Donald Trump is a menace to democracy. where the fuck is the media?
ladies and gentlemen of the press, you should be running around with your hair on fire
if Donald Trump manages to worm his unpleasant way back into office, he has no plans to leave — ever. Trump will remain in power until the day he dies, and then his hand-picked successor will replace him.
this isn’t some paranoid left-wing fantasy.
right now, Republicans are working to make this happen — and they’re not even bothering to keep it a secret. they’re bragging about it. they’ve published their plan. it has a name: the 2025 Project.
their scheme is to purge the entire government rank and file and replace them with Trump loyalists. that’s right, everybody — from the highest levels of the federal government all the way down to your local dogcatcher. and they’re not waiting until 2025 — they’ve already started recruiting foot-soldiers.
once everything is in place, we’ll stop having stupid little things like elections, or freedom, or democracy.
read the whole thing. it will scare the living fuck out of you.
are you hearing anything about the 2025 Project from our corporate-controlled media? no, you are not.
Ron Filipkowski has compiled a list of “27 insane things Trump said he will do in a second term.”
“insane” is an understatement. “totally batshit fucking nuts” is more like it. here’s a sampling:
10. Require that schools hold elections each year where principals will be elected by parents who will choose whoever they want to run the school each year. 6/30/23
11. Any person convicted of selling drugs will get the death penalty. 11/15/22
12. Pardon convicted J6 inmates convicted of seditious conspiracy and assaulting police officers, with an apology from the US government. 9/1/22
13. Have DOJ investigate Comcast, NBC and MSNBC for treason and remove them from the public airwaves. 9/24/23
the whole thing is a laundry list of half-baked ideas, blatant violations of our constitution, flagrant abuses of power, and authoritarian score-settling.
are you hearing about any of this from our corporate-controlled media? no, you are not.
Trump’s brain is rotting. he’s completely losing his grip on reality. at his hate-fests, he can barely construct a sentence. he loses his train of thought. he meanders. he stumbles over common words. and he confuses facts and events.
here’s Trump yesterday, giving a speech in South Carolina.
“we came down here. you know, the beauty was when I came here. everyone thought Bush was going to win. and then they took a poll and found out Trump was up by about 50 points. everyone said, ‘what's going on right here?’ they thought Bush, because Bush supposedly was a military person. great. you know what he was? he got us into the... he got us into the Middle East. how did that work out, right? but they all thought that Bush might win. Jeb, remember Jeb?”
yes, indeed. remember that great military leader Jeb Bush, who led us to war in the Middle East? apparently, Trump does.
Trump can’t get through a sentence without fucking up.
last week, Trump made the bizarre claim that voter ID was required to buy a loaf of bread.
in another recent speech, Trump claimed that his 2016 opponent was Barack Obama, and then warned that Biden was leading us into “world war two.”
are you hearing about any of this from our corporate-controlled media?
say it with me: no, you are not.
I hate to sound like a broken record (what’s a “record,” grandpa?), but where the fuck is the media?
holy shit, ladies and gentlemen of the press, you should be running around with your hair on fire. Donald Trump is promising to shut you down and throw you in prison, and the Republican Party is working overtime to remove any constitutional barriers that would prevent him from doing so.
we’re six years into this bullshit, and you’re still treating Donald Trump like a conventional politician, and Republicans as if they were good-faith partners in democracy.
wake the fuck up.
Thanks Jeff. The media loves this. Instead of having to pay for writers, actors, directors, and a production crew, they can just put a camera and a microphone in front of America’s sociopathic failed reality host circus clown and get ratings and advertising revenue pours in.
When I saw the movie “Idiocracy”, I had no idea it was a speculative documentary, did you?
Worse, they're not treating him like a conventional politician, they're treating him like someone deserving of praise and worship.
I keep waiting for this "liberal media" I keep hearing about to make themselves known and start ringing some bells here but either I've gone deaf or the media is leaning so far right they're practically on the ground.
Republicans are openly trying to destroy America while hugging their flags. And all this is just because their average voter wants to be racist in public.
What the actual blistering fuck?