do any of these delusional morons even know what the fuck their jobs are
they’re on a mission from god to [insert gibberish here].
oh my, Former Fuck’s day-drunk personal drug connection sure is PROUD of his new committee assignment:
and what in the living fuck is this antisemetic lunatic gibbering on about:
these disphits actually believe they’re on a mission from god to [insert gibberish here].
here’s the thing: 99% of being a US Representative is boring as fuck.
somewhere deep inside Ronny Jackson’s addled brain he imagines he’s a freedom fighter. in reality he’s going to be falling asleep during Agriculture Committee meetings where the topic of debate is whether to raise the corn subsidy by two or three cents a bushel in the next fiscal year.
Marjorie Three Toes has been in Congress for two years and I’ll bet serious money that to this day she has no idea how a bill becomes a law.
and it’s not just Day Drunk Ronny and the Space Laser Lady. the entire Republican House is just one self-important delusional bomb-throwing maniac after another.
I’d love to tell these rodeo clowns to do the jobs that their voters sent them to Washington to do, but the sad fact is that the voters sent these bomb-throwing maniacs to Washington to be bomb-throwing maniacs.
as Popeye used to say, I is disgustipated
I'se had all I can stands and I can't stands no more.
I is praying some of these idiots gets perp walked right out of Congress.