falling back on the time-honored dodge of every shitty comedian: hey, these are just jokes.
got that? if you didn’t laugh, it’s your fault. you didn’t understand the context.
au contraire, Tony. we understand the context: you told a series of racist jokes, of which ‘Puerto Rico is an island of floating garbage’ was just one.
here’s another of Tony’s patented side-spitters:
And these Latinos, they love making babies too. Just know that. They do. They do. There’s no pulling out. They don’t do that. They come inside. Just like they did to our country.
another joke was based on the premise that Tony has a black friend who carves watermelons instead of pumpkins on Halloween. real cutting edge stuff.
hey Tony, is this black friend of yours in the room with us right now?
Hinchcliffe is proud of these shitty jokes. he truly thought the ‘floating garbage island’ joke was going to fucking kill at the Garden.
It was not the first time Hinchcliffe had used the Puerto Rico line — he practiced it at The Stand comedy club in New York City, where he made a surprise appearance Saturday night, according to an NBC News producer and three other people who happened to be in the audience.
The joke did not draw laughs, just a handful of awkward chuckles. Hinchcliffe told the audience that he would be performing at the Madison Square Garden rally the next day and said multiple times during his routine that he would get a better reaction “tomorrow at the rally.”
apparently, telling shitty jokes and bombing is something that Tony specializes in. after his disastrous set at Donny’s Nazi rally, every working comedian came out of the woodwork to talk about what a crap comedian he is.
but Tony’s insisting that these are just jokes, and it’s your own fault for being a humorless bastard if you don’t laugh.
oh, and guess what: as bad as Tony’s set was, it could have been a lot worse.
“He had a joke calling [Vice President Kamala] Harris a ‘cunt,’” a campaign insider involved in the discussions about the event told The Bulwark. “Let’s say it was a red flag.”
Campaign staffers had asked all speakers to submit drafts of their speeches ahead of time—before they were loaded into the teleprompter—according to the aforementioned sources. Once the objectionable “cunt” joke was spotted, the sources said, a staffer asked Hinchcliffe to strike it. He complied.
there’s no doubt that Hinchcliffe’s MAGA pals inside the Wingnut Grievance Bubble think Tony’s hateful shit is fucking hilarious — but like Scott Adams before him, Tony Hinchcliffe forgot that out in the real world, there are consequences for being a racist asshole.
Team Trump would like you to believe that Hinchcliffe was the lone bad apple in a day-long festival of peace and love.
like hell it was. the whole thing was a fucktangle of misogyny and hatred. here, courtesy of CNN, is a supercut of the lowest moments.
check out Nosferatu McGoebbles, cranking the Nazi dial way past eleven.
“America is for Americans and Americans only.”
a lovely sentiment, I’m sure you’ll agree. by the way — in the original German, that’s Deutschland ist für Deutsche und nur für Deutsche.
oh, and those last three words, Nur für Deutsche? that was official Nazi policy, back in what Stephen Miller no doubt considers the good old days.
The slogan Nur für Deutsche (English: “Only for Germans”) was a German ethnocentric slogan indicating that certain establishments, transportation and other facilities such as park benches, bars and restaurants were reserved exclusively for Germans.
you can bet that Nosferatu dreams of the day when he can sit in an “Only for Americans” restaurant and finally get to enjoy a meal in peace.
Stephen Miller may be a Nazi, but you know who definitely isn’t? this guy.
“they say ‘he’s a Nazi.’ I’m not a Nazi. I’m the opposite of a Nazi.”
whatever you say, Sundowning Grandpa Nazipants. now tell us again how immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country. tell us how you’re going to round up everyone you hate and put them in massive camps. no, that shit isn’t Nazi at all. our mistake. whatever could we have been thinking?
finally, happy 8th anniversary to the day James Comey and the New York Times fucked everything all to hell.
thanks a lot, guys.
I haven’t seen anyone mention it so I will: Native Americans would like to know when the Apple Dumpling Crime Consortium is vacating North America since America is for TRUE Americans who didn’t call themselves that but were absolutely here first.
Trash Collection Day is November 5!🇵🇷🇺🇸🌊