Donald Trump is a menace to democracy. why won’t the press say it?
Donny is a Very Special Boy who always gets the benefit of the doubt
Little Donny Convict is a Very Special Boy who gets to do anything he wants.
he can lie. he can cheat. he can steal.
your puny laws don’t apply to Donny. his pals on the Supreme Court have given him Special Boy Immunity to crime all he wants. just call it an official act and poof! Judge Fangirl down in Florida will make it all go away.
did Donny swindle you, or rape you? good luck suing. even if you win, just try collecting. Donny’s lawyers will make sure that shit gets tied up in court for years,
Donny also gets to say whatever he wants, because the worthless scribblers of the corporate-controlled media have abdicated their role in holding Donny to account.
Donny can make shit up, and the press will explain that he’s just misspeaking. conversely, he can tell the scary truth, and the press will still explain that hey, Donny didn’t mean what he said.
Donny can also blurt the quiet part out loud. here he is on Friday night, speaking to a gathering of christofascist zealots.
“and again, Christians, get out and vote. just this time. you won’t have to do it any more, four more years, you know what? it’ll be fixed, it’ll be fine. you won’t have to vote any more, my beautiful Christians. I love you Christians, I’m not Christian, I love you. get you, you gotta get out and vote. in four years, you don’t have to vote again. we’ll have it fixed so good, you’re not gonna have to vote.”
holy fuckballs, did Donny just promise to end elections? it sure sounded like it. I’ll bet the press was all over that shit.
oh no wait, they weren’t — because Donny is a Very Special Boy who always gets the benefit of the doubt.
here’s that bastion of the liberal media, NPR, to explain that Donny didn’t say any of the shit you just heard him say.
“Speaking at a gathering of religious conservatives, Donald Trump said if he’s reelected, Christian-related concerns will be ‘fixed’ so much so that they would no longer need to be politically engaged.”
NPR just shoved so many words into Donny’s mouth, it’s a wonder he didn’t choke.
the Washington Post at least acknowledged that there’s “backlash,” but then tells Democrats to calm the fuck down.
Trump faces backlash for ‘in four years, you don’t have to vote again’ remark
Some Democrats say his comments, directed at a Christian audience, signaled his plans to be a dictator. His campaign says he was talking about ‘uniting’ the country, and experts point to his ‘deliberately ambiguous’ speaking style.
chill out, everyone. the WaPo spoke to some experts who explained that Donny’s just being Donny. no need to get excited.
look, media: Donny has made no secret of the fact that he believes that he is a Very Special Boy who should get to serve three — or more — terms. he’s literally been talking about it for years.
here he is in August 2020, during his failed run for reelection.
why does Donny believe he deserves a third term? because he’s the biggest fucking grievance-baby in the world, that’s why. everyone was so unfair to him during his first time, and that’s why that he should get a do-over.
Even as he fights for a second term in November, President Donald Trump already has his eye on extending his stay in the White House for a lot longer.
“We are going to win four more years,” Trump said at a rally in Oshkosh, Wisconsin on Monday. “And then after that, we’ll go for another four years because they spied on my campaign. We should get a redo of four years.”
think Donny was just riffing? nah, he mentioned it over and over during the 2020 campaign — and he’s still yammering about it now. here’s a piece from just two months ago.
Former President Donald Trump on Saturday floated the idea of a third term if he wins in November. “You know, FDR 16 years — almost 16 years — he was four terms. I don’t know, are we going to be considered three-term? Or two-term?” Trump quipped at the National Rifle Association annual meeting, speaking before a crowd of gun rights supporters.
remember when Donny tweeted this fever dream back in Feb 2020?
everybody laughed at the silly clown. oh look, the stupid dipshit imagines he can be president forever!
as Maya Angelou warned us, when someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.
now Donny’s taken his dream of a forever-presidency to the next level. he’s no longer worried about elections. elections? we don’t need no stinking elections.
Project 2025 — and the Supreme Court — will ensure that Donny is a Very Special Boy Who Gets To Be President Forever.
buried deep in Project 2025 is a plan to replace all civil servants with Trumpist loyalists. imagine an entire bureaucracy made up of Bill Barr and Nosferatu McGoebbels clones.
Project 2025 calls for reclassifying tens of thousands of civil servants as political appointees, seeking to strip them of civil service labor protections and enabling a president to replace them with political loyalists…. Project 2025 includes a database to help the president replace these independent civil servants with people who have pledged their loyalty to one political ideology instead of to the American people as a whole.
when 2028 rolls around and President Donny declares that he’s canceling the upcoming election because of all the woke — or really, whatever flimsy pretext he invents on the spot — a civil service made up entirely of Trump toadies will rubber-stamp it.
what, you think you’re gonna take that shit to the Supreme Court? and then what? all Donny has to do is say that canceling the election is an official act, and boom! end of discussion. the rest of us can go pound salt. complain all you want, but Steal-Stoppin’ Sammy won’t be listening. he’s too busy taking King Fuckface the First to get fitted for his crown.
and the Washington Post, if their editors aren’t already in a gulag, will find some experts to explain why you need to calm the fuck down.
we could all use some good news right about now, so here you go.
A Promising Turn in The Villages: Kamala Harris Rally Signals Hope
In a surprising and promising turn of events, The Villages, a sprawling retirement community in Florida, recently held a rally in support of Kamala Harris for President. This vibrant show of support marks a significant shift in the political landscape, especially considering that Donald Trump won this area last year by about 30 percent.
The Villages has long been known as a conservative stronghold, with its residents typically leaning towards Republican candidates. The community’s overwhelming support for Donald Trump in the previous election underscored this reputation, making the recent rally for Kamala Harris all the more remarkable. The enthusiasm and energy at the event suggest a growing openness to change and a reevaluation of political loyalties among the residents.
the Villages has been a hotbed of Trump cultism since forever.
Donny should be fucking terrified that Kamala can stoke this kind of enthusiasm right in the middle of his base — and the rest of us should feel very hopeful about the upcoming election.
and now, here’s your daily dose of Couchfuck McDolphinporn — because the guy can’t go twenty-four hours without being a creepy douche-canoe.
white supremacists have been throwing a shit-fit over JD’s wife Usha, because she’s Indian. telling a bunch of Nazis to fuck straight off about my wife should be a piece of cake, right?
well, not if you’re JD Vance, it isn’t.
“look, I love my wife so much. I love her because who she is. obviously, she’s not a white person, and we’ve been accused— attacked by some white supremacists over that, but I love Usha. she’s such a good mom.”
“obviously she’s not white, but she’s a good mom” is such a bizarre thing to say. I hope Usha made JD sleep on the couch for this.
oh wait — getting to lie on a couch all night is a reward for JD, not a punishment. never mind.
pro tip: if you can’t defend your wife, because doing so would anger your base — congratulations, you’re on the wrong fucking side.
finally, can anyone fathom what Donny is blithering about in this clip from last night?
“government has many more stairs than private. we put up like one stair. they put up like twelve.”
what in the actual fuck?
seriously, putting Donny in front of a live microphone these days is a form of elder abuse.
Why won't the press say it? Because he might be a menace to democracy and a danger to the entire world, but boy howdy, he's good for their business. And that's all they give a fuck about.
This, from The New Republic:
Kamala Harris has two superpowers, and that's all she needs--
1) She's not 81
2) She's not Donald Trump